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Thread: hyperframe help???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    Post hyperframe help???

    my mag fires fine with the regualar grip on it. then wen i put my hyper frame and air it up all it dose is makes a very faint click
    when i fire got it off ebay it is sappose to be new but i dont think it is please help

    also if any one knows centerflags e-mail adress please tell me at
    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Richmond va


    well center flag has excellent customer service

    I have one and it works great, but it could one of a few problems. The magnetic servo could have slid loose and not be able to cock.

    You might (i did this the first time) have the on/off pin up-side-down. Or you could not have the correct length on/off pin for your mag.

    You also might not have the correct input pressure. Or your vol. adjuster might be turned out to far.

    Play with it a little bit before you get upsett and think you got ripped off. Then contact center flag. I think you will really like it once you get it running.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA


    I think you should
    A: make sure your battery is good, a little juice can make that sound and make the gun not fire.
    B: make sure you installed the supplied on-off that came with the hyperframe correctly
    C: push the manual sear release,(small hole underneath back of gun in front of the field strip screw) make sure it fires, try it again, and then slowly back out the filed strip screw (on mine, if it is too tight it wont fire)
    D: last resort, call Centerflag.
    hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Dixon, CA, USA


    1. Yeah a weak battery wont fire the gun reliably.
    2. If your speed adjust screw it too far out the gun won't operate.
    3. ON/OFF must be in correctly to fire, if you look at it, the sear pushs on the narrow end of the on/off pin.
    4. Lastly check your sear, is the point damaged, is the bolt lip clean and un-marred?
    5. Is your safety off? Mine was jammed on at first, so the solenoid will fire (a slight click) but the sear won't relase the bolt.
    6. My friend had a problem with the Field Strip screw on his, it had to be loosed a 1/4-1/2 turn or so.

    Good luck, the frame works great for me. Can't shoot over 10 bps, but that's mostly to using that evil devil gas CO2. I can shoot all day at 7 bps and I'v very happy with that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Hicksville, NY, USA


    depress both mode and select buttons simultaneously. Set that at 9, which is maximum. This will allow the solenoid to kick harder. also you may want to check the solenoid position. There are four set screws at top of frame holding solenoid in place. If you loosen them, you can find the best place for it either forward or back where it will fire most reliably. Then tighten the set screws and you're set. If all else fails, send it back to CenterFlag. They'll take it no questions asked and fix it up for you. They're good about it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Where the s**t hits the fan...(SF Bay Area)


    I had the same problem with mine when I got it. I tried turning up the sol but still no help. I eventually tried it in my friends gun and it worked fine so I bought it off him. Also reduce the setting from 9 down to the second lowest setting. You may want to try some longer pt spacers to see if that might help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2001


    i dont know what it is ?
    i tried pushing on the hole where the sear is it wont do anything
    i called the tech and he didnt tell me anything i did not know
    he said imight have an old sear

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2001


    i think that it might be that my on/off pin is not long enough so i got another from centerflag .so if this dose not help i am sending it to centerflag

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