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Thread: OFFICIAL AO Day II "Day After" Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey

    My Pics from AO Day 2!!!

    Note this thread was merged into the Official thread which starts a few posts down below with Thordics post. But when you merge then they get placed in order of time of post - cphilip

    Ok so I am tired of waiting for someone to post an "Official" Thread, so I want to post the few pictures that I have. I was mostly taking video of the games all day so I dident have time to get many pics. But these are all of the pics I have. Enjoy!!!

    Who dat?

    Cphilip and Fatmans tent. Thats Fatman on the left and you can see Cphilip bent over on the right....hmmm.... sorry i forget everyone elses name.

    Theres Tunaman, not even 2 hours after arriving and he's already working on a Mag for someone. This man should be on AGD's payroll.

    The Mills!! We had the celebrity VIP tent.

    This dog was so cool. It was huge and hung out all day eating hotdogs, staying out of the sun and chewing on AGD poster tubes (right Jon? haha)

    A quick shot of the hyperball field. Thats like 3/4 of the field.

    And thats like half of the ultimate air field.

    Well, I had an amazing time. I know all of us did. I wish I had gotten more pictures with people, but aww well. There will be a 3rd!!!!!! Just you wait and see.

    Thanks to everyone for makeing the hike out to the field. It was rough on all of us but I hope we made it worth the trip.

    I personally want to thank Capoeira for makeing the trip out, Cphilip and his posse, JonAGD and JJ, The Mills, the PBX crew and Mel and everyone for coming out to make it a great day.

    ****I almost forgot to thank Graycie for the cookies!!! YUM!
    AND Patron God of Pirates for those Level 10 Stickers!!!! THANKS DUDE YOU ROCK!!

    Last edited by cphilip; 07-15-2002 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Austin, Texas
    Looks fun. Any plans to do another one in the next year or two? I'll be living within 4 hours or so of there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    new jersey
    yeah i've been waitin all day for an "official" thread. had a lot of fun at AO day. got to play with capoeira, and cphillip, and opposite jonagd. very cool meeting everybody in person. now if riotz or thordic would just start an official thread...

  4. #4
    Yeah we definately have to have another one, yesterday was so fun.
    Last edited by 845; 07-14-2002 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    caught in a mosh
    I got like 15 mins of game tape...anyone know how to download 8mm to a pc? I really wanna post some good shots!
    X-mag #10. Nuff said.

    my feedback

  6. #6
    I think there is a special cable to hook your pc to tv. My teacher had it for his iBook.

    Try my comp is being finicky and wont load the site all the way.
    Last edited by 845; 07-14-2002 at 01:25 PM.

  7. #7
    Looks like you guys had alot of fun. I wish I could of made it, but I moved down here to FL last year. If I still lived in NY I would have come out and play.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    oldsoldier: TV capture card with RCA inputs & editing software. An ATi internal one with software should run you about $60. Mini-DV camera's are so much easier to use.
    2k2 VF Cocker, STO/Eclipse Blade, Old-Style 14" Boomstick,
    68AutoMag Classic Feed CF11023, Ring trigger.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey
    I have 30 minutes of video BUT the quality is not that good. It's plain ol VHS-C so who knows what the resolution is. I need to get a miniDV camera or something.

    But whats on the tape is great. I got a good number of games, walked around and talked to people and I have KB's famous "Chair Bunker"!!!! And all the Sydarm action. If someone cared enough to transfer it to digital they could, but who knows what it would look like after the transfer. aww well.

  10. #10
    FreshmanBob Guest
    That was a great day, I even got to shoot capoeria in a 3 man game (i think it was her anyway) then got flag, ran the wrong way and still had time to run to the right side of the field. It was intensional... ya know.. just kidding.. jokin an stuff... heh..

    That Sydarm thing was great, I hope you can get some pics or something from that too. There were some great moments.

    If the next one's within 3 hours of me I'm there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey
    Bob: I have your entire Sydarm shootout on tape. It's hilarious. My buddies and I were cracking up!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Parsippany NJ
    It was a great day I had a blast. the best had to be our last game in the 3 man we had Kaiser Bob in a folding chair.
    What a blast

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ

    OFFICIAL AO Day II "Day After" Thread

    This is the first post of the Official thread - cphilip

    AO Day II is over, and I declare it a success!

    Riotz, SprayingMango, spacemanspiff, CaPoEiRa, and I got to the field around 8:15 or so, and there were already a bunch of cars in the parking lot. Cphilip and Fatman were already there, RPM07, Kaiser_Bob, Jon from AGD, Tunaman, Tunaman Jr., and others were there too.

    It didn't take long for the parking lot to start filling up, soon cars were overflowing out of the main parking area.

    It took a little while to get started, because the power company blew a transformer so there was no power near the field, but Mel worked his magic and got bulk tanks on site to fill with. Those got set up ASAP, and then the day was ready to begin.

    The morning started with pickup speedball (Two fields, hyperball and 'sup air) and woodsball games, until around 12:30. At 12:30, the 3-man mini-tourney started on the speedball field. It was almost all pickup teams of random guys and girls who decided to jump in and play together. I'm not going to remember all the teams, but one I want to mention was Team Pickup, composed of Patron God of Pirates, 1stDeadeye, and BigZamboni. These three guys had NEVER met before, and played a minimal amount of speedball. They only lost one game, and maxed almost every time. Patron God of Pirates pulled off a move that must have finished the quickest game ever. He bolted straight down the tape at the break, straight to the other teams rear tape, and proceeded to shoot all three opposing members in the side/back, it was the best move I saw all day (besides maybe Kaiser Bob's chair move, I'll get to that…). Team Pickup ended up coming in second place, losing the final game, but overall they blew the other teams away on points.

    Now, Kaiser Bobs chair move deserves its own paragraph. Team Kaiser Bob's Newbies, consisting of Kaiser Bob, rpm07, and me, just decided to play on a whim. After a dominating first game, our game went downhill fast, and by time the last game rolled around, we were tired, and at least one of us was bleeding (that would be me, compliments of an awesome bunker move by SHAG earlier in the tournament.). We were playing Team Pickup in the final game, and knew it would be a tough match, and we were looking forward to getting a little relaxing in. So we formed our game plan, Kaiser Bob carried an extra piece of equipment onto the field, a metal folding chair. On the break, rpm07 and myself didn't move, we just shot from the start point, but Kaiser Bob ran up to a dorito, put the chair down behind the bunker and went wild with his Emag, it was by far the funniest thing I have seen on a speedball field. He actually got Patron God of Pirates out before we all got eliminated

    After the 3-man tournament was concluded, there was the Sydarm QuickDraw contest. Players had a holstered Sydarm, and had to turn and shoot from 10 paces. I'm not sure who the winner was, but AO member FreshmanBob came in second place, with Kaiser Bob coming in third. I didn't get to watch that contest much, so I invite anyone who did watch it to fill in my gaps.

    Another highlight of the day was Jon going into a speedball game with 2 Sydarms. He managed to hold off CaPoEiRa and MantisMag for almost 2 minutes before they finally tagged him, it was hilarious, Jon was going at it Lara Croft style.

    Woods games went on all day, and pickup speedball games went on before and after the tournament.

    The best part of the meet wasn't the paintball, though. Hanging out with all the other AOers, swapping stories, and just everyone being there was great. I can't even explain how amazingly cool the day was, and how much fun everyone was having. I know I had a blast, and I'd do it again in a second.

    The day winded down with another BBQ sponsored by Team Black Cell. There was burgers, hot dogs, and soda for anyone who was hungry, the grills were going all afternoon long.

    Now for some credits. I know I'll miss some people, so I'd just like to give out a big thank you to EVERYONE who came out and supported AO.

    Specifically, I'd like to thank:

    Mel Maravilla and the Paintballistix staff for all their hard work, and for opening their field early for us. We literally could NOT have pulled this off without these guys!

    All our sponsors: Kickin' Paintballs, Richochet Development LLC, PowerLyte Paintball Game Products, JT USA Paintball, and Planet Eclipse.

    Jon Comprado and Airgun Designs for putting in a lot of work getting this thing set up, and for driving all the way out here to be at the meet.

    CaPoEiRa for flying out here from Texas to hang out with some paintball dorks from Jersey, thanks for putting up with us! And I apologize for my driving

    Bill and Dawn Mills, for making the trip out here. With all the stuff going on in the paintball world, they came to our meet, and we were extremely happy to have them! Here's to the paparazzi!

    My teammates, spacemanspiff, SprayingMango, and especially Riotz. These guys put in a lot of hard work prepping the field while I was driving CaPoEiRa around NJ, not to mention all the planning beforehand, and the stuff they did at the field, such as reffing, videotaping, cooking, etc.

    Cphilip (aka The Southern Smurf) and Fatman, for driving all the way up from South Carolina to play paintball with some damn yankees.

    BigZamboni for bringing two huge water coolers that kept us from passing out all day, and for bringing some PIE!

    Rpm07 for loaning us a nice big canopy for the BBQ.

    Sorry for the quality of this post, I've gotten about 6 hours of sleep this weekend, and I'm still running on empty.

    To all AO members who attended, I have two favors to ask of you:

    1) When you read this thread, try to post one story or one memory that stands out about Saturday. Let people know how much fun you had, and why.

    2) If you have pictures, post them! I took pictures, but not on digital, I'll get them developed and scanned ASAP, but I KNOW there are lots of pictures floating around, lets see some!

    ADDED ON EDIT: If you have VIDEO of this event, PLEASE PM me ASAP. We are going to get a tape compiled from the event, and the more we have to work with, the better. It doesn't matter if its digital or VHS or VHS-C, just let me know and we'll figure something out.
    Last edited by cphilip; 07-15-2002 at 02:27 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey

    KaiserBob, the man, the myth, the legend

    KB's Famous "Chair Bunker!!!"

    These were taken from my tape so please bear with the poor quality. I told you the tape quality stunk. But here goes!!

    yah man!!!!

    Whoo there's no stoppin him now!!

    moments before he got tagged from the left.

    Good show KB!!!!
    Last edited by Mango; 07-14-2002 at 08:30 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    You the man Thordic start off, I would like to thank Team Blackcell for there efforts in providing my Son and I with one of the most memorable paintball experiences we have ever had. Also, I would like to thank Mel and the fine crew of PBX Battlegrounds for having us. And Tom...If you read this post, you should be mighty proud of Jon for representing AGD in a manner unmatched by any other company I have ever seen. He is one of the finest, most wholesome dudes ever to grace the paintball industry. I feel somewhat proud myself, knowing that in some small way I am affiliated with such a great company. You are a genius, and it shows in your choice of employees. I also got to meet Gunga. What can I say. Great Dude. It was my pleasure. sweet...Thanks so much for coming. Graycie...your cookies were Tops!

    I decided to wait till this event to install my Level 10 in my Emag. Mad props to KaiserBob for installing it in less than 5 minutes and man did it rock. No so much as a burp or anything remotely resembling a choppped ball all day, and I dont expect anthing in the future either. I lent Thordic this amazing piece of AGD engineering, and he was challenged by the refs for using full auto! Man what a fast trigger finger you have boy! I would also like to thanks Cphillip and Fatman, along with their kids for coming all that way to be with us for this great event. You will never know what a pleasure it was to meet these guys, and we WILL meet again, of this I am sure.

    To all that were there, and all that I met. Thank you for making this one of the finest experiences I have ever had. Cant wait till the next one...
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey
    Some pictures can be found here. KB's famous chair move can also be found here.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Rockaway, New Jersey

    Thumbs up A Great time had by all!

    First off, I'd like to apologize for my younger brother's behavior towards the end of the day. He recieved a flogging**.

    One thing I noticed about the event, is that AO members are very trustworthy. You can leave something on a table while you go to the Port-a-John, get a drink, get a tank filled, etc. and you can count on it still being there when you get back. That is better than at some big events that I have been to, where you have to use a vault to keep your paint safe when you go to the field.

    As for a memory/story, I think maxing Capo's team (Team Hello Kitty) In about 20-30 seconds(estimated time.. someone got a video, that can be watched to find an 'official' time)thanks to the slick moves of Patron God of Pirates is something worth remembering.

    I'll edit or make another post as I remember other things.

    **Disclaimer: No floggings were actually issued.

    One last thing.. Anyone get more than 4 blisters on their feet, or did I win?
    [insert yet to be made Stewie from Familyguy sig pic.. use him and I will be sad]

    Feedback thread:

    Good Traders/sellers/buyers: ß.C., Dansim, yllwsmrf, Cris8762, Mossman,

    From PBnation: Philthismax, Eniac101, Devilstar2k2

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Houston, Texas AKA Hades
    Hehe I looked pretty comfy in the cone, next time ill try dragging a lazy boy recliner onto the field!
    Quote of the year: "Reading blwos"

    As little as 10 cents a day and you can buy my family out of slavery... Hurry before its too late!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Jersey

    Talking Let's do it again soon!!!!

    Yesterday rocked
    It was definitely worth the 2+ hour drive. I haven't played much speedball, so I didn't plan on entering the 3 man tourney. When I get there (late) most everyone was on the field already. I had brought my buddy's E-mag with me to have Jon check it over. While I was talking with him, he busted my chops about not being in the tourney. Turns out Big Zamboni wanted to play, but had no team. Jon told me that if we could find another player to make up the 8th team, I could use his Mag. The next person walking in was Patron God of Pirates. We asked, he agreed and we decided on Team Pick-Up. The tourney was fun, but exhausting. An old guy like me runs out of steam a lot earlier than I used to. As well as we did, I think I had almost as much fun off the field hanging out with everyone. Thordic, you are a trip!
    The best moment of the day was definitely Kaiser Bob's chair strategy. I think he is the one that got Patron God of Pirates off the break. We knew he wasn't taking this game seriously, but when I came around the snake to see him sitting there shooting at Big Z, I almost fell down laughing. He definitely had the best time of the day!! Mel should have given him more then 50 style points!!

    P.S. If I catch anyone badmouthing AGDJon on a thread, I am going to come to your home and bunker you!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey

    I have that match on tape, and it took 25 seconds, adding the 10 second count down.

    I have 13 bug bites of all shapes and sizes on my legs/feet. Does that count? hahah.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Jersey

    Thumbs up The Kaiser Rules!!!

    Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
    Hehe I looked pretty comfy in the cone, next time ill try dragging a lazy boy recliner onto the field!
    Kaiser Bob rules. That is one game that I will never forget. You almost took all three of us from your chair.

    BTW...The Kaiser was robbed in the Top Gun.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Dresher, Pa

    that's freakin hilarious!

    i don't know where i was during that game, and missed the whole thing. at least now i can see actuall footage of it.

    KB, next time maybe you should try bringing the chair and a little table with a drink on it to match.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ
    Big Zamboni-

    Your brother was annoying, but funny. We were just kidding about it, I was ready to die laughin when he started singing. I thought Will was gonna eat him when your brother started throwing water on him, don't worry about it And thank your dad for hanging out all day too!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Dresher, Pa
    thanks SprayingMango and Tunaman for the cookie praise, i guess i should make it a regular thing to bring to AO events now.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Jersey


    Originally posted by Thordic
    Big Zamboni-

    Your brother was annoying, but funny. We were just kidding about it, I was ready to die laughin when he started singing. I thought Will was gonna eat him when your brother started throwing water on him, don't worry about it And thank your dad for hanging out all day too!
    I was ready to bunker the little guy myself!!
    He was kind of funny though wasn't he?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The dark side of Hell, FEAR THE "X", Rage Unchecked
    I would first like to thank CPhilip and the Fatman for saving my rear end. If it wasn't for their tent and a lot of gatorade I would be a bleached pile of bones in the NJ sun. Ccaled and walt we'll get em' next time. Patron God of Pirates, thank you so very much for the Lvl 10 stickes, I got them on my toolboxes today. AGDJon, thank you for the hat and the poster, it was great to make your aquantiance. I have been looking for AO members everwhere I go. Everytime I see a guy playing with a 'Mag I ask, if they aren't AO members I try to turn them onto it. I decided to cheat and attend an AO meet so I could actually meet members. One thing I would like to mention is the amount of big names that came out for this event. Aside from the ones already mention I saw Amy Low. Now damn, I saw pics of her in PB2X and she show to an AO meet, cool.

    My Lvl 10 Retromini ran flawless all day. Shot a case of paint through it and didn't even think about breaks, hell after the first couple games I dumped my squeegies!!!!! Getting to meet alot of AOers was great, getting to shoot most of them was even better. My most memorable moment was winning my first team speedball game I ever played. Getting the pull and the hang was an awesome feeling and now I am hooked. Letting it all hang out and going for broke was a feeling like almost no other. Shooting out our opponents made me want to shout with joy. You have to understand that we lost our first 2 games by a laughable margin and still placed about 3rd or 4th. Everyone was great. Thank you to team Black Cell for the food, I was broke after the 2 cases of paint I bought. In closing I would like to appologize to Tunaman and Tunaman Jr.. In one of the speedball games Tunaman Jr.'s team tried to load up my side of the field. I shoot out the front player and made it to the snake. I proceeded to get Tunaman Jr. out, but not before I super-bonusballed him like 5 times. (Damn retrovalve shoots too fast). The 13th will stand as one of the best days of ball I have every played. Thank you all.
    e·vis·cer·ate v. e·vis·cer·at·ed, e·vis·cer·at·ing, e·vis·cer·ates v. tr.
    To remove the entrails of; disembowel.

    "You'll still blame your failure on tiny little balls that don't functon properly." Captain kRYSYS of team plank walkers

    Harbingers of your dying breath

    Black to Red X-mag
    Black ULE-mag
    Evolved Ironman Matrix
    Tri fade E-class Orracle
    Black to Green Splashed Species
    Black to Blue AIM Jam Intimidator

  27. #27
    Wc Keep Guest
    wait was his brother travis???

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ
    Yeah, the short little blond hyper kid

  29. #29
    Wc Keep Guest
    hey got offended when we said he liked star trek even though hes seen every other space movie in exsistance.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Houston, Texas AKA Hades
    Great times, got to meet more cool AO'ers and add more good memories to the pile . First and foremost, Id like to thank the guys that made this event happen so sucessfully, namely Mel and the PBX guys, Jon, Capo and the rest of AGD, The Mills for coming all the way from Florida, The Black Cell guys, Thordic, spacemanspiff, SprayingMango, and Riotz, who devoted so much time into planning this thing and trying to get it to run smoothly (between administrative stuff, reffing and cooking, Riotz and spacemanspiff barely got to play, big thanks to them). Also big thanks to the guys that took the time to come play, obviously without you we wouldent have the great community of players that we do. Cphillip, FatMan and kids, thank you for driving the 15+ hours from the big SC to show us your southern hospitality , we were honored to have you. Tunaman, as always youve shown how helpful paintball players can be, even loaning out your baby for others to use, thanks brotha. Also like to thank the guys we played against for the good games and my teammates for the 3-man Thordic and rpm07 for remembering to have fun above all else, good times guys!

    Its awesome how the AO community is able to come together like this to make and event where the players are honest, respectful of the field and other players, and are ready to have fun with their fellow maggers. Its definitely something to be treasured and I look forward to many more AO meets to come!

    P.S. - The level 10 most certainly proved its worth on the field that day, Go AGD w00t!

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