Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
also, after all these years, bedlam finally got me:

sunday opening charge i was one of the first into bedlam. when making first contact with the horde, did was every half decent speedball player would do, run and gun for cover ... right over a curb. down i went. i was a gentleman though, i shot two guys and 2 pods before i was hit and got first aid ahhahaha

after i got it wrapped up and everything, i was more of less fine playing again. notice all the pics of me on sunday im wearing a left hand glove ....

I saw you with the medic, saw your hand wrapped, thought it was a broken finger, and was instantly bummed. Steered clear because usually people crowd in and say all the wrong things at such times. Really glad to hear it wasn't a break/tear/anything else to keep you out of the game.

But for the record, I'm sorry to hear you didn't seek medical attention first, rather than taking out two perfectly innocent Horde players. Why, they were probably just trying to find out if you were okay.