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Thread: We need a sticky BAD TRADERS thread

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Austin, Texas
    Originally posted by Level10
    i dont know why he thinks he will win, but we ovbiously have a full fledged dispute.
    You admit I never got them?

    Oh- You only have proof of shipping 1. (Which I have yet to verify)

    And even if you did ship all 4, you neglected to insure them OR to use a money order instead of cash.

    So anyway ya slice it, I win!

    C-ya in Cleveland!

    P.S. You're going to bring a lawyer right?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Midlothian, TX
    add paintballsucka

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    El Paso, Texas
    add Boble86
    "In God We Trust, All Others Must Pay Cash"
    actually a chinese fortune cookie I got.
    Good Traders - Nugie444
    Super Dooper Traders - alf

    "Dude your getting a Mag"

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    3-D Paintball
    yes i think im getting screwed by him right now. i wish i would have known about this all about a month ago. and level10: phil, your address is 15 harness lane? you told me i sent my gun to your friend @ that address and that he was the 3rd party. your definetly not a good trader......

    After a complete mixup with 2 people being named phil or something weird like that, i did get my gun, after about a month. just watch out if trading with phil x 2
    Last edited by spyder3634; 04-26-2003 at 10:00 AM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Josh Willington or somthing...
    aimname = intthis

    sent me a broken impy that i payed 300 for... iv sent it to smartparts twice...he really fudged up the reg or somthing...that is why im looking at mags...and i cant get one until i get enouph money...and i refuse to sell my imp to some kid who SAVED UP HIS MONEY FOR A FREAKING YEAR LIKE I DID!!! BECAUSE IM NOT SOME SCUM-SUCKIN SAC OF POO AND I HAVE A FREAKING HEART!!!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Newport News VA


    Jamie Lash
    110 Pine Hill Road
    Kittanning Pa, 16201

    AIM tag: Ostolation

    This guy delayed shipment of the halo after receiving money. Once i finally DID get it, the lid was broken. He sent the wrong model after we had agreed on which model. He is very hard to talk to about these problems, as soon as he found out I got the halo he blocked me on AIM, I am attempting to reach him via e-mail, the last straw will be calling him.
    AFTER all this, i checked out his e-bay user rating. Turns out, several other people had similar problems, even outside of paintball. Stay away from this guy. He's definitely not worth it.
    Calling all Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and other east coast AOers...

    AO Mid-Atlantic Meet (planning stages)

    Let us know what dates and locations work for you!!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2002

    AGDRules / TheEmagGuy

    This is kinda funny, but sad too. He and his brother (Adam and Matt Palmer) frequent our forums over at (where I'm a Mod), and I've been getting and seeing a few complaints from a few people about them.

    Some complaints are about the trades themselves, but mostly it's in how the deals are set up. Seems like the deals keep changing in the process or are on/off again.

    Here's apparently the latest fiasco from these two, I believe "Adam" is TheEmagGuy's brother:

    -Adam P. had a lvl 10 and I thought I could trade it for a tank if I bought it
    -I post saying I will trade a lvl 10 for a tank
    -Jibba!Jabba!!(actually Adam) posts saying he has a tank
    -he then says ok buy the lvl 10 now, and I will trade you
    -I buy the lvl 10 for $125 from Adam Palmer.
    -Jibba!Jabba!!(actaully adam) says ok I'll send the tank
    -I never hear from Jibba!Jabba!! again and I find out it was actaully Adam playing me for a fool so he could get money from me.
    This quote was taken from our forums, and posted by a TEAMMATE of theirs!

    Needless to say and because of these two individuals and incidents like it, we plan on re-defining what exactly a "Bad Trader" is when we get around to doing our list.
    Jason "Sniper Bob" Howland
    Freelance Writer

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    New Richmond, Wi.
    TOTAL FRAUD: Negifo

    sent paypal then the e-mails completely stopped and i never recived a package so i revoked payment

    Glad i used Paypal

    GOOD TRADERS: openboater, muirtach, abaez, TAW, Kevmaster, irbodden, reneirwolf878, Lakeview Bulldog, Willie Fattballz, snakestang, xXhAppyAznXx, Lee, SpongeBobSquarePants, Toakes22, fire1811, SpawnBoy icantbeliveit, jaded t, Carpecerevisi, Have Blue, blazingace, Souprman, shwerp, bgdaddy599, Mossman, Dragoon, Goldie D Pimp, Remington

    Very Bad traders. Negifo( TOTAL FRAUD $250.00)

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    3-D Paintball
    im getting scammed by adam palmer too. i sent him a broken sandridge for a gothic cocker. well he said the PO lost it and now its a 2k1 timmy, well then the PO broke that so now its an RT pro. well since we are @ war canada isnt sending stuff through the PO. so my dad got online and got info for adam's parents, grandparents, addresses, phone #'s etc etc. needless to say i will eventually get a gun/or money.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by spyder3634
    well since we are @ war canada isnt sending stuff through the PO.
    I'm going to laugh myself silly now.

    Geez that kid... how stupid does he think people are?

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    ha, threaten his grandparents, nice. Ive been on the thread I posted and Suposedly some one got RIPPED by Grey_Goose.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    NegInfo Got me too...

    Brian Angelico AKA NegInfo ([email protected]) took me for $160... but I too used PayPal, so it only cost me $4.96 and that still sucks.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Jed Smart , Ripped me for 120$ and got my tank, very very bad dont ever deal with him

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    bay area, CA
    Originally posted by Dubstar112
    Brian Letchworth
    628 Marshall St
    Roanoke Rapids, NC

    Bad trader, stiffed me for my gun
    hey are you sure this guy is a bad trader?
    i done business with this guy... i forgot what but thats a unique last name that i cant forget hehe

    well it was like a 15 dollar item i think, but he didnt rip me off and he has feedback at as well

    and for the bad trader list...

    Crazy4Paintball1, i havent gotten my ricochet that i paid 40 bucks for, 2 weeks ago, he says the PO is slow... that is reasonable... but 2 weeks is just out of this world slow

    I do know the AO sig rules, I just want a free sig pic, that's all!

    My Gun CollectionhAppy's Official B/S/T thread - Feedback

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Metro West MA
    adam palmer, same as above is now useing the sn pathfinder and started a trade with me for his sandridge, only to dump the trade after the gun was on the way to the third party.
    AIM me!

    Click my Sig Pic to IM me!
    Founding member of no_doz should die!
    pm me to join!

    Wait... Where Is the Smart Part?

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Kansas City



    [email protected]

    Jeff Duerson

    This trader promised to sell me a marker. I sent out payment that very day. Trader contacts me a few days later to tell me that his buddy lost the marker when taking pics. I felt that the trader was trying to back out of the deal after taking my payment. I told him that I would press mail fraud charges if he didn't come up w/ the marker. He then miraculusly finds the marker. About a week after he was supposed to send the marker I call him to find out that he just sent it( so he says) then I wait about another week and call him only to have him hang up on me. I called back and spoke to his mother who assured me she would make him send me the marker. A few days later I finally recieved the marker (looking like it just came out of a bad game) without the 12v revy that was promised to go with it. I saved all the emails to validate my claims.
    While I did finally get the marker(needing a thorough cleaning) without the revy(which was part of the deal) I would still have to say that one should not deal with this person. Luckily I was able to deal with his mother whom made him follow through on the deal.

    He gave his address as:

    Jeff Duerson
    639 E 3rd St
    Burkburnett TX 76354

    His parents:

    38 Surrey Circle
    Iowa Park TX 76367-1041

    I believe that he was probably living at his parents house. I don't know that the address he gave for himself was legitimate. I have verified his parents home address.
    Last edited by Sniper; 07-11-2003 at 01:24 PM.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Austin, TX
    Newbie 215- Horrible trader- DO NOT BUY/TRADE!!!

    He and I finalized a trade last night: His Boomstick + Lvl 10= My Flatline + 9V Revvy, and a CO2 tank. He INSISTED that I ship first. You can read the AIM conversation between us, finalizing this deal HERE.

    I got an email from him this afternoon at about 1PM saying:
    Hope you havent shipped yet because I found someone that would do my level ten for there flatline stragith up. Sorry

    DO NOT expect intergrity from this kid!!! He isn't an honest individual, and I would say that you have a pretty high likelihood of getting ripped off. (I posted this in his own feedback thread, but he deleted the thread) What if I would have shipped, and he would have backed out? He had another bad feedback in his self started thread, but I don't remember who from.

    Edited because of possible resolution.
    Last edited by no1beefcake; 05-22-2003 at 02:15 PM.
    New forum!

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Orange Park FL (under jax)
    Someone is just mad they dident get my level ten and boomy.
    Someone once asked me if I felt war was the answer.... For a moment I wondered then I replied "No War is not the answer, War is the question and the answer is Yes."

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    New York

    Angry BAD TRADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He took 325 dollars for a bushy and never sent it... he stopped contact with me the day I questioned him.... I checked his name and address in the 411 listing, and got nothing. He confirmed that he recieved payment and that was it.
    Good Trades: Fatjon, Snakebite78, kilaueakid, and Dwayne, platinumjason

    Team Euthanasia in association with ACI Sports.

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    New York

    Angry BAD TRADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He took 325 dollars for a bushy and never sent it... he stopped contact with me the day I questioned him.... I checked his name and address in the 411 listing, and got nothing. He confirmed that he recieved payment and that was it. His AIM name is Asthmatic Youth.

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by magnj
    ha, threaten his grandparents, nice. Ive been on the thread I posted and Suposedly some one got RIPPED by Grey_Goose.
    I highly doubt goose would take your money. Hes not a immature kid......grown adult.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    South Park,PA
    Jackoff has yet to send his gun I got a tracking number and it said my gun arrived. What form should I feel out in the mail fraud section, someone help me out.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i was also screwed by Adam Palmer aka "PathFinder" he has about 8 screeennames, i have most of them.

    i also have his phone number, if anyone would like to get in contact with him.

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Angry BAD TRADER!!!

    lowrider711 I have yet to recieve the SP 02 AA Barrel I ordered from him. He got my MO back on the 17th of July and was supposed to have sent it on the 18th. 80 bucks for the barrel as well. That pisses me off I sent him a PM the other day asking where the barrel was and he has yet to reply. I know that USPS does take time to deliver but not two weeks from Johnson City, TN to here( Racine, WI)

    Even if I ever get the barrel, I would not recomend dealing with him.
    Last edited by AutomagRT1483; 08-05-2003 at 12:15 AM.

    Moderate with Equality & Consistency in 2005!
    AO-WI: Player's List - Now with over 100 People!!!
    Karta #082
    Member #007 of the Unoffical Trina Fan Club
    Great Traders: automagfreek, ClassicMagger, Emagster, fire1811, Kevmaster, MrMag, Nicad, oldsoldier, RogueFactor, SpongeBobSquarePantsx2 , SteveDx10+, The Frymarker, Treefall25, Tunamanx3, warpfeedmod
    In Loving Memory of Eric "Po" Ison Oct. 10, 1974 - Dec. 31, 2004

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    jason tidwell-dicksondood23, dicksondood22, tootle221
    -ripped me my xbox+$150 for his impulse, revvy and tank
    EDIT-i have since received the impulse, but had to contact the authorities...he could still be a bad trader.

    brendon wright--irishpunkr, paintballwizzard, pbstat2k3
    -ripped me for $505 for an eclipse bushy
    Last edited by Drewba13; 01-09-2004 at 06:12 PM.

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Kenneth Thom
    15 Elna Court
    Bayonne NJ 07002

    This assclown ripped me off for 210 bucks, his phone # is (201) 436-1718, and his e-mail address is [email protected]... feel free to give him some good old fashioned lovin'

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yo I would like to clarify something with Adam and Matt Palmer. Matt Palmer is straight he is a stand up trader. I traded my matrix for his emag. We sent same day everything was great. Just make sure if your gonna deal with them you deal with Dynasty. AIM DynastyAO. Hes great I just want to clear his name. I can't say the same for Adam however, he ripped one of my good friends for $350 bucks worth of gear.

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Wisconsin(not as bad as it sounds)
    -Ryan Christman

    I feel like such an *** falling for this crap.
    I paid for this in early august.
    Still no cocker
    hasn't responded to e-mails or has been active on the forum, so he may be operating under a diff username wich makes this post a frugal effort to thwart him in the future, oh well.
    "I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun. Not because I can see it, but because by it I can see everything else."
    -C.S. Lewis

  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2003
    fayetteville, new york


    BAD TRADER.......took for EVER to get the gun, didn't talk to me about where it was, sent the money he tells me that he got it on wednesday and that he was gonna send the gun out and id have it for saterday, well i got it on saterday, 3 WEEKS later, he didn't talk to me AT ALL, then i get the gun ALL chewed up he must have beat it with a rock, said that there would be stickys there weren't, said that there would be a drop and timed and ready to go, well the cocking rod is striped, the valve might be striped, no drop the ASA he sent me was striped and the front block was all striped, ne way DON'T BUY FROM person88

    My wife used to complain that I played every Sunday - I did anyways.
    Now I have no wife.
    Moral: Now I can play paintball on Saturday and Sunday and afford to do it

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