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Thread: do any of you guys do hellsurvivors big games?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    detroit, Michigan

    do any of you guys do hellsurvivors big games?

    Looking to try and get some of the army to hit a big game at hell survivors in Michigan this upcoming year. Its a great field for those who dont know of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Inception Designs HQ
    I used to travel for the Tippmann Challenge. Attended challenges 2 through 5 or 6(been so long), but then we, my team and i, drifted away from Tippmann and stipped going there. So in reality, i haven't been there in close to a decade. Damn, i am getting old.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    detroit, Michigan
    They have added on there fields sense then. Im open to whatever event just wanted to see if any AOers r interested

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    It's on my list to go to one.
    Stay Classy, AO...
    BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    Two buddies and I turned out for the Global Conquest game this year.

    Overall, it was fun. There are a few major flaws with this specific event, though. I'll boil down my complaints:

    Too many teams
    While it sounds fund to have seven different teams vying for bases and gold bars, it's very chaotic. Each team has an assigned jersey color; it is "within the rules" (as told to us by the field manager after a particularly obnoxious incident) that people can wear any past jersey they want. People use this tolerance to pose as "spies," walk into a base of an allied team, and do a bunch of barrel tagging or VERY close range back [of the head] overshooting (read: obnoxious incident).

    Imbalanced teams
    There is no effort undertaken by the field to balance the teams. While some would argue that this represents a better "global" simulation, with some teams being better equipped/manned than others, I found it to be a bit annoying. Base takeovers basically amount to a war of attrition, and the larger teams ALWAYS capture bases that they target. While it would be a pain to actually try to balance the teams, they could do certain small changes to make it a bit more balanced such as:
    • Change the respawn from 10 people minimum per team to a small number for smaller teams (a 10 person respawn amounted to 25% of China's total manpower compared to something like 3% of the UK and US's manpower this last year, particularly on Sunday).
    • Give smaller teams permanent "powerups" like allowing them to respawn to where their team is by "parachute."

    Overall, I don't think I'll do another Global Conquest. However, I would be very keen to try Tippman Challenge or Monster Game, both of which only have two teams which are relatively much more balanced. The fields at Hell Survivors are awesome, and it's especially fun when you can roam the whole complex. If anyone is interested in going there on any old day, let me know. I live within "short notice to play" range.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    detroit, Michigan
    Yea, i agree with u on conquest, monstergame is probably my favorite. Id be down to meet you out there sometime.I live on the east side of detroit so its not too far a drive for im actually trying to get out there the next decent weekend if we have one

  7. #7
    Drew_72 Guest
    I went to their Day of the Rangers and Monster Game events in 2013. Both were a great time. I was at this year's Tippmann Challenge as well... Teams weren't balanced at all. Not sure what it was with the tippmann side, but It seemed like they were consistently getting pushed around and backed into their re-spawn area both days. It would have been nice if whoever was running the show stepped in and did something about it. That said, still paintball - still fun. I also heard a lot of people complaining about the paint, but I didn't have any issues. Hoping to make it out to Monster Game next year

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    detroit, Michigan
    Sounds like im going to try and get a squad of us to run together at monster game. M going to try to keep this thread somewhat alive in hopes we can do such a thing how does that sound?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    Sounds like a plan. I can't be 100% sure I'll be around. If I am, it would be good to have some fellow AOers to mingle with.

    In semi- (actually not at all) related lines of thought, HSI has really been struggling to keep to their planned pump and mag fed days. The first Sunday of every month is supposed to be one of these days. However, they usually either have not enough open class or not enough pump/mag fed and end up merging the two. Then the guys playing stock class get pissy when the guy with the Axe shoots 800 paintballs in a single game (rightfully so, I'd say).

    Any of you have a pump mag you'd like to show up with one of those days? I'll bring my two, in case anyone needs a spare.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    detroit, Michigan
    Do they alow sc semi autos? Thats my newest project; dont have any pumps currently

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    I think you could probably convince them that such a thing would count as mag fed, regardless of whether you had a spring feed or a true SC gravity feed. I played with a Sydarm one game, and no one complained about that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    See, I think the multiple teams sounds like a blast. There used to be another field that did something similar and it was really fun. They would break the day into two parts. The first part of the day, Teams A and B were "allied" as were teams C and D. The second half of the day that changed so that A and C were allies as were B and D. And when I say "allies" that was pretty lose in most cases. There was lots of double dealing and such that led to mass amounts of hilarity. Heck, If knew that's how it was run I would have made more of an effort to go while I was there.

  13. #13
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    SE Michigan
    Not sure I'll be around for the other two, but a friend and I signed up for the Tippman World Challenge last night (Tippman Guns vs. everything else). It's the last weekend of September, and if you are among the first 250 to sign up you get a free case of paint.

    It'd be awesome to have a little mag squad going.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by zulubravo44 View Post
    Not sure I'll be around for the other two, but a friend and I signed up for the Tippman World Challenge last night (Tippman Guns vs. everything else). It's the last weekend of September, and if you are among the first 250 to sign up you get a free case of paint.

    It'd be awesome to have a little mag squad going.
    I might be able to make this game. I have a friend that may be interested too. He's a cocker guy but can borrow one of my mags.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    detroit, Michigan
    He doesnt have to shoot a mag, i just like the guys in the mag community. There usually cool guys. So tippmann vs world it is. Zulu we should still meet up when the fields open though. When it gets a little closer i will make a thread just for world challenge.

  16. 01-20-2015, 04:46 PM

  17. #16
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    There's a crowd of "survivors" from last year's China team that are planning to re-enlist for Global. If I'm in town, I'm going to join them. There were times when it was super frustrating to be such a small team, but it did build a sort of camaraderie and enthusiasm for being part of the smallest team by a long shot. Anyone interested in joining the underdog's struggle?

  18. #17
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    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by zulubravo44 View Post
    There's a crowd of "survivors" from last year's China team that are planning to re-enlist for Global. If I'm in town, I'm going to join them. There were times when it was super frustrating to be such a small team, but it did build a sort of camaraderie and enthusiasm for being part of the smallest team by a long shot. Anyone interested in joining the underdog's struggle?
    yeah you had like what ?15 players on China. I thought we had it bad when we jumped ship from England to lead Canada until we saw how small your team was.
    This year for Global Conquest the BEZERKERS are leading team Canada again. We have recruited the Northern Gunmen, Grassy Knoll Gunmen, some other WI teams, Ohana PB and Empire Army. Cant wait !!

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wimag View Post
    yeah you had like what ?15 players on China. I thought we had it bad when we jumped ship from England to lead Canada until we saw how small your team was.
    This year for Global Conquest the BEZERKERS are leading team Canada again. We have recruited the Northern Gunmen, Grassy Knoll Gunmen, some other WI teams, Ohana PB and Empire Army. Cant wait !!
    I somehow got put in charge of China, and we had 42 and 35 on Sat/Sun, respectively. At least at the start of each day. I think by the end we might have actually been down to 15.

    And despite our small size, we still got 4th out of 7. Nothing to really brag about, but odds were that we should have gotten last place.
    Last edited by zulubravo44; 02-05-2015 at 01:35 PM.

  20. #19
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    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by zulubravo44 View Post
    I somehow got put in charge of China, and we had 42 and 35 on Sat/Sun, respectively. At least at the start of each day. I think by the end we might have actually been down to 15.

    And despite our small size, we still got 4th out of 7. Nothing to really brag about, but odds were that we should have gotten last place.
    it was our first time playing Global. The 4 years prior to that we always played TWC but that turned into a turkey shoot the last couple years so we decided to mix it up and hit a different event. We had a blast !! You never knew who was an alliance, and just turning and shooting teams cold blooded that you just helped made for an interesting game. Look us up if you go this year.

  21. 03-20-2015, 09:24 AM

  22. #20
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    Did anyone end up going this year? I heard it was all right.

    On a related note, is anyone registered for the Tippman World Challenge? I'm going, and I may have an extra registration (with a free case of paint, I think) that I could pass on to an AOer for my cost in it. You would of course be obliged to leave your Tippman guns at home...

  23. #21
    Cyco-Dude Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by zulubravo44 View Post
    Did anyone end up going this year? I heard it was all right.

    On a related note, is anyone registered for the Tippman World Challenge? I'm going, and I may have an extra registration (with a free case of paint, I think) that I could pass on to an AOer for my cost in it. You would of course be obliged to leave your Tippman guns at home...
    yeah, i went to global with some friends (outback paintball). we played for team canada and...

    team canada had a lot of good teams playing for them, they had a good strategy and dominated the entire weekend. outback paintball was given the mvp award too. it's the small one there, not the huge trophy lol.

    i was mostly just cannon fodder...guess which one is me, lol!
    Last edited by Cyco-Dude; 07-16-2015 at 01:17 AM.

  24. #22
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    That's awesome. Thanks for posting the pictures too, and way to go with the MVP award. My friends on team China said it was a little more organized than last year.

    Any chance you're coming back in Sept for TWC? :P I'd love to not be the only mag shooter there!

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