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Thread: Paintball Rumor Mill

  1. #1
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    Paintball Rumor Mill

    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Small bore barrels are very overrated right now. The paint all across the board is horrendous.
    So if the rumor mill turns out to be true, and the one large paint manufacturer (GI) buys the other large paint manufacturer (KEE), will the paint quality get better or worse ?

    Can the paint even get any worse ?

    Field paint like Marballizer used to be the best, now its no better than $30 dollar a box Midnight from Sports Authority.

  2. #2
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    there is always Nelson.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    At some point, the market will dictate improvement. Locally we are seeing it now, with fields switching to different suppliers and brands because of quality issues.

  5. #5
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    At osg the marbs from canada "rectangular box" where complete crap while the marbs from Korea/Taiwan "square box" were at least usable. I am liking the valken graffiti and redemption and hear good things about gi sports paint line but issue is that for the bigger or busy field valken/GI cant guarantee the volume of paint the fields need. Also the are other financial benefits for going with kee such as discounts on rental equipment, and event sponsorship "give away items"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by vintage View Post
    there is always Nelson.
    Thats a north eastern paint that I've not seen in the deep south.

    GI, Kee, and Valken are all I've seen, and the quality is about even across the board, sub par to barely tolerable.....

  7. #7
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    OK, so back in "the day" (late 90's) you could get good paint but it was always about $75/case. The decent stuff was still $60/case. $30-$40 for a case of paint we see all over nowdays is pretty good pricing. But apparently there's a tradeoff. I remember $30-$40 paint from back in the day being pretty terrible too. About 1/3 of the shots were curveballs. Sometime they even jammed up revvys. Seems like not much has changed since then.

    knowing what you know now about current paint, would you be willing to pay $75/case for 1990's marbalizers today?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    lets go way back, the only choice at the field i played at in the early 90's was ZAP, it was $70.00 case(i think) of 2500 and breaking in the gun was almost unheard of but you got lots of bounces but accuracy as i remember it was good. the local field has now switched over to Valken and i picked up a half case yesterday to tinker with and i'm going to have to clean it as i noticed some color at the bottom of the bag when i got home. it seems to me nowdays that they can't get the paint to do more than one thing at a time, not break in marker, break on target, or shoot straight. it all hoovers.

  9. #9
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    If they all break with a drop of 4' I'd pay 55-60.

    They are charging 65 for todays marbles....

  10. #10
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    Field paint usually sucks, that's the main reason I prefer to play at BYOP fields. Luckily the field closest to me is BYOP and OSG in NH does an monthly BYOP which is close enough that I will drive up for.

    My prefered paint has been Valken Redemption for the past few years. Usually it is between $50-60 depending on where I get it and it has been consistantly good. Playing mostly pump I want good consistant paint that will break on target.
    The user formally known as Lancecst.

  11. #11
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    import fees

  12. #12
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    The bad thing about any of the Valken paint, is that they don't stay for very long. If I use any at the field, a week later they are garbage. I don't even bring left overs home anymore.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    The bad thing about any of the Valken paint, is that they don't stay for very long. If I use any at the field, a week later they are garbage. I don't even bring left overs home anymore.
    I disagree. I keep mine in my basement in vip lock bags with a dehumidifier running and mine stay fresh. It's all in the packaging.

  14. #14
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    Used redemption that was 6 months old at justices field. It shot as good then as when it was bought. My paint gets rotated and shook up weekly though.

  15. #15
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    If you store the paint so that it isn't compressed and is at proper cool temperatures, it will actually improve over time. The shell will tighten up and the tension will cause a more spherical round shape. It will become more brittle as well, but not unshootable type of brittle. Some of the best paint I ever shot was over 4 years old.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by athomas View Post
    If you store the paint so that it isn't compressed and is at proper cool temperatures, it will actually improve over time. The shell will tighten up and the tension will cause a more spherical round shape. It will become more brittle as well, but not unshootable type of brittle. Some of the best paint I ever shot was over 4 years old.
    does this make a niche market for fine, aged paint? XO, VS and VSOP vintages?

  17. #17
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    I miss Proball!
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by zulubravo44 View Post
    does this make a niche market for fine, aged paint? XO, VS and VSOP vintages?
    Stay Classy, AO...
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    I miss Proball!
    I used to get plastic containers of that at Sports authority.
    That stuff was da bomb.

  20. #20
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    You mean ProBounce?

  21. #21
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    I miss proball. Nothing stood its way; trees, targets, they all felt the sting.

  22. #22
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    I love Proball. I still have a 10 rnd tube of it somewhere that has to be 20 years old and I think it will still shoot.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Used redemption that was 6 months old at justices field. It shot as good then as when it was bought. My paint gets rotated and shook up weekly though.
    Quote Originally Posted by athomas View Post
    If you store the paint so that it isn't compressed and is at proper cool temperatures, it will actually improve over time. The shell will tighten up and the tension will cause a more spherical round shape. It will become more brittle as well, but not unshootable type of brittle. Some of the best paint I ever shot was over 4 years old.
    I agree with this. The best paint I ever shot was in November 2013, being the Valken Redemption that I bought at OK D-Day in 2012. I stored it in its own box and vacuum sealed packaging inside a closet in my house. Maybe flipped the box every couple months.

    Valken also sent me large amounts of various grades of paint to test for my field. I expected about 15 to 20 paintballs of each grade like I had gotten from Nelson, but instead they sent me about 1000 rounds each of several grades. So I doled it out before a small private game and talked with everyone before and after to get opinions. We settled with Valken Fate as the "low-grade" paint and Valken Redemption as the "high-grade" that we keep available. The Fate actually shot better for the Tippmann and blow-back users, but the guys who were running Mags (myself included) preferred the extra brittleness of the Redemption. Notably, the Redemption Gold, or Pro, or whatever it's called, wasn't any better than the standard Redemption in our opinion.

  24. #24
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    I had half of a box of Redemption that I left in the back seat of my car for over 6 months. Shot amazing, just as good as when I bought it new. I also tend to keep whatever is left over in my paintball caddy from a day in the caddy with the silica gel packets. I haven't had any issues with that paint either. The only problem comes when I get a silica packet into my loader, but that is my stupidity.

  25. #25
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    GI + Kee = KeeGIGI?

    The best stuff I ever used was RPS Gator Black. Camp Pendleton didn't sell anything but Diablo at the time, at the time when it wouldn't leave the barrel in less than 10 pieces, so we went to get better stuff. This was the one time I truly appreciated BYOP.

  26. #26
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    I disagree about the comment on Valken paint as well. I have found it to age quite well. If you store it well it lasts as long as anything out there. Unless you have a system of paint storage like I do, keeping the Valken paint in the bag is your best bet. Rotate it and it will do well. My paint storage method is a bit...well, OCD and I can only store about 700-800 rounds at the moment with this technique.

    I have a plastic ammo box that holds five medium sized plastic food containers. Inside these food containers, I keep about 15 or 16 ten round tubes. Inside each ten round tube, I keep nine paintballs stored to avoid compression. When I store the food containers with tubes inside the plastic ammo box, I place them such that the paint is kept in a horizontal position within the tubes to avoid compression from the weight of the paint. I also have a rechargeable silica dessicant pack I keep in the ammo box.

  27. #27
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    I just leave it in the paintball caddy or sealed in the bag.

    Shake the caddy and flip the box once a week.

  28. #28
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    Umm, i shoot my paint. There are no worth while byop fields. Shoot it and no need to worry about it. I do always have some left over, so its fi.e for testing guns. I don't see why there is a need. Its not like you win by having the oldest paint out there.

  29. #29
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    I return full cases to sports authority.

    Paintball caddy leftovers usually get used in the back yard with hand held chrono before going to play.

    All the good fields around allow BYOP ....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Umm, i shoot my paint. There are no worth while byop fields. Shoot it and no need to worry about it. I do always have some left over, so its fi.e for testing guns. I don't see why there is a need. Its not like you win by having the oldest paint out there.
    Generally whatever leftover I have was either bought for an upcoming byop game. Or just 5-600 rounds left from a day of play. Right now I prob have 300 rounds left from justices spring game.

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