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Thread: Democrats Threaten To Pack Supreme Court

  1. #1
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    Democrats Threaten To Pack Supreme Court

    So...the Democrats have been talking for a while now about expanding the number of Justices on the Supreme Court so they can choose and pack it with liberal judges that will rule as the Democrats want.

    Well...if the Supreme Court needs more Judges...perhaps the Republicans need to go ahead and expand the number of judges and fill it now.

  2. #2
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    That is one tactic the Democrats could use.

    But remember, there is no set number of Chief Justices for the Supreme court. Throughout the history, there have been as few as 6 and as many as 11. 9 is just a number that was settled on but not set in stone.

    Furthermore, this would not be an issue if back in 2016, that the senate Republicans hadn't closed ranks only to deny a valid candidate 9 months before the election, while now is 6 weeks before another election. With all the various seantors stating precident for allowing the people to choose the President & Justice, it would only be fair for the same to be applied now. But since Trump & the Republicans feel that they must grasp at every straw of power, do not expect things to go smoothly just because one side is challenging the impropriety of words/promises said, and the apparent fast track of the nomination.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    That is one tactic the Democrats could use.

    But remember, there is no set number of Chief Justices for the Supreme court. Throughout the history, there have been as few as 6 and as many as 11. 9 is just a number that was settled on but not set in stone.

    Furthermore, this would not be an issue if back in 2016, that the senate Republicans hadn't closed ranks only to deny a valid candidate 9 months before the election, while now is 6 weeks before another election. With all the various seantors stating precident for allowing the people to choose the President & Justice, it would only be fair for the same to be applied now. But since Trump & the Republicans feel that they must grasp at every straw of power, do not expect things to go smoothly just because one side is challenging the impropriety of words/promises said, and the apparent fast track of the nomination.
    Actually...every time the Senate and President were of the same party and a Supreme Court Judge needed to be replaced within the last year of that President they have gotten replaced...this is true for BOTH parties. This is nothing new nor is it just a Republican thing. is not unusual when the Senate and President are of different parties for the Supreme Court Judge to be delayed or denied...again true of both parties. You act as if only the Republicans have done this. Wrong.

    This Democrat packing of the Supreme Court isn't a recent threat...I have been hearing rumblings of this for a few years.

    I have mentioned it need to get your head out of the sand and look around at the world and not just listen to what the media feeds you.
    Last edited by wetwrks; 09-22-2020 at 09:45 PM.

  4. #4
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    The SCOTUS doesnt need more judges.

    They just need judges that will judge by the rule of law and stop legislating from the bench IE Roe vs Wade.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    The SCOTUS doesnt need more judges.

    They just need judges that will judge by the rule of law and stop legislating from the bench IE Roe vs Wade.
    Rule of law...they need to quit holding to revisionist history...and hold to the constitution and our constitutional rights.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    Rule of law...they need to quit holding to revisionist history...and hold to the constitution and our constitutional rights.
    Laws are made to be changed, to reflect the times we live in. It is not revisionist, to look back, change what is injust and to make sure that the problems or injust laws are removed. The original draft held no rights to slaves. Is that something that shouldn't have been abolished? Making sure that women can not have laws made to exclude them from owning property, or even to be considered property is wrong?

    No, it is revisionist history because you see it from a bias. Laws are a living breathing concept that all citizens should follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    The SCOTUS doesnt need more judges.

    They just need judges that will judge by the rule of law and stop legislating from the bench IE Roe vs Wade.
    You(and I) do not make that decision. We can petition our representatives, but the decision is up to the senators...

    You do realize, that that law extends to your rights as well? Not the exact ruling, but as an extension of your and every citizens rights to personal protections of how to live their life with the choices they make. You wish to live your life the way you or how you wish to. That is fine, that is your right. Likewise it is a right to allow a women to live her life, and if that is to get a medical procedure, then so be it. That is her life & your views, your opinions and your wants should not interfer nor matter. Likewise that women criticising your choices on how to live.

    The rights cut both ways. You can not hoist your views & not be held accountable yourself. Morality is another matter but does not play into the law.

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    Those of you that don't want the government to make the decisions for you, to interfer in your life, to track you, to have a say in your life. That is a part of R v W. That law establishes in no other way that you have a choice on your body & how you wish to live. Though there is freedom of speech, the rights to petition the government (funnily enough, many of you forget that a protest is just that, in the 1st amendment), no other law has a basis of personal choice. Remove that, then the rights you feel could be take now are severely weakened and subsequently by unfair, despotic & corrupt people whittling away any and all rights you might have till you have no rights.

    So everyone should support that law as it extends not directly to you but in the laws that you hold dearly.

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    You do understand that the supreme Court does not make laws, they just interpret the laws that are already made.

    That's what they are supposed to do but they have been making their own laws which needs to stop.

    The legislature is the branch of the government that is supposed to make the laws not the supreme Court.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    Actually...every time the Senate and President were of the same party and a Supreme Court Judge needed to be replaced within the last year of that President they have gotten replaced...this is true for BOTH parties. This is nothing new nor is it just a Republican thing. is not unusual when the Senate and President are of different parties for the Supreme Court Judge to be delayed or denied...again true of both parties. You act as if only the Republicans have done this. Wrong.

    This Democrat packing of the Supreme Court isn't a recent threat...I have been hearing rumblings of this for a few years.

    I have mentioned it need to get your head out of the sand and look around at the world and not just listen to what the media feeds you.
    This is a moving goal post. R's said in 2016 many times that they're setting new precedent. They never once said they were denying the vote because Obama was a Dem. Graham literally says "use my words against me."

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    You do understand that the supreme Court does not make laws, they just interpret the laws that are already made.

    That's what they are supposed to do but they have been making their own laws which needs to stop.

    The legislature is the branch of the government that is supposed to make the laws not the supreme Court.
    So they do make laws or are you confused?

    Legislation proposes the redaction of the law. The Supremem court votes how the Republicans want, the law is removed.

    The supreme court is there to make sure that the laws are just & legal; checks & balances. But if the court is stacked were favors are being used, then any law that would benefit one side would be pushed through without opposition, regardless of justification or legality.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So they do make laws or are you confused? They have been, its not their job to do so, sorry it confuses you.

    Legislation proposes the redaction of the law. The Supremem court votes how the Republicans want, the law is removed. You are very confused, the legislature writes the laws, the SCOTUS is only to interpret the laws written.
    The supreme court is there to make sure that the laws are just & legal; checks & balances. FALSE, they are only to interpret the laws thats it, nothing more.But if the court is stacked were favors are being used, then any law that would benefit one side would be pushed through without opposition, regardless of justification or legality.
    Dont worry Doug, if the thugs on the left dont get their way they will just kill another conservative SC justice like they did Scalia (yea they didnt allow an autopsy), or dig up dirt and threaten them like they did to John Roberts to get him to vote their way on obummercare (his foreign born adopted kids were not adopted properly by US law) .

  12. #12
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    Justice Ginsburg has been praised for a lifetime of "fighting for what she believed in."

    Unfortunately, she possessed the one job that requires the holder to dispossess themselves of personal biases and policy ambitions.

    Senator Ted Cruz has repeatedly removed himself from consideration for the Supreme Court because he wants to be in the fight and understands that fight can only happen properly in the political arena. She should have done the same one way or the other.

    Copied and edited from the Robertsons Family FB page.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Dont worry Doug, if the thugs on the left dont get their way they will just kill another conservative SC justice like they did Scalia (yea they didnt allow an autopsy), or dig up dirt and threaten them like they did to John Roberts to get him to vote their way on obummercare (his foreign born adopted kids were not adopted properly by US law) .

    Lol. Sure. Didn't allow an autopsy. His family didn't request one because his health was terrible and his death wasn't really a surprise. A doctor had recently postponed some surgery because he was afraid Scalia wasn't strong enough to survive. Then Scalia went to bed after an exhausting, busy day and never woke up the next morning. No foul play. Not even the slightest suspicion from anyone close to him that it was anything but natural causes. That's why it wasn't treated like a criminal investigation.

    If you're desperate to find conspiracies committed by extremists, you should look elsewhere. Like, the white house. Did you know that the current administration had a complete covid response plan ready to go, but then that fascist Stephen Miller realized that the hardest hit areas were also the areas that were dominated by democratic voters? So they backed off. Trump has allowed hundreds of thousands of people die (sorry, I meant to say democrats, not people) just because it helps his reelection chances.

    Killing a judge really doesn't look so bad in comparison.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    Lol. Sure. Didn't allow an autopsy. His family didn't request one because his health was terrible and his death wasn't really a surprise. A doctor had recently postponed some surgery because he was afraid Scalia wasn't strong enough to survive. Then Scalia went to bed after an exhausting, busy day and never woke up the next morning. No foul play. Not even the slightest suspicion from anyone close to him that it was anything but natural causes. That's why it wasn't treated like a criminal investigation.

    If you're desperate to find conspiracies committed by extremists, you should look elsewhere. Like, the white house. Did you know that the current administration had a complete covid response plan ready to go, but then that fascist Stephen Miller realized that the hardest hit areas were also the areas that were dominated by democratic voters? So they backed off. Trump has allowed hundreds of thousands of people die (sorry, I meant to say democrats, not people) just because it helps his reelection chances.

    Killing a judge really doesn't look so bad in comparison.
    What a bunch of crap you spew. Donald Trump has done everything any state has asked him to do...except give them money to bail out their failed pension systems He sent help they all swear they needed but didnt. It's not his fault the Chinese let this virus out. Place the blame where it belongs...on the Chinese. Vote red or the socialists take over. All Americans should vote against socialism.
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    What a bunch of crap you spew. Donald Trump has done everything any state has asked him to do...except give them money to bail out their failed pension systems He sent help they all swear they needed but didnt. It's not his fault the Chinese let this virus out. Place the blame where it belongs...on the Chinese. Vote red or the socialists take over. All Americans should vote against socialism.
    Wow tuna, at least stay on topic of the Supreme Court.

    The Chinese don't have anything to do with RBG, nor the Supreme Court. Looking for someone to blame & then do nothing about it, does not help any one of the more than 200,000 and counting deaths. Even if China took the blame, what does assigning blame do? Seriously, you and the Trump party want to make this into a nation versus nation thing while the deaths keep piling up. The president's job is to PROTECT the people. Republicans & democrats; white, black, yellow, red or rainbow. If they are a citizen, then they should have been given the right information, the correct prevention to help insure more lives would be saved than panicing the stock market because donnie boy was more worried about his portfolio than his constituents, constituents that would or could have reelected him. Now he will loose, cry foul & then face criminal, civil & federal charges(one can only hope).

    One thing assured is, trump will be the most famous 1 term president, only from his total ineptitude, grand incompetence & criminal behavior. Nixon can finally say, from hell, "see, i wasn't even that bad".

    And i guess you don't want your Social security checks or medicare either, since those are socialist practices. No red american would want to be party to getting those kinds of government run programs, lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    What a bunch of crap you spew. Donald Trump has done everything any state has asked him to do...except give them money to bail out their failed pension systems He sent help they all swear they needed but didnt. It's not his fault the Chinese let this virus out. Place the blame where it belongs...on the Chinese. Vote red or the socialists take over. All Americans should vote against socialism.
    You do realize that when something really terrible happens, two parties can be at fault. Right? I never said the Chinese were blameless in this. I'm just saying that Trump also did just about everything wrong. If he had actually done some real leading back in March and told everyone to wear masks, this would be over and many, many people would still be alive.

    Seriously. The CDC and the WHO have repeatedly said that just one month of mandatory masks would practically eliminate the virus. We wouldn't even need to shut down businesses. We could have done the one-month thing in March and been back to normal in April, just like New Zealand. But Trump refuses to do it. And why? I personally can't believe it's because he's too stupid to understand the science. I'm far more inclined to believe that he thinks all the deaths benefit him somehow. That's why this is still happening.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    And i guess you [Tunaman] don't want your Social security checks or medicare either, since those are socialist practices. No red american would want to be party to getting those kinds of government run programs, lol
    I know, right? I suppose all the righties must be super excited about Trump cutting the payroll tax a few months ago. If he gets reelected, he's going to make that change permanent, which means no more social security. Yay! Less socialism! Finally.

    Although....Trump is probably still gonna keep giving money to the oil companies. Can't afford to lose them, I guess. And the farmers and banks. Oh, and Walmart. Can't forget about Walmart. I mean, sure, each super center costs taxpayers about $1.5 million dollars every single year to keep it open, and that money could be spent instead on schools or roads or a hundred other things those community needs. But nothing is more American than big business and cheap toilet paper! So we should probably keep Walmart.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    You do realize that when something really terrible happens, two parties can be at fault. Right? I never said the Chinese were blameless in this. I'm just saying that Trump also did just about everything wrong. If he had actually done some real leading back in March and told everyone to wear masks, this would be over and many, many people would still be alive.

    Seriously. The CDC and the WHO have repeatedly said that just one month of mandatory masks would practically eliminate the virus. We wouldn't even need to shut down businesses. We could have done the one-month thing in March and been back to normal in April, just like New Zealand. But Trump refuses to do it. And why? I personally can't believe it's because he's too stupid to understand the science. I'm far more inclined to believe that he thinks all the deaths benefit him somehow. That's why this is still happening.

    I know, right? I suppose all the righties must be super excited about Trump cutting the payroll tax a few months ago. If he gets reelected, he's going to make that change permanent, which means no more social security. Yay! Less socialism! Finally.

    Although....Trump is probably still gonna keep giving money to the oil companies. Can't afford to lose them, I guess. And the farmers and banks. Oh, and Walmart. Can't forget about Walmart. I mean, sure, each super center costs taxpayers about $1.5 million dollars every single year to keep it open, and that money could be spent instead on schools or roads or a hundred other things those community needs. But nothing is more American than big business and cheap toilet paper! So we should probably keep Walmart.
    You really should quit watching MSDNC and CNN. It does you no good. Your arguments are wrong.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    I'm just saying that Trump also did just about everything wrong. If he had actually done some real leading back in March and told everyone to wear masks, this would be over and many, many people would still be alive.
    Masks do NOTHING to prevent the spread of the virus.

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Masks do NOTHING to prevent the spread of the virus.

    Name:  Mask Pacifier.PNG
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    So are you finally believing that there is a virus? Well that is a start.

    Again, someone comes in & comes off topic, slewing false & rhetorical statements. Just because.

    Well, not wearing a mask does spread the virus. Some idiot on YT does nothing but spread lies & misinformation. Put a mask on & then we can move forward in this pandemic. It is not wearing a mask that is helping cause the numbers to not go down, ruining everyone's lives with shutdowns, limited capacity in the few restaurants that are open and all. You are not a voice for the moral right, you are Typhoid Mary causing this to go on longer. Listen to a doctor who has studied this, not a quack who wants to be paid attention.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    You really should quit watching MSDNC and CNN. It does you no good. Your arguments are wrong.
    It is wrong because it doesn't fit with the false statements that you have been feeding upon. Near every other news agency has been in line with the truth, but fox news comes out with a different narrative. You believe that Trump does nothing wrong then you can't see the woods through the trees.

    And just because you say they are wrong, you give no examples of why, and you are coming off as ignorant to the possibility of the truth.

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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
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    If you are concerned about the Covid deaths then you need to ask why the Democrats have opposed Trump...claimed he was blowing the pandemic out of proportion...and sent infected into conditions that would infect others

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    If you are concerned about the Covid deaths then you need to ask why the Democrats have opposed Trump...claimed he was blowing the pandemic out of proportion...and sent infected into conditions that would infect others
    Thats what they do, say things on camera and months later deny they ever said it.

    We have years of hidin Biden saying incredibly stupid things on camera yet they will still vote for him.

    Its criminal they allowed him to run, a man with early onset Alzheimers, its elder abuse.

    Who do they think will be running the country if he wins ?

    It wont be the zombie in the basement thats for sure.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    If you are concerned about the Covid deaths then you need to ask why the Democrats have opposed Trump...claimed he was blowing the pandemic out of proportion...and sent infected into conditions that would infect others
    Um, when have the Dems ever claimed that Trump was blowing the pandemic out of proportion? Please, find me that story. I'll wait.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    If you are concerned about the Covid deaths then you need to ask why the Democrats have opposed Trump...claimed he was blowing the pandemic out of proportion...and sent infected into conditions that would infect others
    Where is this opposition? If anything, the dems have been wondering why the doctors are saying one thing but trump saying/doing another. Also, not only ignoring, giving contradictory and trying to undermine Fauci and the CDCs guidelines trying to stem this pandemic; voing against any and all recommendations of not holding indoor events, not wearing masks & trying to not increase the spread of the virus any more.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Thats what they do, say things on camera and months later deny they ever said it.
    Where, when? No, that is Trump and most of the Republican party. Everything about covid, about the supreme court, trump's health plan, etc and so forth.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    We have years of hidin Biden saying incredibly stupid things on camera yet they will still vote for him.
    Though Biden is prone to gaffs, the message is there. Public speaking is not his strong suit but as president, he will put the right people in the right place, unlike trump who seems to reward his donors who then get arrested/jailed over fraud charges.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Its criminal they allowed him to run, a man with early onset Alzheimers, its elder abuse.
    And trump is any better?

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Who do they think will be running the country if he wins ?
    Biden & Harris. Harris would be the 2nd woman running the country after Edith Wilson(wife of Woodrow Wilson)

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    It wont be the zombie in the basement thats for sure.
    No clue. Maybe if you are seeing zombies, you should have worn a mask

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Masks do NOTHING to prevent the spread of the virus.
    Anyone still sharing this nonsense should be arrested. Seriously. You're endangering the common good. The house is on fire and you're telling everyone inside that they're safe staying home.

    As for "doctor" Ted, he should have his medical license revoked for spreading this kind of bologna. He's also not an expert on diseases. He's an anesthesiologist. Big difference. So, I wouldn't take his word for any of this, especially when the CDC is saying otherwise.

    First of all, his "experiment" is deeply flawed. Ted compares a bunch of masks to each other, but he never shows you what happens when no mask is worn. That's the important difference. He also focuses on breathing out and completely ignores how masks affect breathing in, which is another important difference. (Wearing a mask is more about protecting yourself from others than protecting others from you.)

    He also doesn't show you an N95 mask, which is a HUGE oversight. (I'm willing to bet that he did have an N95 mask, but once he tried it out and realized what a huge difference it made, he wasn't willing to change his hypothesis. So, he ignored the evidence that didn't support his assumption...which is the exact opposite of what good doctors do.)

    Furthermore, there's a big difference between visible smoke and the invisible droplets and aerosol that spread the virus. You cannot see droplets and aerosol, so a visual "test" that's shared on YouTube proves literally nothing. He needs to do the same test in a lab with scientific equipment and special cameras that can accurately measure the true rate of transmission and all the other----

    Oh wait! Someone already did that. Phew.

    Here's the real truth of the matter. While it's technically correct to say that masks do not stop 100% of covid (or any other virus, for that matter), they do significantly reduce the rate of transmission. The best masks can reduce transmission rates as much as 95%, and even cheap masks can reduce the rate to manageable margins.

    So, get a good mask (yes, some are much better than others), wear it correctly (don't stick out your nose), and don't leave home without it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    Anyone still sharing this nonsense should be arrested.
    Exactly what a Communist would say.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Exactly what a Communist would say.
    Exactly what a fascist would say.

  29. #29
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    Name ONE city that democrats run that is not a complete shytehole...anyone? Thought so.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    Exactly what a fascist would say.
    There it is, the guy I was pretty sure you were.

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