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Thread: Colorado Democrats caught on video

  1. #1
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    Colorado Democrats caught on video

    Here is a ranking leader in Colorado's Democrat party. In a later video he states just how many of his people are influencing the Democrat party on a national level.

    If it were conservatives making these kinds of statements the democrats and liberals would be calling for the President to denounce them...where is the outrage from the Democrat leadership? There has been none. Not a word.

  2. #2
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    ..but WE know this already. It's the ignorants that will ignore it.. or the useful idiots as Uncle Joe used to call them.

  3. #3
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    I take umbridge with the term "ranking leader in the democratic party", as be might be the chair of A democratic party, but just in a single county of a state. I watched the 1st vid, and that is just an extremist example of leftist idiot. His views, are just that, HIS VIEWS. It is not the party's message, just as much as trump isn't the Republican's original message(trump is his own thing, so he has changed the party to mostly what he wants). You will have extremists on both sides like this, as they are fringe people. Though he may chair a chapter in a county, i ask you this: how big is that chapter, are they the dominant chapter in the state, and has that moron ever had any kind office?

    This, and you call for outrage from the party as a whole, doesn'teven get a pandering ear towards. Just because they are affiliated with, doesn't mean that they are even listened to. Again, this is 1 guy, from a single county chapter, in a large state. I know i can find the same sort of message from a Republican view, but what does that say as a whole? That there are extremists on both sides? That you can have gun loving, democrats who want state executions & less government? Or environmental loving, gun hating, more government republicans?

    So, what is the question?

    edit: i did watch the other 2 vids. Now, i have no problems with exposure of, individuals who are advocating extremist rhetoric. That is part of the job of the media.
    Last edited by Nobody; 10-15-2020 at 09:20 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    I take umbridge with the term "ranking leader in the democratic party", as be might be the chair of A democratic party, but just in a single county of a state. I watched the 1st vid, and that is just an extremist example of leftist idiot. His views, are just that, HIS VIEWS. It is not the party's message, just as much as trump isn't the Republican's original message(trump is his own thing, so he has changed the party to mostly what he wants). You will have extremists on both sides like this, as they are fringe people. Though he may chair a chapter in a county, i ask you this: how big is that chapter, are they the dominant chapter in the state, and has that moron ever had any kind office?

    This, and you call for outrage from the party as a whole, doesn'teven get a pandering ear towards. Just because they are affiliated with, doesn't mean that they are even listened to. Again, this is 1 guy, from a single county chapter, in a large state. I know i can find the same sort of message from a Republican view, but what does that say as a whole? That there are extremists on both sides? That you can have gun loving, democrats who want state executions & less government? Or environmental loving, gun hating, more government republicans?

    So, what is the question?

    edit: i did watch the other 2 vids. Now, i have no problems with exposure of, individuals who are advocating extremist rhetoric. That is part of the job of the media.
    Every excuse you used there can be used by Trump and the Republican Party as to why they don’t need to denounce extremists/kkk/white supremacy....don’t blame our side for ignoring the crazy people when your side does it too.

  5. #5
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    He starts off saying that he will lie, cheat and steal because that is morally acceptable in the current political environment. In other words, he's saying that the Trump and the Republican party are already doing it, and lots of people keep voting for them, so why should he hold himself to a higher standard?

    I'm not sure why you're surprised or upset by this. The Republican party has been lowering the bar for decades now. If you're still voting for those crooks, you really don't have any right to complain that the Democrats are stooping to the same level.

    As the Good Book says, you should really take that log out of your own eye before trying to take the spec out of someone else's. Get rid of the liar-in-chief first. Then get rid of gerrymandering and voter suppression. Then we can talk.

  6. #6
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    Also, those videos were posted by Project Veritas, which is a far-right company known for editing videos in a way to make them misleading. So......

    I mean.....If I posted something from Occupy Democrats, you would never trust it. So why should I extend you the same courtesy?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    He starts off saying that he will lie, cheat and steal because that is morally acceptable in the current political environment. In other words, he's saying that the Trump and the Republican party are already doing it, and lots of people keep voting for them, so why should he hold himself to a higher standard?

    I'm not sure why you're surprised or upset by this. The Republican party has been lowering the bar for decades now. If you're still voting for those crooks, you really don't have any right to complain that the Democrats are stooping to the same level.

    As the Good Book says, you should really take that log out of your own eye before trying to take the spec out of someone else's. Get rid of the liar-in-chief first. Then get rid of gerrymandering and voter suppression. Then we can talk.
    He talks about murdering people...about supporting groups that burn businesses to the ground, beatings, and murder...and you are concerned about lies, cheating, stealing, gerrymandering, and voter suppression.

    You need to get your priorities strait. All you liberals are concerned about is winning. That is it. You feel everything justifies the end goal of winning.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    He talks about murdering people...about supporting groups that burn businesses to the ground, beatings, and murder...and you are concerned about lies, cheating, stealing, gerrymandering, and voter suppression.

    You need to get your priorities strait. All you liberals are concerned about is winning. That is it. You feel everything justifies the end goal of winning.
    I'm not discussing the videos. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything they've said. I haven't even watched them, not more than the first 30 seconds of the first video, anyway, and I don't plan to watch them. Why? Because they came from Project Veritas. And because they came from you.

    I mean, seriously. I need to get my priorities straight? You're the one who joked about rooftop voting. You basically said that if the government passed a law that you don't agree with, you would shoot at the people who try to enforce that law. Are these the kind of priorities you want me to have?

    200,000+ people have died in the last year because Republican's believe that their "freedom" to not wear a mask is more important than the health of those around them. Is that the kind of priority you want me to have?

    The Proud Boys recently plotted to kidnap a governor, put her on trial, and murder her. Are those the priorities you're talking about?

    You say all liberals are concerned about is winning, yet conservatives are the ones gerrymandering districts to win. Conservatives are the ones packing the courts. Conservatives are the ones talking about starting a civil war if Trump loses.

    If you want to have an actual conversation, don't pick an extremist on the left and then try to say that the left hasn't denounced that sort of behavior. They already have. They don't need to do it every single time a new crackpot shows up. There are plenty of white supremacists on the right that the president hasn't denounced either. That doesn't make him a Nazi.

    Stop having a knee jerk reaction to everything you see on the crap site you call news. Do some actual research and look at the issue from all sides.
    Last edited by rawbutter; 10-15-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    Every excuse you used there can be used by Trump and the Republican Party as to why they don’t need to denounce extremists/kkk/white supremacy....don’t blame our side for ignoring the crazy people when your side does it too.
    Excuses? You are protraiting that idiot as the crux, the center of the democratic party in Colorado, when it is far from that. You are obfuscating their significance in respect to the party as a whole. That fat moron does not represent the party, does not speak for any party and while, yes, there will be people on the fringes in any organization, it was not a major problem as i am sure he was prosecuted(if Colorado has) for terroristic threats, or will be.

    One needs to denounce extremity(on both sides) for what it is, wrong. Morally wrong, ethically wrong and has no place in modern society. What you are eluding to is akin to saying, while i don't support Hitler in his vision of the Volkswagen(the people's car), the other stuff is fine. Ideas on how the value of a person by the skin colour, by their religion, by their ethnicity is repugnant. These United States was started so ALL PEOPLE may come here to escape prosecution, to practice freedom of religion, to start a new life. We are a country born of all the world's peoples coming together as 1 nation. That is why you do not support any sort of supremacy ideology.

    As for ignoring them, as you put it. I have no clue as to the "status" of that person in the Democratic party, even if it was party of the party. East Germany was known as the 'Federal Democratic Republic', and they were neither democratic nor a republic. So using a the demcratic name might just be that, obfuscation to bring in those unaware.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    I'm not discussing the videos. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything they've said. I haven't even watched them, not more than the first 30 seconds of the first video, anyway, and I don't plan to watch them. Why? Because they came from Project Veritas. And because they came from you.

    I mean, seriously. I need to get my priorities straight? You're the one who joked about rooftop voting. You basically said that if the government passed a law that you don't agree with, you would shoot at the people who try to enforce that law. Are these the kind of priorities you want me to have?

    200,000+ people have died in the last year because Republican's believe that their "freedom" to not wear a mask is more important than the health of those around them. Is that the kind of priority you want me to have?

    The Proud Boys recently plotted to kidnap a governor, put her on trial, and murder her. Are those the priorities you're talking about?

    You say all liberals are concerned about is winning, yet conservatives are the ones gerrymandering districts to win. Conservatives are the ones packing the courts. Conservatives are the ones talking about starting a civil war if Trump loses.

    If you want to have an actual conversation, don't pick an extremist on the left and then try to say that the left hasn't denounced that sort of behavior. They already have. They don't need to do it every single time a new crackpot shows up. There are plenty of white supremacists on the right that the president hasn't denounced either. That doesn't make him a Nazi.

    Stop having a knee jerk reaction to everything you see on the crap site you call news. Do some actual research and look at the issue from all sides.
    It wasn't the 'Proud boys' of the kidnapping plot, that was a separate group. The proud boys only gotten infamous because trump "endorsed them" during the 1st debate.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    He talks about murdering people...about supporting groups that burn businesses to the ground, beatings, and murder...and you are concerned about lies, cheating, stealing, gerrymandering, and voter suppression.

    You need to get your priorities strait. All you liberals are concerned about is winning. That is it. You feel everything justifies the end goal of winning.
    Know what the liberals want?

    End to the debate on the coronavirus. Its here, its real, and listen to the doctors, not the idiots.
    Free & fair elections for all. The idea of voter intimidation, frauds, and other illegal acts to prevent a fair election is repugnant to the idea of this country.
    The same rules/laws apply to all in the same way. No one needs to have white privilege, that laws are being applied equally, regardless of skin colour, citizenship, ethnicity, religion and money.
    Everyone wants a fair chance to prosper in business qnd in life.
    That we can go to schools, go to places without fear of a nutjob with some rifle/pistol, coming in to start shooting because he lost his mental healthcare because he can't afford his anti-crazy pills and the voices tells him to do this.
    That if we get sick, that the cost of medical care isn't a choice.
    To have air we can breathe, that nature is preserved, that the quality of your life goes up not down.

    Try asking why liberals think this way, instead of having people feed you what they think we are, for their own ideals.

  12. #12
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    Omg, i did a quick google search of this project vertias and it made me laugh.

    Ok, wikipedia isn't the greatest source, even though it is open to people putting in information in, same ironically as a actual encyclopedia, so sources do get missed. But the fact that in the first couple of paragraphs it says things like this, "*The group uses undercover techniques to reveal supposed*liberal bias*and*corruption*and is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and*left-leaning*groups", which is almost damning. Pictures/videos, can say 1000 words, but editing of those pictures can say 1000 words to your own needs.

    Next, "In March 2020,*The New York Times*published an exposé detailing Project Veritas' use of spies recruited by*Erik Prince, to infiltrate "Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda".*", so while on the face of it, the idea is good, to find corruption and bias, but when you only go after 1 side, its not very fair now is it. The pot calling the kettle black and all.

    And then there is this, "During the 2016 campaign, the organization falsely claimed to have shown that the*Hillary Clinton*campaign accepted illegal donations from foreign sources", which is fine to look for. Donations not only being very strategic but influential, but the irony is that making false claims does nothing for credibility, which is kinda why so many people want to see trump's taxes, as he has had foreign money, massive loans granted to him. It seems that the right is fine with the finger pointing, but when it should be equally applied, there is denial, obfuscation and using OUR TAX PAYER DOLLARS to fight in keeping them hidden.

    While you may want to read/watch news that fits in what youblike, BARE IN MIND that it is not fair, that it does not represent both sides, and is skewed for only 1 agenda, and it is NOT THE TRUTH.

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    We only ask that you wear the blue helmet when it all goes down....just so we know who you are and what you represent...
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more.

  14. #14
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    To paraphrase a popular movie; Some people can't handle the truth.
    That has been going on since Pontius Pilot asked Jesus "what is truth?". And look what that did to history.
    So it's been happening for twenty centuries and more and all of a sudden it's a problem on a paintball message board, of all places.

    Face it. Politics is a big club of liars and thieves who make themselves rich running their jawbone, never actually producing anything worth the money they take from the public and people like you and I are not in the club. No amount of violence or revolution has ever changed that fact, and it's been tried many times around the globe throughout history yet here we are, doing it all over again.

    We used to play a Game. The rules of the Game were that once you have heard about the Game, you were part of the Game. (As you reading this are now)
    The object of the Game was to forget the Game, should you remember the Game the penalty was you had to tell somebody "I lost the Game". (as I just have)
    The lesson to be learned was that sometimes you lose and it's not something to be ashamed of. It happens in life just like paintball. You just have to own it, live with it and not behave like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
    CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals

  15. #15
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    Jeet yet ?
    I like paintball.

  16. #16
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    This one came out, pretty concise but may get taken down;

    But no mention about the Websters Dictionary changing word definitions for political purposes.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    We only ask that you wear the blue helmet when it all goes down....just so we know who you are and what you represent...
    Funny, that kind of talk sounds like 1930s germany with the Juden... you aren't advocating that are you? Doesn't the bible preach live & let live and turning the other cheek? As an atheist, i shouldn't have to tell you what the good book says...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    To paraphrase a popular movie; Some people can't handle the truth.
    That has been going on since Pontius Pilot asked Jesus "what is truth?". And look what that did to history.
    So it's been happening for twenty centuries and more and all of a sudden it's a problem on a paintball message board, of all places.

    Face it. Politics is a big club of liars and thieves who make themselves rich running their jawbone, never actually producing anything worth the money they take from the public and people like you and I are not in the club. No amount of violence or revolution has ever changed that fact, and it's been tried many times around the globe throughout history yet here we are, doing it all over again.

    We used to play a Game. The rules of the Game were that once you have heard about the Game, you were part of the Game. (As you reading this are now)
    The object of the Game was to forget the Game, should you remember the Game the penalty was you had to tell somebody "I lost the Game". (as I just have)
    The lesson to be learned was that sometimes you lose and it's not something to be ashamed of. It happens in life just like paintball. You just have to own it, live with it and not behave like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
    This is generally what happens to people who would normally shoot other people for fun but have had that fun taken away.

    Now, no one is or has ever said that politicians aren't liars, far from it. But there is a certain integrity that one expects so they actually tell the truth some times. But you are totally missing the point here. I suspect you thought this was the other posts, and did not read anything above.

    This is talking about how a fringe person(s) act, undeniably but somehow that it is better that one side has them or whatever. I honestly have no clue as to the point of wetwrks OP & what is is trying to state, other than while they had found a extremist liberal, how it is supposed to condemn the entire party or something. All i know is that the 'media source', is biased, & no where near a credible source of anything that is against their own agenda.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    This one came out, pretty concise but may get taken down;
    Well, I'm not sure what this video has to do with the other stuff we're talking about in here.

    And again, I didn't really watch it. I got as far as the part where the lady said, "Here's how Biden might have used his power as vice president to enrich his family." Then I laughed and shut it off.

    Because c'mon. Really? You really expect me to believe that you think it's wrong for a someone to use the presidency to enrich themselves? Give me a break. Trump has been doing that exact thing for the last four years. It's the whole damn reason he ran for president in the first place. And it's not a "this might have happened" situation. It's well documented. Hence the memes.

    Now, to be clear, I DO think that it's very wrong for politicians to profit from their office. I wish there were way more laws against it. And if Biden did do it for his son, then that's wrong. And I'll add it to the list of reasons I would rather be voting for someone else. But that's not gonna make me vote for Trump, cause he's waaaaaaaaaay worse.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawbutter View Post
    Well, I'm not sure what this video has to do with the other stuff we're talking about in here.

    And again, I didn't really watch it. I got as far as the part where the lady said, "Here's how Biden might have used his power as vice president to enrich his family." Then I laughed and shut it off.

    Because c'mon. Really? You really expect me to believe that you think it's wrong for a someone to use the presidency to enrich themselves? Give me a break. Trump has been doing that exact thing for the last four years. It's the whole damn reason he ran for president in the first place. And it's not a "this might have happened" situation. It's well documented. Hence the memes.

    Now, to be clear, I DO think that it's very wrong for politicians to profit from their office. I wish there were way more laws against it. And if Biden did do it for his son, then that's wrong. And I'll add it to the list of reasons I would rather be voting for someone else. But that's not gonna make me vote for Trump, cause he's waaaaaaaaaay worse.
    What a retarded chain of thought. The guy doesnt even draw a salary. How did Joe Biden and his entire family get rich? You know the answer. Its all over the REAL news. Get with the program. And you are going to vote for Biden anyway? He and his family are going to pay the piper real soon. Vote to save america from socialism and communism. Stop listening to what Rachael Maddow tells you.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    What a retarded chain of thought. [Trump] doesn't even draw a salary.
    "Retarded" isn't PC anymore, jackass. It hasn't been for, like, 30 years. I'd say "get with the times," but you're not even close. You're a generation behind.

    And don't give me that salary line bull. You're smart enough to know that there's more than one way to make a buck in Washington. How much money have the taxpayers spent at Mar-a-Lago alone? You really think that he's the one who pays the room fees for all the secret service agents who come with him? It's hard to nail down specifics, but various watchdog groups have estimated that Trump has personally made hundreds of millions of dollars while being president. But sure, he's a good guy because he passed up his $400,000 salary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    Stop listening to what Rachael Maddow tells you.
    I don't listen to Maddow. Not regularly, anyway. I like NPR, the BBC, the Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, Forbes.... Sometimes I read the Washington Post or watch Vox on YouTube. Sometimes I even read Fox News and the New York Post. (I read Fox News online, but I really can't stand any of their shows.) I learned long ago that each source has its bias, so it's always best to get your news from a variety of sources and double-check anything that sounds sketchy.

    Do any of those count as "real" news? What do you watch? I seem to remember asking you about this before, but you never answered. Surely you're not scared that I'm gonna mock whatever false prophet you worship.
    Last edited by rawbutter; 10-16-2020 at 03:04 PM.

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    What a retarded chain of thought. The guy doesnt even draw a salary. How did Joe Biden and his entire family get rich? You know the answer. Its all over the REAL news. Get with the program. And you are going to vote for Biden anyway? He and his family are going to pay the piper real soon. Vote to save america from socialism and communism. Stop listening to what Rachael Maddow tells you.
    Hey MORON. When trump goes to one of HIS businesses, i.e. the hotels, the golf course, the country clubs, he charges the Secret service to stay there, to ride in the golf carts. They do not get a free ride. Nothing is compted, as it were. So while yes, he donates his salary, he is literally making the government pay him to protect him. So he isn't getting a "salary". Why would he, when he is raking the money every time he jets off to mar-a-lago, or bedminster, or the trump towers, or whatever else trump has.

    Wake up and open your eyes. He is a cheat, a fraud, inept, incompetent, a moron, a charlatan, a clown, a moron, a bigot, and all he did was convince you that you should join in his quest to make himself cheat everything. His taxes, his healthcare plan(heard it was 2 weeks away, 4 years ago), his foreign policy, his commitments to our allies, his college; everything about him is false. If you would just look at his history of even just what he did in Atlantic City, you will see 1 consistent thing. He ruins everything for the sake of his name.

    here you go, September 17, 2020*– Trump’s properties*took in more than $1.1 million that it charged the government*while he was in office. The*Washington Post*said that the Trump Organization made some of that money off of room rentals at Trump’s club in Bedminster, N.J., when the business was shut down during the pandemic. Before assuming office, Trump vowed to “completely isolate” himself from his business. While in office, however, he visited his properties 274 times.
    Last edited by Nobody; 10-16-2020 at 04:00 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Now, no one is or has ever said that politicians aren't liars, far from it. But there is a certain integrity that one expects so they actually tell the truth some times. But you are totally missing the point here. I suspect you thought this was the other posts, and did not read anything above.

    This is talking about how a fringe person(s) act
    No, I think you are the missing the point. I brought up the Game because there's a very good chance that Biden and the Dems are going to lose this election. We won't know for a few weeks and I'm not making predictions. But it's okay to lose, and that's the truth that the fringe extremists cannot accept or rationalize. Threatening violence and throwing a childish tantrum if they don't get their way is hardly civil and a plain downhill path to barbarism. The best way to avoid that is to call them out before it reaches the point of sedition or outright treason.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    No, I think you are the missing the point. I brought up the Game because there's a very good chance that Biden and the Dems are going to lose this election. We won't know for a few weeks and I'm not making predictions. But it's okay to lose, and that's the truth that the fringe extremists cannot accept or rationalize. Threatening violence and throwing a childish tantrum if they don't get their way is hardly civil and a plain downhill path to barbarism. The best way to avoid that is to call them out before it reaches the point of sedition or outright treason.
    Well, i don't see how you can say that there is a very good chance on the dems or Biden loosing. While polls are statisics and can easy be manipulated to show anything, there is also the fact that it indicates that Biden is winning on everything and can be projected to show a clear win, the same with multiple senate seats. So if anything, it would be more like 50/50 that trump could pull it out, at best.

    Now, if you believe in what you wrote, would you call a spade a spade then? While you could argue that the orange man will say anything but do something different, everything that you wrote dictates that the antics of trump is exactly what you don't like. Any time there is criticism of him, its a bad reporter. Anytime he is fact checked by a network, its fake news. Anytime someone tells him no in his administration, he fires them and wants thrm arrested for treason. At his rallies, calling for arrests of his direct political opponents, and even previous administrations. He has fought with, undercut, suppoeted then talked behind his back of the nation's pandemic expert. He is literally using our tax money, and the nation's dept. of Justice to act on his behalf to keep delaying all the variouslegal troubles, from defamation lawsuits, to his taxes & possible frauds, to sedual abuse allegations. He makes ludicrous allegations with no factual basis on everything just to badmouth anyone who goes against him.

    I try to do as i preach. It took me over 10 years to even use, willingly a smart parts product, because i felt so hateful of how SP killed off many companies with their lawsuit. I do try to have some sort of integrity but do you? Can you see, not looking at what he says, but how he says it, to tell me that "Threatening violence and throwing a childish tantrum if they don't get their way is hardly civil and a plain downhill path to barbarism." is how you want the president to act? I don't care if you are an independent, a dem or rep. I just don't want you to not vote for him. He is a cancer that needs to be removed from any sort of power, and be made to pay for the damages he has wrought.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    No, I think you are the missing the point. I brought up the Game because there's a very good chance that Biden and the Dems are going to lose this election. We won't know for a few weeks and I'm not making predictions. But it's okay to lose, and that's the truth that the fringe extremists cannot accept or rationalize. Threatening violence and throwing a childish tantrum if they don't get their way is hardly civil and a plain downhill path to barbarism. The best way to avoid that is to call them out before it reaches the point of sedition or outright treason.
    It is a lost cause. He refuses to denounce calls for...and people on his side...directly instigating violence yet is pissed at me for asking a question about rooftop voting. On his side there is ample evidence of people in positions of authority specifically backing and directing antifa and other violent organizations, and stating they have people in place to take out heads of major corporations. I (who have no similar authority) asked a question and even put up a smiley faces to show it was in jest...and he sees me as the big villain of the world.

    Heck..he probably sees me as worse than Trump.

    Anyways...pretty near every complaint he has about Trump can be leveled against people on his side of the fence as well...yet he chooses to ignore it. We had 3 almost 4 years...something in excess of 25m dollars try and impeach Trump...all based off faked documents...but he is incapable of seeing that this is all a political game the liberal party is playing to try and sabotage the presidency. To bog things down so nothing can be accomplished.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    It is a lost cause. He refuses to denounce calls for...and people on his side...directly instigating violence yet is pissed at me for asking a question about rooftop voting. On his side there is ample evidence of people in positions of authority specifically backing and directing antifa and other violent organizations, and stating they have people in place to take out heads of major corporations. I (who have no similar authority) asked a question and even put up a smiley faces to show it was in jest...and he sees me as the big villain of the world.

    Heck..he probably sees me as worse than Trump.

    Anyways...pretty near every complaint he has about Trump can be leveled against people on his side of the fence as well...yet he chooses to ignore it. We had 3 almost 4 years...something in excess of 25m dollars try and impeach Trump...all based off faked documents...but he is incapable of seeing that this is all a political game the liberal party is playing to try and sabotage the presidency. To bog things down so nothing can be accomplished.
    Ok, i have no clue to whom you are talking about.

    Antifa is being watched by the FBI and is not as serious as you or trump are talking about. When the director of the FBI keeps on saying that they are not a problem, a director appointed by Trump, and because they are not taking a political stand with Biden, there is no question of Biden endorsing them, nor having to have Biden denouce them like Trump hasn't with QAnon & other extremists. If there was any evidence to the contrary, wouldn't THAT be harder evidence of such a plot than the conspiracy theories that trump brings up but are shot down, not only by Biden but his own intelligence agencies?

    No, you have no power, like me. You have an opinion, just like me, except it seems to me that you are more inclined to believe the far out theories that go against your beliefs because it goes in line with how you perceive the left or even the unaligned seem to be against you. While there are and will always be deaing behind closed doors that can have far reaching implications, i am not one to dwell on the idea of them as that is counterproductive as a whole. I could go on and on about what could happen, but tbat does not change what is going on.

    25mil? Fake documents? An innocent man will fight hard to prove their innocence, a guilty man will fight harder to keep his guilt hidden. To me the spectre of any impropiety should be investigated and proven withoit a doubt, not an acquittal. The same laws that govern you and me, also apply to the president. He is not above the laws. That is why when he enters his term, he is supposed to show his taxes, so that not only does he show no debts to anyone that could use those debts as leverage, which also goes to even gaining security clearances. The documents from even the Mueller investigation only went so far, as their boss had threatened them with loosing their jobs if they dug to deep. Like someone didn't want them to turn over the truth.

    Where is his healthcare plan? He has chopped up the ACA, but for 4 years has talked about how great his plan is, but only ever saying its 2 weeks away.

    His trade deals, have done worse, because not only did he pull out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, but came back wih his own, only to end that less than a year(think mere months). So instead of culling possible unfair trading, china had opened up to their own, and left the US in the dust, and we are worse off than before. Art of the deal? Businessman? Talk about a foreign policy failure, only because it wasn't his name. Which is the same thing with the Veteran's choice act, that trump says he passed, when it was actually signed in 2014 by Obama.

    I don't care that you are or aren't a Republican. I have many Republican friends, but i can not understand why you have hitched your boat to a man who has undermined the party, can not accept any criticism on anything, uses the nation & tax payers money for his own legal problems, turned his nose up to our own allies but pals up to the various dictators of the world. I want you to open your eyes to the bigger picture of how horrible trump is. And maybe in the upcoming year when the protections if the presidency fall away from a private citizen and the DoJ can do their job and prosecute.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Fredericksburg, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks View Post
    He refuses to denounce calls for...and people on his side...directly instigating violence yet is pissed at me for asking a question about rooftop voting. On his side there is ample evidence of people in positions of authority specifically backing and directing antifa and other violent organizations, and stating they have people in place to take out heads of major corporations. I (who have no similar authority) asked a question and even put up a smiley faces to show it was in jest...and he sees me as the big villain of the world.

    Heck..he probably sees me as worse than Trump.

    Anyways...pretty near every complaint he has about Trump can be leveled against people on his side of the fence as well...yet he chooses to ignore it. We had 3 almost 4 years...something in excess of 25m dollars try and impeach Trump...all based off faked documents...but he is incapable of seeing that this is all a political game the liberal party is playing to try and sabotage the presidency. To bog things down so nothing can be accomplished.
    I'm gonna assume you're talking about me here, but I'm not sure where to begin to refute all this nonsense.

    "He refuses to denounce calls for...and people on his side...directly instigating violence..."

    When have I refused to denounce calls for violence? Please find a post and point it out to me. If I did, I'm sorry, because I honestly don't support the violent riots that have happened. I do support protesting, and I understand why some frustrated people resort to violence, but that's not the same thing as condoning it. (And no, protesting is not the same thing as rioting.)

    "On his side there is ample evidence of people in positions of authority specifically backing and directing antifa and other violent organizations, and stating they have people in place to take out heads of major corporations."

    This is news to me. Please, share some of this "ample" evidence. And please keep in mind that Biden denounced antifa at the first presidential debate, and later again in another interview. So please don't waste our time with a story about some low level jockey saying stupid stuff to get on the news. And try to keep in mind that your complainer-in-chief used tear gas to clear out peaceful protesters so he could stand in front of a church with a Bible.

    Also, the fact that you're calling antifa a "violent organization" shows how brainwashed you are by the right-wing media. Over 90% of the recent protests over racial injustice (you know, the ones that antifa likes the most) have been non-violent, and most of the protests that did turn into violent riots have been denounced by leaders at all levels of the democratic party. George Floyd's family begged protestors not to riot. Jacob Blake's mother called for an end to the riots that happened in Kenosha. And the list goes on.

    Meanwhile, the orange man told the Proud Boys to stand by on national television.

    "...he sees me as the big villain of the world. Heck...he probably sees me as worse than Trump."

    Lol. Don't flatter yourself. I just think you're an idiot with a gun fetish who really should apologize for joking about murder.

    And don't put words in my mouth. You really suck at it. Try to listen to the stuff I'm actually saying and don't assume that I'm some kind of liberal, communist snowflake. You don't even know what liberal really means.

    "We had 3 almost 4 years...something in excess of 25m dollars try and impeach Trump...all based off faked documents...but he is incapable of seeing that this is all a political game the liberal party is playing to try and sabotage the presidency. To bog things down so nothing can be accomplished."

    Dear lord....

    3 to 4 years? The impeachment process lasted five months. (Sure, it felt like years, but still.)

    Faked documents? Please, enlighten me again. The only fake document I read about was the rough transcript of that "perfect" phone call. The colonel sitting in on that call said that the white house omitted stuff.

    Bogging things down? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Let's not forget that Moscow Mitch blocked 70% of Obama's nominations for various courts. Even now, Mitch is blocking coronavirus relief and a host of other things. All he cares about is tax cuts for the wealthy (for him and his friends) and judge nominations (to trick conservatives into voting for Republicans). Nothing else has happened because nothing else matters to him or the Republican party. They don't care about me. They don't care about you. They don't care about the planet. All they care about is power and money.
    Last edited by rawbutter; 10-18-2020 at 12:35 PM.

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