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Thread: **Official Policy for Euro X-Mags**

  1. #31
    If you bought an X-Mag from the AGD US Booth at IAO, WC or any other US tournament, then it will be a US version.
    AGD US have sold a small number of X-Mags pre Dec 9th.
    However, if you bought the X-Mag from a player, then you would need to check the ACE, as it could be a Euro version that found it's way over there. You can also contact either AGD US or AGDE to check the serial number.

    We're still receiving calls from customers who don't understand what the difference was between Euro & US X-Mags
    pre Dec 9th. The main difference is the ACE. When we developed Version 1 of the ACE over here, we initially used a wiring loom. The Ver 1 ACE works the same as the Ver 2 circuit board ACE, but we (AGD US & AGDE) decided to change to the circuit board because there were some concerns that the wires could get pinched or cut, if care wasn't taken, when the marker was stripped & re-assembled. As from Dec 9th, all X-mags worldwide will ship with the new Ver 2 ACE circuit board. If you have an X-Mag with the Ver 1 ACE, it does NOT mean that you have a Beta X-Mag. Your ACE works the same as a VER 2 ACE. It has the same components, and uses the same version of the ACE software.
    We only shipped Beta X-Mags to specific players, who were happy to participate in the Beta program. Beta X-Mags were used to try out a variety of new ideas & specs, but the Beta markers are all kept updated to the latest spec.
    I hope this makes things a little clearer.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Algarve, Portugal
    Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

    get it together, ya big baby!
    C'mon now Clare, just becuase you and I have X-mags doesn't mean we can't feel sorry for the others

    Sometimes I love being British
    London Tigers AM

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  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Decatur, AL USA
    Originally posted by Mr Pink

    Sometimes I love being British
    The rest of the time you cry like a baby.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Algarve, Portugal
    True, I often weep into my G/F's bosum (See Girlfriend pic thread) - wouldn't you

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Decatur, AL USA
    Yes, I saw. It would seem that prolonged weeping would require the use of a snorkel.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    caught in a mosh
    Thanks for clearing that up John.
    X-mag #10. Nuff said.

    my feedback

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Originally posted by Mr Pink
    Sometimes I love being British

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    It's times like these I wish we had not won the war...

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    ann arbor, MI
    its times like this i wish after WWII we had just taken them over as well.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toledo, Ohio
    Originally posted by datapimp69
    its times like this i wish after WWII we had just taken them over as well.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    the ACE system in the the Euro-X's is too different from the USA-X's to swap one for the other? different software on the board?

    or is it a physical size problem like the tray for the eye?

    just curious...

    Warp Feed Evangelist
    My Feedback

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Originally posted by Fred
    the ACE system in the the Euro-X's is too different from the USA-X's to swap one for the other? different software on the board?

    or is it a physical size problem like the tray for the eye?
    It's the same board and software. But the ACE itself now has it's own board which the body of the gun is milled to fit over (and a little out of the top of the grip). The Euro ones didn't have the same body and grip milling and had the components that are now on the ACE board on a wiring loom which was mainly in the grip. The ace was then on a wire which ran through the grip to a top hat like piece which fitted into a hole in the body.

    Obviously that's fine for us Brits and Euro's but they were worried the average American user would damage it and trap the wires, so it was changed so that can't happen (just teasing you guys! ) The new set up with the ACE board makes it easier to take apart and reassemble the gun.

    So it's mainly a physical issue. You can mill a Euro one to take the US version. And in the future all will be US versions... apart from my gun cos I already milled out too much of it for the board to fit in without breaking through oops hehehe


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by manike

    So it's mainly a physical issue. You can mill a Euro one to take the US version. And in the future all will be US versions... apart from my gun cos I already milled out too much of it for the board to fit in without breaking through oops hehehe

    Ah-ha! I get it now... thanks!

    lol... too much milling? really? looks like the engineer made a boo-boo! you have LX though, who needs an eye???

    So who gets the third Manik-E-Mag???


  14. #44
    ben_JD Guest
    Originally posted by AGD
    Sorry but there is nothing in particular happening dec 9th. AGDE has twenty guns they want to ship next week so thats where the date came from.

    When do you think that AGDUSA will want to ship out some guns?

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Originally posted by Fred
    lol... too much milling? really? looks like the engineer made a boo-boo! you have LX though, who needs an eye???
    Nope the engineer designed it for the Euro ACE... which will fit just perfectly

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Greece, Chios island
    Very happy because X Mags are ready to ship.
    I am waiting 3 (three) guns!!!!
    Regards from Greece.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Rio Oso, California, United States
    Tom I understand that it is not always possible to have a perfect situation. I have a standard Black X-Mag and to be honest I am not totally happy with the "policy". Before I flew to England and purchased a couple of X-Mags I was ASSURED that repairs could be done in the USA. I guess all I would like to know is, if a repair is needed can we have you look at it and pay for the repair? I would also like to know what I would have to purchase to convert to the USA version. God forbid that I ever have a product that is in such demand that people would fly to another continent to purchase one!I have always paid for what I have and now is no different.
    4 to 6 weeks SUX!


  18. #48
    ben_JD Guest

    Re: December 9th?

    Originally posted by ben_JD
    Is there something we can infer about next Monday?
    I guess not.

  19. #49
    It would be faster & cheaper if you just called or
    e-mailed us at AGDE for tech advise. If we needed the Marker sent in, you could ship it by express insured air mail, which is fairly economical, and gets here in about 3 days. We would turn it around asap for you, and then you wouldn't have to wait anywhere near 4-6 weeks.
    To be honest, if the ACE loom was defective in some way, we could just mail you new one.
    Most issues are generally related to simple o-ring changes within the valve.

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by manike

    Nope the engineer designed it for the Euro ACE... which will fit just perfectly
    somehow I knew I was being shortsighted with that comment...

    gonna run the Manik-E with a Morlock too?


  21. #51
    Where can I send an order in for an X-Mag? It doesn't seem to be on this site, and there's no where that I kno that has em yet. Is there a secret ordering form around there?

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Durham, NC
    you can order from 1 of 3 places:
    1) AGD Dealers on the AO forum...Tunaman, RobAGD come to mind

    2) order directly from yor local AGD dealer

    3) order from AGD Direct

    hope that helps

  23. #53
    Mr. Kaye,

    You guys at AGD are a First Class Act! Cudos from SE Texas!

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Redsox Nation
    I may have missed this somewhere in this thread, so suppose I will ask anyways.

    what is the official US price on the x-mag? Ive got about $400 put away towards this and may end up selling my old automag to pick one up. (first gun i ever owned.. its my baby) can anyone tell me this, or would it be best for me to contact my local AGD dealer.

    and lastly, something I probably missed on this thread too, when is the expected release of this gun? ive been checking AGD's site, and havent seen anything about this gun on their stores. I have also heard about a waiting list just to get one. anyone enlighten me on this?

    thanks for your help.


  25. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Hey, Joe.
    Welcome to AO.
    I'm not absolutely sure about the price, but its between 1100 - 1400. It's best to check with your local AGD dealer, or you could go to Logic and order from there. (tell them we sent you and you get a discount.)

    Team Sandbaggers.
    -We own j00 all.-

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Redsox Nation
    thanks cryer, im checking this out now.

    while thier site doesnt say, would you or anyone happen to know when the pre-orders will be fullfilled?



  27. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    usually, it takes a few months. I think there is a batch in production now, so maybe ... 6-7 months.
    I checked on the price last night after I posted, for a C&C solid color with no tank it will be 1300+. If you tell them that you heard about them from Automags Online, your total is around 1200.
    I would go ahead and put your order in now (or as soon as possible)that way you can make sure yours will be in the next batch.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    So, I am sorry, if I, a lowly USA dwelling citizen wish to buy one of these fancy X-mags, I would need to call up AGDE and have it shipped over to the States?

    Or perhaps the X-mags will be out by June-Julyish of this year? I would love to get one but at the same time I would like to get a finalized version that is fully supported and not a hassle for AGD or me to maintain if it needed to be sent back.

    Compulsive buying spree! Credit Cards are my friends!

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Yeah ok I sorta totally ignored that post with a link up above mine sooo.. yeah I am an idiot. Still... any new info or is the ball in Big K's court?

  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Forget it, we're doomed.

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