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Thread: Frame Package Contest Q&A's

  1. #121
    shartley Guest


    I don't think that is an issue for this contest. Overloading a package label with too much information is often times worse than not putting enough on it.

    This is not a knife, where the type and grade of steal is clearly marked. It is a product using many materials. I suggest focusing on the product and not it's chemical makeup. What type of Aluminum it uses will not be a major selling point.

    You may want to ask that in the Tech Forum though. I am sure they would be delighted to answer it. But it is unneeded information for this contest.


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  2. #122


    Hey Shartley, do u think you could tell us the exact place where the mirco switch would go?, also where the intellifeed interface would be at approx., or are these two things I just mentioned the same thing?Thanks for your time

  3. #123
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Chicago, home of the unBEARables


    Originally posted by automagseeker:
    Hey Shartley, do u think you could tell us the exact place where the mirco switch would go?, also where the intellifeed interface would be at approx., or are these two things I just mentioned the same thing?Thanks for your time

    There's pics of the interior of the Intelliframe w/Microswitch & interface at:

  4. #124
    shartley Guest


    Thanks Gunga.

    [This message has been edited by shartley (edited 08-15-2001).]

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    North Reading, MA USA


    automagseeker, shartley does not for work AGD so he would not know the answer to your question. Try asking Tom in the tech forum. Also as shartley said before, overloading a package with too much info is not a good idea. The location of the microswitch will not be a selling point due to it being an *optional* feature.

  6. #126


    thanks you Gunga, and Peanut, I was asking him b/c he was incharge of this whole op, I know he doesn't work for AGD, but thanks anyways

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bolton, MA


    Shartley I know Tom hasn't given you the email address for where to send the designs yet. I was wondering if you could get the info out of Tom sooner rather than later. I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday morning and will not have access to my PC. So my self impossed deadline is this Friday evening to submit my design. I'd hate to lose out because I can't submit the design because I don't know where to send it.

    Also, anyway that the judging can be determined by a comination of popular vote plus some input from AGD marketing or some panel of judges (You, Webby, Tom, etc.). I'd hate to see a design win because someone writes some code to automatically vote for a design a million times. Not that we have people on the forum that would do that. Just a thought.

  8. #128
    shartley Guest



    Very valid issues. If Tom does not get an e-mail address by that time, you can send them to ME. Just take my e-mail address from my profile. But do not send it to me unless you e-mail me first and I okay it.

    NOTE: This is not for everyone! This is a special case that falls within a disqualification caused by US and not him.

    Also, that Voting problem you mentioned... don't worry about that, it will not happen that way.

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

    [This message has been edited by shartley (edited 08-15-2001).]

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Ontario, Canada


    I think the AO members, should vote for the top three, and have Tom, or the AGD/AO 'staff' choose from the top three we picked out or something like that... would still be letting us decide the new look, but also give some discression over the choice. and is sending the entries as a .PSD okay too? since, if im not mistaken AGD does have PhotoShop?

  10. #130
    shartley Guest


    4) Only standard graphic formats will be accepted. (Tiff. Gif. JPG. PDF. Etc.) NOTE: Multiple Entries may be entered in ZIP format.
    Pretty forward on that subject.

    Please try to read the rules better before asking questions.. also read the questions and answers posted in this thread. (That is for everybody.) It gets hard staying nice about things when people fail to, or refuse to READ.

    Also, please... everyone... don't offer suggestions as to how the contest is being run. It is not a contest to determine how the contest will be voted.

    Give an inch, take a mile. Please understand that allowing some participation does not mean TOTAL participation. Try not to abuse it. Focus on providing quality entries.


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  11. #131
    shartley Guest


    I am putting this update on here as well as on the Official Rules Thread (this helps bring it back to the top as well).

    You MEMBERS will be voting on the Final Design.

    The E-Mail Address for Entries is [email protected]


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  12. #132
    shartley Guest


    Git to the top!


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  13. #133
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Cookeville, Tennessee


    I'll help in the cause, Sharley. Go up, up, and, well, not away!

    Oops, just thought of a question...when you post the pics of the designs for people to vote, are they going to anonymous. Someone brough this up early, but I don't remember a reponse. BTW, you're doing great with this!

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Queens, NY USA


    Hey Shartley, whats up.

    Great Job with the updated "official Rules" thing.

    I have a personal question about the contest. The contest ends on the 24th and I know you alerady gave out the e-mail, so it will not be a problem sending the pictures before i leave for bootcamp.

    Im not going to be around to view the posts and vote for them etc. If by any chance i win (hehe), can i let a friend of mine claim the prize?

    Also, when sending the e-mail, should we include any of our registration information? Like the AO "UsernName", full address, etc?


    Roman Lebedinskiy
    [email protected]
    professional web designs

  15. #135
    shartley Guest



    From what Tom told me last time, there will be both a number (for easy voting) and the name of the Artist. There are advantages and disadvantages to this system, and I have discussed them all with Tom... nothing new could be added.

    Tom knows how I feel, but as I keep saying... It is Tom's Show... I am just directing it. And I will do so AS he wants.

    There is still a week left, so we will see what happens. But this is really a side issue, and an internal one. Again, what people should do is concentrate on getting us some great entries.

    Thanks. This can be like a wild horse... let go of the reins for a second and...... HOLD ON! LOL I do what I can.

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  16. #136
    shartley Guest


    Thanks (but for what, I am still unsure... LOL).

    I will let Tom make the "friend receiving the prize" decision. And I am sure that will NOT be posted. But we are making a note of the situation.

    As for the what gets sent with the Entry.... good question. YES make sure you provide your AO Name. Also provide all contact information, Real Name, Age, Address, etc. I will go and add this information on the Official Rules Page as well. This information will assist in awarding prizes. Thank you.

    NOTE: Being under 18 will NOT disqualify you from winning. So be honest! There are legal reasons for this. Thanks.

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  17. Smile

    up goodluck to everyone

  18. #138
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Cookeville, Tennessee


    Sorry to ask another question, but is "Attitude by Design" usable in our graphics? Its under the "Sponsor, Brought to you by Airgun Designs" thing, and was wondering if we could use that?

  19. Post

    The intellifeed interface, and the micro switch, they both have to deal with the same thing right? Thanks, but they are two separate things?

  20. #140
    shartley Guest


    That goes with a complete setup (Marker AND Warp Feed) and not a single product.... so, sure if you want to use it, go ahead.

    I will suggest however, NOT using it. Why? Because it has been done.

    Tom was hoping for some new stuff. (hint hint) New product, now saying.


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  21. #141
    shartley Guest



    Sorry wrong forum... that is a Tech question. I only answer Contest and Design questions.

    Could you take that to the Tech Area please?

    (NOTE: Everyone else keep that in mind. Only Contest and Design questions are answered here, not Technical Questions about the product. I am not a Marker Tech. LOL Thanks. )

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  22. #142
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Queens, NY USA



    just to sweeten the decision of the "friend receivign the prize", I would like to say that I will embark on a 4 year journey to the United States Airforce to protect our country from all engaging enemies so women, children and men all alike can enjoy the benefits of a democrasy and PAINTBALL. woohoo.


    Roman Lebedinskiy
    [email protected]
    professional web designs

  23. #143
    shartley Guest



    Well I will first say thank you. And get all you can out of it. I will not get into how the Service treats its members (look to the mid 90's and all the cutbacks), but it IS a good thing for everyone to do. It builds character, and discipline (for most).

    Now with that out of the way.... Like I said, we will take your situation into account. That is about all I can say on the matter. Just make sure you mention all this when you submit your entry.


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  24. #144
    shartley Guest


    Take to the top...

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  25. #145
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Queens, NY USA


    Hey Shartley,

    what are the dimensions of the bar code that Tom mentioned we have to put in. I couldnt find it anywhere in the other posts.


    Roman Lebedinskiy
    [email protected]
    professional web designs

  26. #146
    shartley Guest


    Bar codes vary in size. So that is not a big issue. Just wing it! It is best to be a little on the large size (you see this a lot on packaging.. where the actual bar code does not take up the total space provided for it).

    What I suggest is look at some products handy, and pick a good size that goes with your design. This aspect can be modified by AGD before final printing anyway since it only involves a white box.

    If Tom knows the exact dimensions, it would be great, but he probably does not. He reads this thread, so if he does, I am sure he will let you all know.

    Until then, go with my suggestion. (After all, having the box there is a luxury anyway.... since it could be added by AGD ANYWHERE after the main design is created. Putting one on the actual design allows the designer to NOT put crucial information where a Barcode MAY be placed. When I design packaging, I personally never put the box on it until it is ready to actually GO to press. That way if things change a little, it does not matter. But please keep in mind that we are not running this like a standard Design Project. The requirements would be MUCH more demanding, much more precise, NO flattened images would be used for initial consideration, font types would be specified, final draft formatting would be specified, etc., etc. etc. )


    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

    [This message has been edited by shartley (edited 08-17-2001).]

  27. #147


    Personally, I used a 400 wide by 200 high white box for the barcode... It looked good in my particular design.


  28. #148
    shartley Guest


    Yes, that would work too. Again, what works best with the individual's design is what will be best for the contest as it stands.

    Yeah.. I did not have to say this... but it brings it back to the top. LOL

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  29. #149
    shartley Guest


    Just saw it was getting buried.

    Up to the top please.

    “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

  30. #150


    back from the grave...

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