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Thread: Can Richard Play Paintball ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dalton Georgia

    Can Richard Play Paintball ?

    We have recently been asked to assist a fellow paintball player get back into the sport after an accident forced him to stop playing. His requirements for playing have changed slightly since the accident and we have decided to provide the support he needs to get back into the game. The ultimate goal is to have him playing tournament paintball within the next few months but some special equipment will be needed to accomplish this.

    We are looking for some assistance in providing Richard with a reloading system without having to use individual pods to refill his hopper. We have exhausted our resources and ideas so I thought I would send this to our on-line community for assistance.

    Due to the severity of Richards’s accident his arms had to be removed at the shoulders. The accident left him with no arms but it did leave him with an extreme desire to get back into the sport he loves so dearly. With the help of his friends, and some assistance from the paintball community, I am sure we will solve this problem and have Richard playing the 2003 season as a new member of our factory team.

    We are currently working on a triggering system for an electronic gun and will be discussing this in more detail with several gun manufacturers to find the best match for his unique situation. We simply need to find a way to get paint to his gun or hopper.

    When I asked Richard how he felt after the accident he simply offered this example…...

    “Bob, you had long hair right? Remember how you felt when you got it all cut off and you saw yourself for the first time? You just said this is how I am now…and you accepted it. This is how I am now”. And he just gave me the same big smile he always has on his face.

    We do appreciate any assistance and support with this matter and we welcome all ideas.
    Please feel free to contact me anytime at 706-270-0603.
    Bob Sandifer
    TheAggressiveGeneration - Home of the Predator.
    Dalton Ga. 706.876.0085

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Elmhurst, IL
    a big box of paint on the back that is fed to the gun by a warp?

  3. #3
    personman Guest
    1. Sence he isnt (I'm assuming) going to be actually holding the gun, why not make a bigarse loader (600-700 rnd?) that has a motorized feeding system in it..
    2. Some how rig some sort of swich that turns a motor on that releases some balls from a box rigged twords the top of the (I guess he will be in a wheelchair?) wheelchair, down a tube (using gravity) into a loader. Or you could rig up a warp feed somehow in the same way and try that..

    edit- agdemagman beat me to it

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Good Ole Amish Country, or just outside of lancaster PA
    BOB i suggest you call tom. At the 2001 IAO, there was a product, where a man with a dissability not unlike roberts (he had lost one arm this man) had created a back pack loader. HE had used a cammel back water pouch, a revy bottom melted to the bottom and secured, and a warp system, one on the revy, one on gun i believe. IM sure tom would be willing to help out in this unique situation.

    IF i remember correctly, the bag held 1100 balls, about equal to a normal back player, so i doubt refilling would be too much of a problem.

    My advice is to call tom and see what he can do. Also, contact tippmann, they may be able to rig something with a cyclone feeder to help out.

    hope this helps-Bill

    Originally posted by Tom in reffrence to a post saying he acted like my dad...
    "That's right!
    ALL QUIT AND NO GO!!! Team Icky Forest-Shatnerball 2003!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dalton Georgia
    Actually he will be holding the gun thanks to his new "super arms"

    I spent quiet a bit of time with one of his new arms today and it is amazing. He can hold the gun we were testing extremely well and aim the gun with no issues at all. Depending on what gun we decide on some slight motifications will be made to give him a better grip.

    Most of this is done due to his extreme will to overcome this "slight" set back. Richard can honestly do about everything any other player can do on the field.

    We will use an electronic gun so the electronics can be relocated to his pack and the NOID control wires will be the only connection other than his AIR line. This will eliminate most of the extra weight on his arm and give him a bit more freedom of movement. Currently we are testing a mouth trigger and this will probably be the firing method of choice until we can discuss our long-term plans with the engineers that designed his new arms.

    We have discussed a "back-pack" system but we need more specifics. A single warp did not provide the PUSH we needed to get the paint to the gun. Possibly a dual warp? One at the bottom of the pack and one at the gun ?

    Another idea we had was a second chest pack containing all of the paint he needs to carry. There would be a neoprene hose connected to the hopper feeding the gun on a regular basis. When he raises the gun to its actual shooting position the hose/tube will close off due to the bend and when he needs to reload he simply lowers the gun and the tube reopens by eliminating the bend in the flexible tube.
    A thin plastic plate could help protect the paint from direct hits.

    He spent most of the day practicing Tourny Player Temper Tantrums so he can feel like he is 100% back to his old self. He has already assigned another team mate to assist in throwing his gear and giving the finger during those special times He really cracks me up....LOL wheelchair needed. Its the Arms that are giving him a bit of trouble...the legs are working great
    Last edited by; 01-05-2003 at 11:28 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Elmhurst, IL
    wow...hes taking this really well

    with those arms he will probably be a great shooter

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Newport News, VA
    Man, that takes alot of heart to get up when you fall down, even if you can't pick yourself up. I'll definitely be thinking of a feed system, and I'll ask all of my techie friends too...I'm sure they'll think of something ingenious.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Good Ole Amish Country, or just outside of lancaster PA
    yep bob, call tom! he will take care of ya im pretty sure!

    lol about the tourny player temper tantrums!

    what about building a marker into the arm its self? something a little futuristic maybe? but it may just work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Quis custodiat ipsos custodes?
    A warp on the gun, and on one on the bottom of a backpack shoudl do you.

    I think Tom had a backpack loader using that setup.

    You could also try modding the Warp for more voltage, either the 12 volt mod, or 18v directly to the motor.
    Shaun Nelson --- old, fat, slow.... did I mention lazy? I ate all the pies
    I disable .signatures Apparently you do not.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dalton Georgia
    thanks guys

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Brookline, MA
    WOW! That's awesome. If Richard reads this you rock for trying so hard to overcome this, and good luck with a normal life and a great paintball career . Anyhow, Here's my idea:

    While the warp may not have enough juice to shoot a gun at however many FPS he will be shooting, maybe it will be OK to reload his hopper? Maybe you can have a souped up warp or 2 connected to a ball container on Richard's back. Then whenever his hopper needs reloading he can turn on both warps in the same way he triggers his gun. Maybe he could have the warp hose or 2 anchored to his shoulder, and whenever he needs reloading he can hold the hopper lid up to the 2 hoses, trigger the switch however way, and 10bps or so goes into his hopper.

    Dunno Not a great idea, but its a way to get a warp on the back design to work even if it doesnt feed fast enough for his trigger happiness

    Good luck guys, can't wait to see what you guys finally decide on.

    Good luck Richard!
    My Feedback


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Expendable Goons, Cheap!
    The backpack/chestpack warp should run at 12v at least (18 if you can get it worked out right)

    Personally i've been thinking hard about a backpack loader myself for a scenerio gun so I'm really interested in how you solve this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Yes there is a backpack warp and it does work. The weak link is the oring drive from the motor to the jackshaft pulley. AGD Lions have it right now and will be replacing the oring with a cog belt. that should solve all the problems.

    Bob call me to work something out.

    Tell your friend he is a paintball champion already.


  14. #14
    I'm glad to hear that Richard is taking his accident well. I do agree that the Backpack loader is probably the best and easiest. Also, I don't mean to intrude or anything, but what is this accident that happened? Car wreck? If its too sensitive or something you don't have to reply, but I'm kinda Curious to know what happened.

    perhaps there is a way to get a pneumatic paintball loader since the warp may not be strong enough? like a small amount of air is used to propel the paintballs up into the hopper? I dunno quite how this would be done, maybe with an extra nitro tank mounted in a remote harness, but it'd be similar to how a paintball gun propels the paintballs down the barrel.

    My Trading Feedback Thread Great traders: PaInTbAlLeR476, Shrapnel, Magdude, I <3 Mags.

    Polished Minimag Body
    Retro Valve
    Level 10
    AGD clear Warp feed
    12v Revvy

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    So Ill
    gosh i love this forum

    i think that the idea mentioned above of using the warp pack as a loader instead of a primary feed system would be a better idea.
    Image too large- Tato

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Dub V

    Where greatness is learned
    and couches are burned

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Dalton Georgia
    On Feb 28th 2002 Richard was electrocuted while working on energized power lines.
    He lost both arms above the elbow and spent 2 weeks in ICU then 4 more in the hospital before going to Nashville Rehab Hospital off and on for the next 4 months.

    After his arms healed he decided that he wanted to play paintball again. With encouragement from a good friend, Travis Boyd, he was introduced to me and Dee.

    You cant imagine how much everyone appreciates your support and the support of this community. Richard was already a mag user before the accident so this will really pump him up even more.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Gilbert AZ
    While I have no input on what can be done, I do want to say that your friend is an inspiration.

    Many times in life people give up because the solution is not easily seen ... but those who take the "curveball" and then grow stronger are an inspiration to anyone.

    If your friend does get back into tourny's I will fly out sometime to see him play and support him and your team.....

    While my personal injury is nowhere even in the same ballpark, I know that when I tore my ACL in my knee (at at 15 no less) I didn't think that I would be able to play paintball again because the constant damage I kept doing to my knee from it blowing out was causing wear on my kneecap ... after having surgery and a year of rehab on the knee to build up enough muscle tissue to basically be "good as new" I was able to play with no leg brace and no worries .... while the injuries differ, I did know that i was afraid that I couldn't do things I wanted to do ...

    Tell your friend he is an inspiration and that positivity is a necessity .... never let the turns of life get the best of you, there's always a way.

    Dave K
    Its a wakeup call for the Nintendo generation
    GregHastingsPaintball 3 is coming

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Down South
    Richard is one extraordinary person for not letting something like his dehabilitation put him back. I give him and others like him a lot of credit for wanting to get back on their feet and continue on, doing what they did before.

    For a feed system, maybe have something with a vacuum assist, like ones on Angels except more powerful. Maybe something such as this could be rigged to either the gun or the feed pouch or hopper with a tube.

    Good luck and I hope everything works out for the best with Richard so that he's out there playing again soon. Keep us updated as to what ends up being used.
    Silver ULE X Valved Mag
    Spyder AMG Classic

    Lots FS/FT! Barrels, pack, hopper and more! Click Here!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Honolulu, HI

    Talking this guy is a true champion....


    i am not a paintball techie, so i'm not too sure how a loader can be worked out for richard. what i did want to say was, as the other posters noted, how courageous your friend richard is to get up from such a deblitating injury and situation and go on with life. its people like him that inspire the rest of us who are in perfect health to achieve more than we thought we could. the true heart of a champion is not in the way he handles his victories but in the way he handles his defeats. please tell richard he is an inspiration and good luck in his endeavors.

    i would also like to say that i am impressed by agd and tom for their compassion and willingness to help. when there are times that i feel bad for spending so much money on agd products and paintball, i think of all the positive things people in the paintball community, like tom, do and it justifies the cost because my small contribution keep these companies afloat. thanks tom and agd.


    jae park
    good traders: grey_goose, justin_j, Aliens-8-MyDad, detect, cypres0099, murray123, load sm5 (great grips!), tunaman, donngie (has everything you need), thlibo, ttoad4000t, rdb123.


  21. #21
    Collegeboy Guest
    Ok so I am guessing that his arms will be locked onto the gun. Or will he be able to remove one of them. I think the last one would be correct.

    Ok if he can remove one of them. Here is a cheap and easy thing to do.

    Take one of those packs that carries paint balls tubes that only uses elastic straps. Nothing on the bottom or top. Take the pack position it on his front and put the pods upside down. Now when he wants to load it he can position his hopper under the tubes, open the pod and let the paint fall into the hopper.

    This will take some time getting used to but will be practically the same as everyone else out there.

    If you want to engineer something that would take some money but would be nice do this.

    Do as the others have said but instead of forcing it into the gun itself. Make the paint go to a pod on his front that will hold around 200 rounds or so. Make it where only 200 go it, rig up some sort of cut of valve (those one way swing vales would work great. As to make sure no more the 200 will fit in. Then once it gets time, he can open his hopper position it under the pod and again open the pod and let it fall into the hopper.

    Give me a sec and I will work on a work up sketch.
    Last edited by Collegeboy; 01-06-2003 at 05:01 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Warner Robins Georgia
    i like clooegeboys idea
    i think it coul work if hes right

    "Hey its the new transparent aluminum gun!! Must be light because you cant see it!" ------AGD

  23. #23
    Collegeboy Guest
    Alright here is a quick diagram.

    I modified it a bit. I have no idea about electronics so someone needs to do that. I thought there would be a problem with when and how to turn the warp feed on and off. I thought about running a system like the intellifeed but hook it up to a sensitive mouth piece. They make some for wheelchairs. Both sides mean forward, left means left and so forward. Now we could just hook it up to a one way switch where when he bits on it both ways the warp feed turns on and it forces balls into the front 200 round pods. That will allow his to fill the pod while still playing.

    Here is a diagram.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    dalton,ga, usa
    I saw richard yesterday for the first time, and have heard of and been keept up with his situation throughout the year by travis also a friend of mine. I was there with bob while going over some of the ideas that we were cooking up with him and what he thought about it. I'm 100% sure that we will make it work. like bob said, they already have the gun issue solve for the most part anyway. the loading thing is kind of triky for now but I'm sure he'll get it working. I must say that the inspiration that he brought to me was unlike any other, as I'm sure that other felt the same at the field. I hopefully will be playing with richard in the near future. let me end this by saying that I'll try to take some pics of richard for the first time when he steps back on the field. later AZZKIKR

    hey bob I've also came up with another idea for the feeding system, wich I know will work but I'll run it by you guys later anyway.
    mess with the best, DIE like the rest.
    when it absolutely, positively has to shoot well everytime

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Smile If any plastic or plastic machining is needed

    Wow is all I can say. I gotta say I'm a little embarassed that I've ever whined about being tired. That said, If any one needs any custom plastic parts needed to make this work let me know. I have access to nylon, teflon, delrin, polycarbonate, etc. I have CNC machines. A router, 2 bridgeport style CNC's and a CNC lathe. Give me a print and tell me what material ya want and I'll make it. In any event good luck. I know paintballers will get this rollin'!
    Angel Eyes Custom Acrylic Grips
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  26. #26
    Join Date
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    The big TN
    Hey man, thats great that youre not all upset about this thing. One thing I thought of was to make use of the front loader design thing a few posts above this one, but you could load with one of those speed pod things that Dye makes. He could just push it in there and it would load automatically. Good luck!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Dalton Georgia

    Tried calling but got Voicemail...I will try again tomorrow. If you still wish to discuss this tonight we are up until the AM Just let me know and I will give you a call.

    I am not sure if he will be using both of his arms while he is playing or not. This is something I will ask him during our chat tomorrow.

    We all appreciate the offer for your services. Once we get this thing down to a final design we might be making that call......thanks so much for the help.

    I think we are heading in the right direction with a single large paint container. I will know more after I speak with Tom tomorrow.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2001
    not much to say that hasn't already been covered. it looks like the backpack warp design seems to be the best for loading purposes.

    I am not sure if he will be using both of his arms while he is playing or not. This is something I will ask him during our chat tomorrow.
    i don't know how you have this set up, but it seems 2 arms would be better for stability reasons.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Live Free or Die
    well first off let him know he's doing the right thing not giving up. i applaude him for that.

    now as for triggering the gun. dont artifical arms use some sort of pressure switch to activate the different areas? could you rig a similar switch to fire the gun. i dont know much about it but just a thought.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Dalton Georgia
    We will eventually have the arm fire the gun through one of the sensor pads in the shoulder. Right now we are using a rubber encased pressure switch that can be used with his mouth.

    We were having a slight problem with the mouth switch wearing out so Ken Crane from is sending us a new version that might solve the problem.
    As soon as the arms' engineers get in touch with me we will finalize verion 2

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