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Thread: So...Building a shop mag, need your help

  1. #1

    So...Building a shop mag, need your help

    I have decided I am going to take the time to build a shop mag to take to events over the summer (this will be a long build). Now here is wear it gets complicated, I am trying to show both something extremely wild, bright, and crazy while at the same time displaying a clean and sleek finish. I do not want to give away my finish choice yet til it is done, but it will be like nothing I have ever done before. My question to you guys, is this, what body/rail/frame combo will help me pull this off? I need some interesting milling so show off this finish.

    Who can help me out with some ideas?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Western Mass
    A Ripper or Phoenix body/rail combo. I like the Luke frame because it is to me the most comfortable frame to use. You can also get it wil engraved grip panels.

    As a side note I will be sending you my Ripper body/rail when it is done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sounds cool. Whats your budget? If you want a body/rail combo that has lots for cool curves and a great look then check out these bodies:

    If you make it an Emag then you'll have more surface area to show off some cool colors but still be clean looking. The Emag battery pack is like a blank slate and toss in some of Luke's Emag grips and you could do a mural on it.

    Excited to see what you come up with. I'm going to need some powder coating services down the road and you are my top pick.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lancecst View Post
    A Ripper or Phoenix body/rail combo. I like the Luke frame because it is to me the most comfortable frame to use. You can also get it wil engraved grip panels.

    As a side note I will be sending you my Ripper body/rail when it is done.
    Both of those were high on my list. The trick here is is to use something that can be seen with two completely different finishes. One side will be one finish, the other side something completely different. So I need something that can both be crazy, but be classy at the same time which I think is hard to do. I will need to look into that frame

    Quote Originally Posted by Sk8ermog View Post
    Sounds cool. Whats your budget? If you want a body/rail combo that has lots for cool curves and a great look then check out these bodies:

    If you make it an Emag then you'll have more surface area to show off some cool colors but still be clean looking. The Emag battery pack is like a blank slate and toss in some of Luke's Emag grips and you could do a mural on it.

    Excited to see what you come up with. I'm going to need some powder coating services down the road and you are my top pick.
    Budget wise I am trying to stay low, I would like to do as much trading as possible to build this. I think it would be great to have this marker built by a lot of different users. Like trade some finish work for a small part here, or another part there. I would love to do an emag but I cannot justify the price to build one since it will likely never see any play time, if it does it will be maybe one game a year as a fill in for some fun play.

    To both of you, I look forward to working with you both.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Marseille - France
    I think the phoenix combo would be a good choice.
    As it's RTP length you can even use an emag battery pack as foregrip !
    Luke's vert frame or M86, would be good looking frames with these.

    But I think it could be difficult to stay in a low price range with such parts.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by maverick13 View Post
    I think the phoenix combo would be a good choice.
    As it's RTP length you can even use an emag battery pack as foregrip !
    Luke's vert frame or M86, would be good looking frames with these.

    But I think it could be difficult to stay in a low price range with such parts.

    That is what worries me as well, I need something special to pull this off. I thought about a karta body too. That actually may be the perfect body to use.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Or you could get a Tac ULE body and use the natural lines on it to separate the finishes you are wanting to do. You could also get it milled down so that the sides are smooth with no mounting rails.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sk8ermog View Post
    Or you could get a Tac ULE body and use the natural lines on it to separate the finishes you are wanting to do. You could also get it milled down so that the sides are smooth with no mounting rails.

    Not sure that would really flow right for what I am thinking about doing :/ if I could find someone to trade me a karta body/rail for some custom work that would be a good place to state

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    waiting for winter
    you could browse thru the armory thread and look for ideas.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL
    Hasn't xmt been doing new runs of some of the sweet older designs. Hit him up? And maybe Luke. See what can be negotiated. You pay the cost of the AL only and trade the rest of the price. That would cut cost down a lot for a nice body.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Hasn't xmt been doing new runs of some of the sweet older designs. Hit him up? And maybe Luke. See what can be negotiated. You pay the cost of the AL only and trade the rest of the price. That would cut cost down a lot for a nice body.
    That is a pretty good idea. I will have to speak with them

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