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Thread: Let's welcome all the new guys with a "Here's My Story thread"

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Sykesville, MD, US


    I first got into paintball 2.5 years ago. I had bought some magazines (had a Stingray II at the time ) and had brought them to school to look at them. I found a few friends were interested also, and started playing at the local SuperSports after a purchase of a Spyder TL+.

    I later found that I didn't like SuperSports so much, and went to play at Paintball Adventures Park. This field even had 2 SupAir fields (which I only recently found out!) which is pretty rare in MD from what I've seen. I got bored of the Spyder with no upgrades and recieved an Automag P/F just this past Christmas.

    In February, I wanted to sell my Automag to get a new marker (at the time, preferrably an Autococker). I started having second thoughts and took a look at some of the electro markers even though I was short about $900.

    I took into consideration AGD's service and dedication with their product line as I had seen before on the message boards. This was a factor which would greatly help me to purchase an Automag later. I gathered up a ton of unused stuff (including the 'Mag and Spyder) and auctioned them off on E-Bay. I found I had enough to buy an electro marker, and immediately got caught in a debate between the 'Mag and Angel.

    In the end, I picked the E-Micromag. And here I am today

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Castaic, CA, USA


    My obsession started in 89 in my junior year of high school. I saw paintball on a tv show one time and it caught my attention. I looked around and found a field near me in orange county at the time called War Zone. I played my firsts few games (night games) with a PGP until I saved up enough to buy my first gun. It was a Razor Back pump which I bought from Ron Killborn. Then I moved on to a BE Poison semi-auto ( let me tell you a POS ). I then moved onto three different cockers after being sponsored by Budd Orr, two automags in between, a Diablo Joker STP (which I am selling), and finally onto my E-mag. Have been playing ever since. It's funny....I saw this guy around 60 years old playing the other day at SC Village and I wonder if I will be like him still playing?? Probably.

    E-mag balck teflon p/f hopper left
    J&J 16/14/10" two piece tilt
    Nitro Duck 3000/114
    Revy 12V
    Warp feed ( hopefully on its way )

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Mobile, Alabama


    my story starts about 3 years ago when myself along with 5 or 6 of my friends were walking around wally-world (wal-mart) at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and happened through the sporting goods section and saw paintball guns. a couple of my friends bought talons to play around with and later the rest of us along with others did to, we began to run around in the woods just shooting at each other, we didn't even have masks at first but that changed pretty quick after i got shot in the mouth from like 8' and later after the talons kept breaking and we would replace them a friend bought a cheap semi from wally-world. i did a little more research and bought a spyder compact upgraded it and loved it. decided i wanted more and got my minimag and have upgraded it, i now play at the local field every chance i get while my frineds don't even play anymore

    [email protected]

  4. #34


    Well, a couple years ago, my local wal mart put Vulcan 5000's on sale. 2 of my friends went, and bought 10-15 of them for 5 bucks each, then started selling them for 10 apiece. I bought one, and started shooting stuff in my backyard. Eventually I got bored, and threw it in a closet. That year we went on vacation to visit one of my friends in Colorado. He had 2 Spyders, and a chrono. He asked me if I knew about paintball. I said yes, and explained about my vulcan. Well, by the time we left, I knew I was hooked. When we got back home, I saved, and saved, and bought a Stingray 2 Players kit. I loved it. I never took it to the field though, cuz 3 weeks after I bought it, I saw an an ad in the paper for 'Spyder, and everything needed to play'. i ended up with a spyder, all american barrel, and 2 co2 tanks, and the mask that came with my Ray. The very next saturday, I packed all my stuff in a big plastic cooler and headed to the field, only to find it closed. The field owner plays on Team Confused, and he had a tourney that weekend. Well, I went back a week later. I played all day, and had a blast. As I was leaving, he gave me the latest issue of APG. In it, I saw something. Something I knew I had to have. I saw a picture of a player kneeling in the grass of the staging area with a mag. I knew I had to have one. Two months before Christmas 2000, I walked into the shop and saw it. A used classic p/f, with x-chamber and 2 barrels for 400 bucks. I began to beg my parents, until my dad got sick of it and said 'Fine. Here's what we'll do. You get half the money by christmas, and it's yours.' I worked and beged, but on December 23'd, I had 75 bucks. We went to my grandmother's that day, nd for some reason that I'll prolly never understand, she gave me 125 bucks to get the gun. That very day my mom and I went and bought it. I got it home, hooked up my remote and 20oz, and started shooting. I have been playing ever since, and my team won the local three person tournament last month.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    The first time I played was 3 1/2 years ago. My friend first told me about it. So of course I had to go out and try it. So he and I went out to a local feild one day and played a couple games. Then I started getting hooked. My parents got me a stingray for Christmas but luckly I had a paintball magazine by them and they returned it and got me a tippmann 98. Then about a year after I got the flatline barrel. After that I started playing like crazy! I played speedball, and big games like D-Day, and just out back in my feild. Then the day dawned upon me and the heavens sent me an Automag last Christmas. and thats about it.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    The first time I played was 3 1/2 years ago. My friend first told me about it. So of course I had to go out and try it. So he and I went out to a local feild one day and played a couple games. Then I started getting hooked. My parents got me a stingray for Christmas but luckly I had a paintball magazine by them and they returned it and got me a tippmann 98. Then about a year after I got the flatline barrel. After that I started playing like crazy! I played speedball, and big games like D-Day, and just out back in my feild. Then the day dawned upon me and the heavens sent me an Automag last Christmas. and thats about it.

    Don't Be Intimidated By The Size Of My Mag...Be Intimidated By Me

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2000


    around 5 yrs ago, my older brother got into it, brought some apg's home.. i broozed thru them seeing what it looked like, not knowing a thing about p.ball, then about a week or so later my brother had his first game, where we still,play to the i decided hey why not get into the game and see if i liked i sold some stuff, saved my money, and bought a *drum roll please*.........a b.e. talon players kit,(comes w/ a mask, hopper, and so on and so forth) so, i played against my younger brothers, and w/ my older brother and his friends, all fun and games....til i sold the talon for about 1/2 of how much i bought it for, then i purchased a old edge semi, nice gun but very heavy, that gave me nothing but trouble but i keep playing w/ it....i played w/ it for about 3 months........then one day, i was looking thru the trib and saw a rainmaker(i only had it from oct til december..) for about 125, and i thought wow good deal,i bought it, it worked perfectly...until, it started to goo up on me, and then i messed w/ it, got it working, and bought a aci barrel for it.......very nice purchase............but i wasn't satisfied, and talked to my local shop owner about trading it in, for another gun....i looked around and found my automag i have to the day, and love playing w/ i hold rec games up on my hill where there use to be a house....we play about 11-12 times a yr....

    That is my story i hope you enjoyed it


    "Blood is foul, The Flesh dross. My Ascendance thirsts for life itself"

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Orlando, FL


    MY story begins about a year and a half ago. My son was turning ten last January (2000) and asked if we couild have his birthday party and paintball world (Orlando). My wife and I were dead set against it. We did not want our kids goin' nuts with guns. He did beg for about a month to do this. I did break down a little. My thinking was; we'll go play and the first time he gets hit he'll cry and this nonsense would be over with.
    So... On the eventful day. We go to play. Our first game is what I would call a mad free for all. We did have two teams 20-30 each side. Played on their hyperball field. and paint is everywhere. I get nailed in the nuts soon after the break (note to self wear cup next time). My son plays most of the game and we make a day of it. Monday morning Ipicked up a paintball magazine. by Wednesday I had purchased my minimag. I played 2-3 times a week. When I got home (I travelled for work) Chris and I played on the weekends. We are hooked and now are trying to figure out how to get my 8 year old to play

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Lynden, Wa. U.S.A.


    Well, lets see, it was about 2 years ago that i saw a posting on my office door at work for a managment paintball tourny. I jumped at the chance to eliminate all of my work stress and some of the managment types that piss me off. After that, i played about 5 more times, before investing in an RT and Some good Gear. Ever since than i have been playing about 2-3 times a month, and have even talked my Girlfriend into playing with me most weekends. I enjoy the comraderie that paintball instills in my relationship with her and my other friends.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Bristol, TN, USA


    played my first game in december of 97
    i still remember it perfect
    it was a woods game and they blew the wistle, i didnt know what to do so i just ran behind the first tree
    i remember someone told me watch the flag, and my goggles had gotten so fogged up tis not even funny, so i saw something moving around the flag, and i just shot as fast as i could and didnt stop until i heard a yell of "HEY QUIT IT!!", turns out it was the ref...
    none the less i didnt get hit once that entire day and i hit about 3 or 4 ppl

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)


    Gee I wish I had a story...Well I supose I could just make one up huh? So here goes:

    I was born on a Speedball field in South Carolina. My mother went into labor just after bunkering a guy. They didn't call it bunkerin back then. It was called "Oh ****'n" someone. Know why. Thats what they would say when you popped up over the hay bale and was about to smack em with a paintball up side the head. No wonder huh? Anyway what was I sayin?...Oh yea...The prize was always a young Pig or a Chicken or something back then. Now this was back in 1956. So they used real paint, oil based I think, no wipin in them thar days... yessiree there wasn't..oh yea..where was I?... and they rolled this paint into balls themselves and blew it out of a hollowed out water pipe with their mouths. Not many know of this early editon of Paintball. Most of the evidence is long lost. Or forgotten. And now for some reason Mom was real popular in High school for that talent. For some reason. I forget why. So anyways... I grew up on that thar field with homemade Paintballs flying around. Duckin and dashin to the dinner table and into the bath till I got old enough to get the Hell away from there. And make somthin of myself. Did I ever tell you kids the story of when I went off to College? ...oh well thats another thing all together. Now where was I? Oh yea...Never went back to the sport until just recently. My Kid started playing and tellin me about this thing called Painball... Or I though he said Painball... My hearing ain't so good and I don't always get it jsut right the first tiem. Mostly its my left side although my right side can be trouble if the pitch is real high and ...Sorry where was I? Oh I wasn't realy interested in this Painball see I got this bad back and my knee's...well...anyway...So he says "no Daddy, PAINT ball!". I said to him "Son we played that back in 56!" Why I was born on a Paintball field"... I says...See thats where that phrase first got started yep! It was me. I invented all kinds of those. Like this one:"Don't let the front door hit ya where the good Lord split ya". Yep, that was mee too. back to my story...He says "**** Daddy you are a liar for sure". I says "well Son, maybe so... maybe so". So later I buys myself a Gun and joins him out there. Just nie abouts a year ago. A mag of course. Heard they was good. Earnie said so. Earnie has the local Hardware store you see. He sells a lot of stuff. Screws, Bolts, Chicken feed, fertilizer, wheel barrows, hoes, rakes...well...all kinds of stuff. Did I ever tell you the one about the time Earnie and Luther played paintball? I gotta tell that one some day. Now what was I talkin about...

    Just goes to show you that the more things change the more they stay the same huh? I invented that one too! Didn't know that did ya?

    Thats my story, what yers?

    Quote: Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy
    Author: Benjamin Franklin

  12. #42
    Join Date
    May 2001
    my house


    a few of my friends that i worked with used to come in all the time with poison ivy from playing paintball. they asked me if i wanted to play but i just thought it seemed kinda dumb with getting all that poison ivy(wish i could smack myself). They kept asking me to play, untill i eventually just said i would. figured i'd try it, had nothing better to do. I played with a m98 and was hooked(even though this guy i shot 3 times in the back wiped and swore he didn't get shot). I went and bought a used spyder from one of the guys i played with(wish i could hurt him for selling me that pos). He got a RT. i saw how that shot and i wanted to get a mag so bad(although, somehow he got his RT shooting consistantly at about 375). i played with them for not quite 2 years in this old sump. slowly they started to lose interest but not me. Now i'm the only one from that group that still plays. very sad to see such a lack of dedication. i went to the field when they stopped and i recently joined a team. i've been through about 8 guns in my time. first was a spyder, went to a mag, a pgp, sl-68 II pump, bob long millenium(looking to sell it), bob long defiant(traded for a minimag), and my latest was just hooking up a retro mag. my last project for a gun is a z-body mag all cromed out possibly with a retro valve. haven't decided. but i have a while to go until that will ever happen so for now, i'll stick with my with my 2 mags. I have about $3000 in credit card bills from paintball, but it's most definitely worth it.

    My girlfriend said that if i bought another paintball gun, she'd leave me........ I sure am going to miss her.

    [This message has been edited by TheBigRaguPB4L (edited 06-12-2001).]

  13. #43
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Palm Bay, FL


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by rythm68:
    do you ever goto sleep??????
    Tom only sleeps during the day :-)

    See you on the field,
    -Bill Mills

    Computer / Paintball geek
    Technical Editor, World And Regional Paintball Information Guide -
    Producer, Paintball Television -

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2001
    my house


    wouldn't it be cool to have a story about first starting paintball and you were one of the ones that kinda actually started paintball like tom?

    Cphillip, i just have one word to say, WHOA.

    My girlfriend said that if i bought another paintball gun, she'd leave me........ I sure am going to miss her.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Palm Bay, FL


    An Excerpt from a biography I was asked to write (and was touching up, while browsing this thread....

    Bill Mills first heard about paintball through an article in Games Magazine in 1983. He knew that at his first opportunity he would play. That chance came in 1986 during his first year of college, and he was immediately hooked. The next year, he met Dawn Lindsey and shared his obsession. The two played regularly while dating, and eventually married, while Bill studied Radio and Television Broadcasting, and Dawn studied History and Anthropology.

    Being employed by the Computer Services Department at California State University, Fresno, the pair were using the Internet as a medium to discuss paintball in the late 1980s. Both took part in the voting process to create the newsgroup.

    While still in college, the two formed Corinthian Media Services. They provided graphic art design, computer consulting, video production, and video training services, as well as the design of touch screen based information systems.

    In 1992, a fellow university employee, Steve Mitchell began archiving paintball articles and information from to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. Additional paintball photos and articles were created specifically for the server by the Mills. In 1994, Mitchel made the ftp material available via a webserver on his desktop workstation. Its web address was, and it was the first web site about the sport of paintball. As the site grew, Bill and Dawn contributed content and designed graphics. In 1995, leaving his position at the university for a job in the aerospace industry, Mitchell gave the site to Corinthian Media Services.

    At the time, the web site was being accessed 7,000 times per week by users. The internet was still relatively new, with most users being at universities or technology companies. The Mills realized they were doing something special when they read an article about a major beer company which was thrilled at the 4,000 hits per week received by its nationally advertised web site.

    Little did they know, WARPIG would be serving over 3 quarters of a million files each day and moving over 500 Gigabytes of raw data each month by the year 2000.

    With the encouragement of Action Pursuit Games magazine editor Randy Kamiya and International Paintball Player's Association president, Jessica Sparks, Bill and Dawn began taking the web site seriously as a publication, as well as writing for traditional paintball magazines.

    See you on the field,
    -Bill Mills

    Computer / Paintball geek
    Technical Editor, World And Regional Paintball Information Guide -
    Producer, Paintball Television -

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pembroke, NH, US


    bought a couple talons mailorder in 5th grade (thought they were encredably expensive) and here i am now a sophmore in high school, paintball just kinda snowballed for me.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    May 2001


    I started in paintball when I was in the seventh grade, at a carnival of all places. One of the attractions was a sort of speedball type paintball course. The guns that we were given were the type you had to press from the back to cock them (splatmasters?) It was fun, we had several tries at it, though there was no face masks like we do today.

  18. #48


    It was about three years ago, I was in Wal-mart standing in line at the registers. A co-worker of mine came up to me and asked me to buy pantballs for him (he was only 17). I did, and he told me about the games and where they played. I told him to bring his gun in the next time he worked. Two days later we worked together and he brought in his Spyder Compact A. After work, around midnight, we were in the parking lot and he fired off a couple shots at a sign by my car as I was walking towards it. The next day everyone was asking me if I had witnessed the shooting in the parking lot the night before. OOPS! After about a month of research I ordered my first gun. A Minimag with Package B, mask and tank upgrade, and a remote line from 888 Paintball.

  19. #49
    Join Date
    May 2001
    citrus hieghts ca, usa


    Well I want to say thanks again for the WARP
    that AGD is sending me.
    My friend got me into paintball about 6 months back and i am hooked. Also they closed all the gun ranges in my town.

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Rock Hill, SC


    My paintball career started in '97. one of my friends shot me with his marker when we were playing around with it. It was an old PGP he got at apawn shop. The next day, against the word of my father (I was twelve), I went to the same place and bought a shot out Lapco Grey Ghost. We played all day the next day in his back yard. It was rudimentary (no hoppers and no masks). we used ski goggles. Two weeks later, I went and bought a BE raptor. Now, I am starting my own paintball business, and have nearly twenty grand invested in the sport. I live paintball. Scoob

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Bernardston, MA


    Me and my close friends had always thought paintball was cool, and something we'd like to try, but never really did until a few of them bought guns in October last year. They played several times before I even caught on, and they invited me to play.

    So I borrowed a kids Spyder compact 2000 (worse crap than the TL+ I'd later buy) and had a 9 oz day of fun. I think I bought my gun about 2 days later. Played maybe a dozen times between the middle of November and late December. Sold the Spyder, bought a classic mag, and then proceeded to get T-boned at an intersection a few days after getting my mag and 48/3000 flatline tank, so that was sold before I ever got to gas it up and shoot it. 6 months later, and I should be getting a p/f retromag, scuba fill station and some other junk in the mail middle of next week, this summer is gonna kick some azz

  22. #52
    Join Date
    May 2001
    white plains,md,usa


    i started about 16 years ago on a company outting. it was a team building exercise, hell of a lot of fun. we used old pgps and splatmasters. i was hooked after that. 1st gun a nelspot 007, tricked out with a plastic pump, cut-out grip for quick change co2 cartridge and an extended feed tube, from there a bushmaster deluxe (courtesy of Bad Company of MD) then a tippman pro-am,pro- light, 1st automag, minilite, 2nd automag (tourney gun complete with 8-hole mod) then i took a break from paintball for approx 2 years to fix finacial situation from bad relationship, got a mod98r/t (now my backup gun) and presently with gun in signature. happy to be back!

    black teflon mini, r/t valve, benchy 2x trigger frame,12"freak sys., dye drop foward, benchy gas thru foregrip, 12v revvy, energy

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Holloman AFB NM


    I bought my son and I Talons for christmas 2 years ago... we would go out into the desert and play one on one... we had a blast ... about 4 months later I bought a pair of Piranahs and we used them for about a year... ill never forget my first real game.. in Albaquirque NM... there were about 30 players .. a heck of a lot different from 1 on 1... about a year ago I got my mag and my son worked all summer to buy a Nova 700 we both love them and now we play on a team. it has been a great father son thing for us.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA


    I remember like it was yesterday. It was my freshman year in college. We went to Skirmish USA in the fall of 1996. First time. So that was really cool. Then my school sponsored a trip out there that spring. I was hooked. I then went to the 24 Hour Scenario that year (Mission MIA) and when I was able to, I ran the trips from then until I graduated. I increased our turnout from 18 to 40 over the course of a few years. I play regularly at Skirmish when I make the hike, and renegade down south of my house. It's become a way of life anymore!

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Portland, Oregon


    I love story time!

    June 1988. I played my first game of paintball on the last day of school my sophomore year. I was fifteen years old at the time. My group of friends had played a few times before and owned their own guns – no one called them markers back then, and everyone fired red-filled paintballs. They had a mixture of Nel-Spots, Sheridan rifles with real wooden stocks and the latest and greatest, a Splatmaster Rapide that was capable of semi-automatic fire. I, on the other hand, did not own any paintball equipment, not even a pair of goggles, and I had no idea what the game really entailed. All I knew is that I had wanted to play a game like this my entire life. To creep through the woods relying upon my superior skills of stealth and cunning, to stalk someone down until you could hear them breathing and then – smack! My days of dart guns and Lazer Tag would be a thing of the past. The time had come to play a real man’s game…

    My high school buddies, who always had my best interests at heart, convinced me that a wrist rocket and orange-tinted ski goggles would work just fine against their guns. Trusting their judgment implicitly, I went down to the local army surplus store and purchased 100 paintballs, complete with 10-round tubes, for the inexpensive price of $10.00. Unfortunately, the store had sold out of red, so I had to settle on orange. No matter, soon my friends would be covered in orange splats!

    Rushing home, my best friend and I took out the paintballs, cradling them in our hands in amazement. The shells were hard, almost like plastic, and a little slimy. We rolled them around his kitchen table for over half an hour, and then decided to test them out in my backyard. Making sure our parents knew nothing of our plans, I borrowed my friend’s slingshot and we fired off three paintballs at the back of my garage. They broke on the white wall, leaving behind a goopy orange substance. Cool! Of course, loading them into the wrist rocket was time consuming, and the paintballs had a tendency to fall out before I could fire. Plus, I quickly learned I was not a very good shot. That didn’t bother me though, because my Ninja-skills would surely make up for my lack of marksmanship.

    Next up, I needed to put together my paintball uniform and equipment. My options were limited so I had to be creative. I owned a pair of woodland camouflage pants, some beat-up tennis shoes and a wide-brimmed booney hat that matched my pants. I did not have a camouflage jacket, so I wore a long sleeve shirt with a black T-shirt over the top. To hold my 10-round tubes I used an old army surplus web-belt with a medic’s pouch hooked to the side. As my secret weapon of stealth, I borrowed the black hood and pullover facemask of my older brother’s mail order Ninja outfit, along with the black bracers to cover my forearms and hands. Perfect. I knew those hours of watching martial arts movies had prepared me for paintball.

    The four of us drove out to a place called Sauvie Island, a large chunk of land on the Columbia River that would later become a wildlife reserve. But today, Sauvie Island would serve as my hunting grounds. The terrain consisted of waist-high grass, thick blackberry bushes, thin deciduous trees and sand dunes. As we prepared our gear, my friends took out 12gram Co2 cartridges and heated them up with lighters, telling me this made their guns shoot faster. No problem I told myself, they would never see me coming so it didn’t matter how fast their guns shot.

    The time had come to play, so we split into two-man teams, with one group staying by the car and the other hiding in the woods. I strapped on my ski goggles and instantly the world turned a peculiar amber. Discerning different colors would not be easy through this lens. My friends put on their goggles as well, and I noticed that some of them had wire mesh, like a pair of shop goggles. When I asked why they were using wire mesh goggles, they told me the mesh never fogged up. I asked my friends what happened when they were shot in the face, and they said they simply closed their eyes before the paintball hit them. Their explanation seemed logical to me and I made a mental note to buy a pair for next time. Soon after that day however, we would dub the wire mesh “suicide goggles” for obvious reasons.

    For my first game, my teammate positioned me on a steep sand dune ridge that cut through the middle of a heavily forested area. The top of the ridge had a small path that ran back to the main road so we figured the opposing team would follow that route. I laid down flat, tearing up some ferns and other weeds to cover my head and arms. Minutes passed, and the combination of sun, black Ninja hood and adrenaline began to fog up my ski goggles. I was trying to wipe away the sweat from my forehead when my teammate told me to sit still and be quiet! He motioned that the other team was crawling through the woods on the other side of the sand dune embankment – they were trying to flank us. I hunkered down, took out a paintball and loaded the wrist rocket. Time seemed to stand still when suddenly an enemy player peered over the sand dune not six feet from me! I sat up, pulled back the slingshot and fired… only to see the orange paintball lob over the opposing player’s head at a pathetic speed. Realizing I was in a bad spot, I tried to scurry down the sand dune into the safety of the forest while reloading my slingshot, but the paintball fell into the sand. A moment later, I felt as if someone had hurled a large rock at the top of my head very, very hard. Ouch! I curled up into a ball and called myself out. When the danger of getting shot again had passed, I walked back to the car to wait for the game to end. Apparently, my skills at stealth and cunning were not all they were cracked up to be. I did manage to fire my slingshot one other time in the next four hours, though I never hit anyone. After hearing my tale, my dad took pity on me and bought me a Rapide and 1000 red paintballs for my 16th birthday – conveniently when my mom was out of town. I’ve been hooked on this sport ever since.

  26. #56
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA


    I remember back in 87' or so when Gotchya! the sport came out featuring Jim McMahon (Bears QB at the time) on the commercial. My dad ened up buying one and just shot it around the house, at me when I was bad, etc.
    I was never allowed to play with that gun
    then Nintendo came out with Gotchya! that worked with the light zapper gun. I loved it but was still too young to play REAL ball. It wouldn't be till 99 before I actually shot my own paintball gun. Me and 3 buddies all bought Stingray 2 guns and played. My buddy lifted his mask to clean off the fog and got hit dead in the lower lip! OUCH! He was ok, well enough in fact to attack me for his stupidity. Well, I had so much fun, I have been playing ever since. I upgraded to a RT in 2000 and to an E-Mag in 2001. Very happy indeed.

  27. #57


    well I first started in 96 when my aunt sent me a talon and some paint for christmas. me and my brother both got one and played 1 on 1 and thought it was the best ever! we played a few times more but quit playing throught out the whole summer. i then moved to the mountains and found that all of my friends played but they all had semi's like stingrays and spyders, i wanted to play so i went down to the store and bought a spyder and we played every weekend that we could. i just recently bought my mag and we continue to play every weekend!!

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Tulare, Ca. U.S.A.

    Thumbs up

    Got out of the Army played pantball with my brothers rec field and bam now im NOV with an electro. My nubie rookie days i used a Mini Mag. It has many trophys. Well now it is a Defiant but hey the Mini still gets used when i play Rec ball in the jungle.

    Nubie Rookie Team Headhunters
    Novice Team Kellys Heros

    Kelly Jung
    Tulare Ca.

  29. #59
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Kauai HI USA


    I only started around Christmas. Just before Christmas my friend bought a BE Blade. We used to do dumb punk things with it(shoot street signs and the plastic deer at a golf course). There were about 3 of us. Then one of ny friends gat a stingray for 30$. We were all in awe at the semi. I borowed a ray from a college bound friend. Then the guy with the blade got a ray for Christmas. We played in the woods with about to layers of clothes on. We finally went to the paintball store to check it out. The owner asked us what kind of guns we had and then told us that we would soon upgrade. I didnt believe I was just in it for fun. But the more we pllayed we releazed how much ray lagged. I bought a used spyder 1. It was a good gun. My friends bought piranas (sts). Believe me a used spyder 1 is a lot better than a new pirana. We played with those for a while and then I finally got a mag. The first time I used it was at a tournement. We actually won it. We beat guys with tribals and hardcore autocockers.I was happy with my mag but my friends were looking into getting new guns. They of course got the cocker bug even though i dropped hints about mags.We played in2 more tournys since then won one and got spanked in the other.One of my friends finally bought a new gun. A 98 cocker. First time he played with it was in a tourny last sunday. It broke down 2 out of 3 games.I got a good laugh out of that. In this tourny we got shut down hard. I saw my first angel. Cool gun.Couple ppl playing full auto but there I was tripping them out with my mag with Z-grip high rof.

    PS I think AGD should pay me some commison or at least get me some free stuff LOL LOL.
    When Igot my mag there was one other player with one that I knew about on the Island(Kauai) now there is many many with a bunch in the works mostly because of me

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2000


    Good thread....

    First game was around 88/89 in Daytona Beach,FL. My high school buds (all of us going military) asked me to play. After getting warmed up (actually smoked a time or two) I learned to play with 2 splatmasters at once (cock one against my hip while firing the other). My aggressive (although freaky) wild-west style prompted the Echo 2 Rangers to ask me to join their team. We made routine pilgrimages to Ocala, FL for the now famous 24hr scenario games. I remember when the Jax Warriors numbered about 20 and wore some sort of weird custom camo that had yellow in it. Those days were fun- some guys using slingshots, the "rich" guys had nelson autotriggers. The game really changed with the semis- if you had $$$ you could come and spray paint all day. This is why I still love stock class games...

    From 88-91 my gun evolution was:

    -Splatmaster, Nightmare, Nelson 007, Phantom (still own), Tippman SMG 68, Factory modded my SMG 68 into a 68 Special (still own), and a thump gun (one of those homemade potato cannons turned paintball shotgun), Para Ordinance Mod-85 (still own).

    In '91 I went off to college (ROTC) and my stuff went into storage for about 7-8 years as I began moving with the Army. Eventually my brother-in-law came across my boxes during a move and asked if he could use it. My stuff on loan got a whole bunch of Georgia boys into the sport and they asked me to come play when I visited home one trip. After a day of trading paint with my old phantom vs. the new semis I was again hooked. I did some research for a new gun and the decision was simple- Automag. I remembered the AGD name and was attracted by its simplicity and ruggedness. Bought a BBT Pro Mag in 99 and it has evolved from there.

    I am stationed in South Korea now, so paintball opportunities are limited to say the least. Some of the MWR (Morale Wellfare and Recreation) offices of the Posts/Bases have paintball fields, and I play rec when I visit home (now Georgia) so occasionally I get a fix. I stay on these forums so I don't loose track of the sport like I did before. I am done with the Army after this tour and will settle down in GA, working in the family business. I have a son on the way (Aug) and look forward to introducing him to the sport in a few years. The group of guys who brought me back to the sport want to start an amateur team when I get back...Can't wait!

    "Life is tough but it is even tougher if you're stupid!"

    Euro Powerfeed Retromag w/Flatline and ELCD

    [This message has been edited by sajohnston (edited 06-15-2001).]

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