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Thread: LL7 After action report and commentary.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    LL7 After action report and commentary.

    Just getting back to reality and can still use a few more hours of sleep. I am not going to analyze the score or the tactics. Truthfully, I don't care. I didn't come out there to be a serious pro-scenario balla' and I learned a long time ago that if you take that crap too seriously you just end up pissed off.

    There are many pros and cons to this event. Overall I had a really good time. I got to see some friends that I don't get to see too often, meet a bunch of new ones, and shoot people in the face for 48 hours. WIN-WIN-WIN.

    Without a doubt the logistics of an event of this size must be near impossible.There are some things you can control and many things you cannot. However from what I saw I really believe that they have probably exceeded the amount of people that the facility can handle.

    -2 hour lines at registration. This has been an ongoing issue and should have been prevented.
    -Parking was a nightmare. There was very little direction in the parking lots. I was asked to move from a "fire lane" and where they send me I ended up being blocked in by another row of cars. That fire lane ended up with cars parked in it anyhow. DERP
    -The paint was very iffy. Not their fault, but WTF is up with marbs these days?

    Couldn't do anything about the rain or the mud.

    I see a lot of people are crying on Facebook about how bad they got beat. Truthfully, I don't care. I was there for the above reasons and could care less who won or who lost or about any of the politics. I have played too long to worry about that mess. Point me in the right direction and give me people to shoot at... and there were plenty.

    I also had plenty of ;

    -people to smoke and drink with

    The drive was long, the trip was kinda expensive but overall it was well worth it. Would I go again next year? Umm, probably NOT. Perhaps the year after if this event is still around. I think it is time for the organizers to decide if Living Legends is going to be a real scenario game or a big 'event' and adjust things accordingly.

    Big thanks to -

    Sean Scott
    Ninja Air
    Happy Hutton for his work in the museum.
    J4 for getting a working Torque in my hands to shoot
    Gateway paintball

    Super big thanks to -
    Kayle and Melissa Malcolm
    Flatliner and Missy for the awesome jerky and salsa and for being cool people from my future home state of Texas!
    Bunny and Sharon for all of the work and lugging 'the collection' from VA for the museum
    Bud Orr - who is cool as **** and still shoots people in the face on the field. Sorry about shooting you in the foot
    Styg, Wynn and the rest of the Lone wolf crew. I need to see you guys more than every 3 years.
    Beemer - for being Beemer and Mr Shoebox repair man
    Simon and Mrs. Stevens who it is always an adventure hanging out with.
    Nicad from Deadly Wind - Got some good stories from him to that im still cracking up about.

    Super dooper big thanks to Dayspring and Mrs Dayspring for letting us crash at their house....

    and Nobody for the new 'snoring' ringtone I recorded


    Hit send too soon... SPECIAL THANKS TO BTAUTOMAG for taking the ball and running with it. Great job man.
    Last edited by BigEvil; 05-21-2014 at 11:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    We came, we had fun, we got muddy, we mowed some faces, we hung out with PB royalty, we met face to face and made lasting friendship, we had some adult beverages (my wife more than me...go figure ?). We shared stories represented the AO community and had a damn good time. Then we cussed ourselves for having to drive 18 hrs to get home.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    I like shooting people in the face - anything that makes that easier or more enjoyable, I'm all for. Anything that takes away from my ability to do so is not. Really, the only things that detracted from this weekend were the mud and LONG lines for registration. I had no issues with paint - all guns that were used shot flawlessly.

    Love that I got to see many faces I haven't in quite a while, some as far back as TeXball.

    I've been re-bitten by the bug - can't wait til the next event!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Even with it's issues, this event was SOOOO much better than the Michigan Monster Game has been for many years. The Vendors were awesome, never been to an event with so many vendors before. The onsite concessions were great - $7.00 for an Italian beef sandwich and a beer - that's stellar and delicious.

    I shot Marbs in my GS all weekend, 2.5 cases and never got a break, it was a little squirrelly later in the day Saturday, but that was after I squatted in a puddle and shot people for 20 minutes - because who in their right mind would sit IN the water ( btw dye tubes... not waterproof )

    It was great meeting a lot of people I could put a name to a face, and meeting some of the E-celebs and vendors I have talked too, but never met in person.

    All in all, a good event - this was our alternative to the MMG this year and byt the sounds of the rest of the crew I brought out - we will be doing a travelling event each year form now on to see what else is out there

    They mentions D-Day but that's a hike, I was thinking of dragging them to Tunaball, or West Point to check those events out. Worst case, we will probably end up at LL8 as everyone had a good time.

    The intial rules said there would be a shuttle from the insertion points, I was disappointed to see the lack of transport with the distance we had to walk

    Sometimes It's Good to be EVIL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Grand Rapids, MI
    The big thing that annoyed me was they said that Registration opened at did not. It opened at 6:10-6:15ish. If you say your opening registration at 6, open at 6. The line was getting big by then and it led to alot of annoyed people waiting in the cold. (yes it was freezing Saturday morning). Also, There should have been a better system to check hydro dates on tanks. I can't believe at first they expected everyone to take off their covers and show the people at the chrono station the dates on the tank every single time you needed air.

    Quote Originally Posted by StygShore View Post
    Even with it's issues, this event was SOOOO much better than the Michigan Monster Game has been for many years.
    heck yea it was. It was ran incredibly better and the Paint was wwaaayyyy better then anything Hell Survivors uses hands down. I've attended every single Monster Game since 2002. There have been a few fun years sprinkled in throughout but mostly Monster Game has been dull and just plain not fun. Once they got rid of the helicopters it was just to much. People whining and crying because they got shot. Hell Survivors Changes the rules and play of the game every year to cater to this cry baby minority...i'm afraid pretty soon all your going to be able to use at Monster Game is foam swords...Even then i'm pretty sure someone at Hell Survivors would complain about that too.
    Last edited by steve_81; 07-21-2014 at 07:38 PM.

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