Alright, I made it on here again, but it’s very difficult. My browser keeps telling me it can’t find the server. It seems to be quite moody and I’m not sure when the next time will be that I can be back.

So yes, I am going to be at living legends,and I’d really love to see and meet anybody who has the time.
I’m also going to shoot as much paint as I can.

Tuna, thank you for the offer, I’m not sure that I’m going to be setting these up for shooting at all, although they might look better when they are complete. For now I’ll just be happy if I can get these things over to the states without any issues. Having these all together on display would be a huge moment for me, and it’s probably not going to happen again any time soon so be sure to check it out if you can!

I miss this board so much, and my paintball buddies back home, I still have great memories though!
Until next time (whenever I can find the server)
Take care all!