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Thread: //// Frame Package Contest Official Rules ////

  1. #1
    shartley Guest

    Exclamation //// Frame Package Contest Official Rules ////

    OFFICIAL AGD Design the Frame Package CONTEST

    Winning entries must follow ALL rules and regulations. By entering, you agree to follow and abide by all AGD Rules. AGD may alter Rules at any time. AGD may disqualify any entry for any reason. All entries become the property of AGD upon submission. No monetary payment will be made for Winning (or non-winning) entries. Prizes are to be awarded as indicated by PRIZES section of this Contest’s Rules.

    Contest Dates: 13AUG01 – 24AUG01
    (Extended timeframe due to server problems is Midnight 29AUG01)


    1) To win the contest you must design the three panels on the insert, front, side and back. The design MUST come to us in PRINT Resolution (300 DPI Minimum) or you are disqualified.

    2) Design Dimension: (All dimensions given are at 300 DPI.)

    The front panel = 1350 pixels wide by 750 tall. (4.5 inches X 2.5 inches)
    The side panel = 1350 pixels wide by 450 tall. (4.5 inches X 1.5 inches)
    Back panel = 1350 pixels wide by 1800 tall (4.5 inches X 6 inches)

    ALL Panels must be on ONE Image, as they will be printed that way. It is a single sheet of stock folded twice to form 3 panels. Overall Design will be 4.5 inches wide X 10 inches tall.

    (Note: There is no need to design a border or bleed for this design. The dimensions are full print area. Keep this in mind if any of your designs have their own borders.)

    3) You agree that you are the creator of the design and did not use any part of it without permission. Copyright enforcement will be strictly adhered to. You are free to use any AGD Graphic or Picture, as well as Logo, in your design.

    4) Only TIFF and JPG image files will be allowed. NOTE: Multiple Entries may be entered in ZIP format.

    (NOTE: If you develop your graphic in Photoshop, please keep a copy of it on your system in PDF or PSD format still with the original layers. If you WIN, we will be asking for it. But submit all entries as a flattened image in TIFF or JPG format. Thank you.)

    5) Any color format is allowed (RGB, CMYK, etc.)

    6) No hand drawn and Snail Mailed entries. This is a “Finished” graphic contest, not a “design concept” contest.

    7) All entries will be e-mailed the designated e-mail account as an ATTACHMENT, not as an inserted image. Contest E-Mail Address is [email protected]!

    8) Feel free to add your own marketing slogans! This product is for YOU, so what would make YOU want to buy it?

    9) There is no limit to the amount of entries each person can submit. HOWEVER, keep in mind that this is not a win by flooding contest. It is QUALITY that counts. I would advise limiting yourself to a couple at most… ONE great one is best. You have two weeks to work on it, so USE that time.

    10) Feel free to use any an all text shown on the example picture provided at the end of this Post.

    11) Do NOT e-mail AGD staff or SHARTLEY any of your designs for “Pre-Inspection”. Only entries e-mailed to the designated e-mail account will be accepted. Contest E-Mail Address is [email protected]!

    12) Do NOT e-mail “In the works” graphics… “I am still working on this, but here is what I have so far…” Is NOT acceptable. If you are still working on it, WORK on it. Send only your Final Version.

    13) Do NOT post your entry online! Any entries posted online will be disqualified. We will show the entries in an organized manner and all at the same time. This eliminates any appearance of the “stealing” of other people’s work or ideas.

    14) Any entries in direct Copyright, Trademark, Service Mark, etc. violation, will be disqualified.

    15) When sending in an entry, please provide the following information:

    - AO Name
    - Real Name
    - AGE (Being under 18 will NOT disqualify you. There are legal reasons for this, so BE HONEST!)
    - Address and Phone Number

    16) For all entries submitted during the EXTENDED Timeline, make all file names your actual NAME.

    Example: TomJones.jpg

    And if you enter more than one, please indicate by numbers.

    Example: TomJones1.jpg TomJones2.jpg

    NOTE: This does NOT apply to those already entered during the normal timeframe. DO NOT RESUBMIT if your entry(s) was received and verified.


    First place will be for the best three-panel entry. You will receive an Rtpro with Warp Feed and Intelliframe your choice of colors, triggers and setups. In case we pick someone else's back and side panels, first place still goes to the creator of the front panel we end up using.

    Second place will be for the first runner up or if someone comes up with a better side or back panel that we decide to use in the design. They will win a Warp Feed in any color they want and an Intelliframe any trigger they want.

    Third place is for the second runner up and is the same as second runner up for prizes and usage of panels.


    Entries will be taken up to the evening of the 24th. They will be reformatted for Web use, and placed on a special Gallery Page for all to see. Then the voting will begin! Who will Vote? YOU WILL! The actual AO MEMBERS will vote for the Winning Design!

    (note: There is NO Timeline update! This is because there was NEVER a timeline for the second phase of the Contest to begin with. I have always stated this: When Tom gets the Gallery ready, you will all be notified, and given Voting instructions. YOU will be NOTIFIED! One more time.. YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED. So please do not ask again. And the ONLY people who can answer your questions about the contest is Tom or Myself. Thank you. )


    1) Keep in mind the actual size of the printed materials. I have seen some entries that would not work simply because the objects placed on them would be too small when printed. A good way to test this, is to run a test print yourself.

    2) See number 1. This also applies to adding fancy effects. Often times good use of colors, format, and design are better than a bunch of drop shadows and beveled text. We all know how to use a filter…. What sets good design apart from the rest is knowing when NOT to.

    3) More is often just that.. MORE. Don’t overload your designs. It will only take away from the main focus.

    4) Keep in mind that this is to showcase the PRODUCT, not YOU or your “fantastic design skills”. Many good designs have gone bad simply because the artist failed to remember this.

    5) There are two types of triggers that will go with this frame… I have not seen anyone address that in their designs yet. You may like to put both on the front panel in a special box. That would allow the person putting the insert in the packaging to either place a sticker over the inappropriate type, or take a marker and cross it out. This is done often with products.

    6) Take a look at some of the packaging around your house (toys and video games work great for this type of product). See how they use color and patterns to create effects and draw the eye to certain parts…. Emulate that. Don’t COPY it, but learn from it.

    7) Please do not ask HOW to do something. I have assisted some of you already on the basics of some of the software packages out there, but I can not from this point on. I am sure you understand.

    8) Ask all questions in the Forum. I will create a special Q&A Topic for this contest and you can ask there.

    9) Do not be afraid to wrap a design concept from the Front, over the Side, and then to the back. Your design does not have to be limited to making three separate panels, each unto itself. Be creative!

    Here is the Demo Picture:

    Like I asked before, please keep ALL questions OFF this Topic Thread. Make them in the special Contest Q&A Topic. This allows us to update these rules as needed, and if there are updates we will UP it for you to see. (Moderators, please do not close this thread, but remove all posts other than Tom's and Mine… I am sure you understand why. Thanks.)

    Please do not send any more questions.. it is over.

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

    [This message has been edited by shartley (edited 08-28-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by shartley (edited 08-30-2001).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Don't make me pull over!!






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