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Thread: Level 10 "carriers that worked" list thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)

    Level 10 "carriers that worked" list thread

    Thought it might be interesting to get a composite list to see if there is a trend on the carriers to bolt fits starting to develop. Besides Tom may actualy be able to use that to cut down on the carriers normally supplied and keep the kit costs down to us. Might be mutualy benificial. So lets see...

    NB: List the carriers you ended up using only the one (ones) that worked. Nothing else. Thats all we want here in this thread. Not even marker type here. Use the regular feed back thread for that.

    me? I was able to use the 1.5 and the 1.0 and they both worked. (I do need to double check I am reading them right but will correct if I am wrong please do the same)

    AGD, where we are so good we can do it with only ONE tube!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Houston TX/Baton Rouge LA
    i think it was 1 but dont fell like messing with it. When i do feel like messing with it ill edit

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Chico, Ca.
    1.5 worked best for me. It will be interesting to see how much it varies after another batch of o-rings are produced.

    AGD Pride Emag With 4.0 For Sale Here
    03 Vision Shocker #00014 BLUE
    "Personally all I want is a stripper and a corn dog" by RevBrown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    easthampton, MA 01027
    for me i ended up with teh 1.5

    but we just need to remember one day we may need to use the 3 or bigger.... heck we may need a much smaller one also.... it all depends on the batch of orings....
    Virus, King of the Basement Trollz has spoken

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Moses Lake, WA
    1.5 and I was surprised that anyone might be able to use the 3 and larger ones.

    The meek shall inherit the Earth, but they better not show up to play paintball with me!!

  6. #6
    I used the 2 (w/ longest spring). I can't imagine the need for a size above 3 either


  7. #7
    FreshmanBob Guest
    right now i have the 1.5 with the shortest spring (vents gas w/ the middle) but i'll be breaking in the o-ring tomarrow at the field

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I am using the no. 2 carrier with the original bolt spring.

    "The BEAST"
    "No-Rise" E-mag
    Level 10 Bolt
    AGD Flatline 91cu in/4500psi
    Black HALO B

    "Red Heatseeker"
    Red to Clear Fade Freak Factory Impulse
    68/4500psi Max-Flo
    Red HALO B

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    caught in a mosh
    Believe I am running 1.5. But 1 works also.
    X-mag #10. Nuff said.

    my feedback

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Woodbury, MN
    Old high rise RT - Carrier 1.5, middle spring, 3 shims, 750 psi input
    Newer RT - Carrier 1, middle spring, 3 shims, 750 psi input
    EMag - Carrier 1.5, middle spring, 3 shims, 750 psi input

    -Evil Bob

  11. #11
    how d0 you know whats 1.5 and 2

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Cleveland, OH
    1.5 with middle spring. 2 is too loose, and thus leaks. 1 is a little tight, but still works if the AIR is jacked up all of the way, and a lighter spring is used.
    "My Jell-O is dying in the audience..."
    Merrill Howard Kalin

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    North Plains, OR
    The rings around the carrier represent a value of 1 for each one that's on the carrier. The three divots drilled in the carrier represent a value of .5. So if you have three rings and divots, then you have a 3.5 carrier.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Thompson, Ct

    I'll play along...

    "2" carrier
    long silver spring
    2 shims

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Detroit Area, Michigan
    If I assume correctly, you want the spacer that offers the minimal amount of resistance. By hand I've got the 2.0 in there now, no shims as I don't have a tank to check if the carrier is corret.

    Will update when I get tank.

  16. #16
    I thought that the little "divits" had to do with the black oring on the out side.

    I have a #2 carrier and the stock spring in my minimag
    but I havent shot it yet i will soon

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Where the Mt. Dew flows like wine
    #2 with 2 shims and the longest spring, right now.
    That may change after tomorrow, b/c I've only shot about 200 test balls in the backyard. I plan on shooting at least 500 on Sun.

    Super Moderator at

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Update on my carrier and shim usage. After several hundred dry fires, I noticed a light leak after firing the marker. After redoing the entire installation procedure, I have settled into the 1.5 carrier and a single shim. I must once again make the recomendation that the shims be made to the inner diameter of the power tube, as during the re-test I had two shims but had a constant leak, reoppened the lvl 10 and found another shim badly mangled (I have mangled a total of 3 shims since receiving the kit) I took out the bad shim and kept the remaining shim in to re-test and have had no problems since. I am still unwilling to stick any of my digits into the breach, the safety part of my brain screams NOOOOO! but I have had no chops or breaks out of the two cases of paint that I have put through the marker, one case being over eight months old opened! It is enough that several of my fellow AO testers have stuck their digits and tongues into the breech of their mags and fired, I believe in the product! My only fear is if I do it the lvl 10 would mysteriously malfunction! So for those who have braved the test, I salute you !

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    well it sounds like the 1.5 is the best working one and the only ones really being used that i know of are 1, 1.5, and 2, but see the problem with me is..... I DONT HAVE MY STINKIN LVL10 YET, I AM GETTING SOOO AGRIVATED/EXCITED. it hasnt arrived nor have i gotten an email. i might not get an email according to other people, IM JUST JEALOUS OF U PEOPLE THAT HAVE LX IN YOUR HANDS!!!! AHHHHHHH IM GOIN CRAZY!!!!!!! i ordered june 25 if that has anything to do with it..........
    My Trader Feedback

    *AKA factory certified tech
    AIM: TonyG749
    EMAIL: [email protected]

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2001
    San Diego, Ca, USA
    original e-mag spring only,

    1.0 to 0.0 (needs very high pressure though)
    average: 0.5
    To do is to be. -Descartes
    To be is to do. -Voltaire
    Do be do be do. -Frank Sinatra

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Up she goes....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    little town in, IL, USA
    i used the 1.5 carrier 2 shimms and the longest spring fired like a champ on my minimag with old cpsa tourney paint still need to see what it cronos
    Last edited by paintballisking; 07-09-2002 at 07:58 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In the back seat of your truck with duct tape stretched out..
    1.5 carrier, 3 shims, longest spring. Stops on a dime.
    Gun type is in my sig.

    *EDIT* - Originally I got the kit up and running with 1.5 carrier. After firing about 500 developed a small leak the first started ahppening when I help trigger. After a few more rounds it sounded like a cocker hiss..very faint. I changed the 1.5 carrier out for the 1.0 using the same o-ring that was broken in on the 1.5. Works fine. You will need to adjust it after break-in.

    *EDIT* - Also found it works with .5 and 0 carriers. With the 0 you have to oil it often.
    Last edited by FrAuStY; 07-12-2002 at 11:20 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West V
    1.0 and 1.5, but 1.0 is a little tight and won't shoot sometimes (unless I use a shorter spring).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Dang! So for now its like mostly 1.5's and either side of that one half step. Interesting is it not?

    Please Sir may I have another!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Detroit Area, Michigan
    using 1.5 and 3 shims

    short spring only, trying to figure out why.

  27. 07-09-2002, 04:21 PM

  28. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Vero Beach Flordia
    I am using
    -1.5 carrier
    -o shims
    -longest spring

  29. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Halifax, N.S., Canada
    I use a number 2 carrier. It's snug but works well. The 2.5 fits nicely but has a slight leak when gassed up.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  30. #29
    I started with the 2 carrier and 2 shims had a very quiet leak so I dropped to the 1.5 and 2 shims. No leaks after a hundred or so shots and then I ran out of air. a 68/3k, a 68/45 and 2 scubas and not a single one of them have more than 500 psi in them.. grrr...

    Ok, I wound up having to drop to the smallest spring to get it working. so now it's a 1.5 with 2 shims and a small spring. I dropped amost 2 cases through it during a tournament on sunday and didnt chop a damn ball. my teammates were exceedingly pleased.

    emag + lvl 10 + HALO = bliss
    Last edited by Grand; 07-16-2002 at 05:50 AM.

  31. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Houston, Texas AKA Hades
    Im using 0 carrier, longest spring and 5 shims with the pressure jacked up, although i started with 1.5 and that works fine as well. Oil is a good thing for the tight fit but sometimes it will freeze and you have to degass and regass which is no problem if you have a proconnect.
    Quote of the year: "Reading blwos"

    As little as 10 cents a day and you can buy my family out of slavery... Hurry before its too late!

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