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Thread: Project Spyder

  1. #1

    Project Spyder

    Well, I just got a free spyder body today. The kid knows I like to timker with things, so he gave it to me, and now I need some ideas. So what should I do to it?

    **edited for spelling**
    Classic RT - RT02667
    Blade IntelliFrame
    Dye Ultralight

  2. #2
    And also, where is the cheapist place to get spyder parts? other than the classifieds.

  3. #3

    Autospyder? Spyderpump? Spydermag? Spyder-Doorstop?

    [edit] more on the Auto-spyder. Why not do a stealth cocker thing? put all the cocker parts in the body (but I suppose you'll have to leave the LPR, 3way and Ram External.

    [edit 2] Ebay sounds like a fun place to get parts.

  4. #4
    Actually, for a while now I have been thinking of trying to make the bolt/striker controlled by a ram instead of a spring, and making a cap where the LPC goes thats tapped for a LPR. Then putting a solenoid valve in the grip frame, and use like a morlock board or something to run it all.

    It just might work, hehe

  5. #5
    Well, I was drilliing out the VA for higher flow, and royally screwed it up, lol. I didn't lik eit anyway I want a 15* one.

    I think I've decided to just build a custom Spyder for a backup. I'm gonna have it custom anno'd black with a red hatchet man and the word "Juggalo" over it(like the pic below.

    Part list:
    Custom Anno'd body
    CiP Fullforce Bolt w/ KAPP Twisted cocking rod
    CiP 15* VA
    Twiztid Volumiser
    Tornado Valve
    Palmer Stabilizer
    Shocktech long Drop
    Black Dragun LCD Frame w/ CiP or Zenitram Trigger

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Mobile, Alabama
    Originally posted by WickeDKlowN
    Actually, for a while now I have been thinking of trying to make the bolt/striker controlled by a ram instead of a spring, and making a cap where the LPC goes thats tapped for a LPR. Then putting a solenoid valve in the grip frame, and use like a morlock board or something to run it all.

    It just might work, hehe
    Then you'd have a Timmy ....... or an Impulse ... or an Angel for that matter.
    The only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage.

  7. #7
    Yea, well I've never messed with an electro, so I had no clue that they worked liek that. oh well, it would still be badass to do that to a spyder.

    Anyone happen to know where I a get a Ti striker? I forgot the name of the company that makes 'em, and I can't find one at the stores I looked at.

    Hmm... I just got an ideal... I should turn it into a harpoon gun, hehe.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Mobile, Alabama
    I don't know who makes a Ti Striker (Hammer) but I'd imagine that would be hella expensive? The Ti Bolt pin I have for my Impulse cost me about $20 ... and it's about half the size of my pinky and about the same width as a pencil.

    From what I hear, polishing your internals allows you to drop the pressure a bit. You can also get the trigger pull on the stock double trigger frame very short (couple of mm) using a method I read about somewhere.

    Somewhere I the new I came across a really useful webpage that had all tons of info on how to trick out a spyder. If I find the link I'll post it here.

    PS. About that Imp/Timmy/Angel comment ... I wasn't being a smart *** just saying ... didn't know how you took that.

  9. #9
    I found a place that makes the Ti Strikers. They are supposed to give you more efiency since it takes less air to reset it. The site is i think.

    P.S. I knwo you wern't trying to be a smart as

    Edit: changed link

  10. #10
    dont just build it up into a spyder, that would be boring. make it something COOL! atleast mill it and make it warp feed. but im thinking spyder-cocker

  11. #11
    Yea, Electro SpyderCocker would be cool. I'm trying to get it milled soemthing like Ripper milling, or liek the chord sluggo's. Making it warpfeed would be cool too.

    Think about it, Warped Ripper Electro Spyder-Cocker. It would have to have it a good name. Like "Play's With Squirrels" hehe(you have to watch Boy Meet's World to understand that).

  12. #12
    Heres my "plans" for a what happens when a spyder, a cocker, and a mag have a threesome. lol.

    Just need a special valve, hammer and bolt. Then mill a slot ontop for the cocking rod. And a trig frame that a 3-way will fit in. Suppose I could make it electro (anyone know what kinda solenoid valve(thing that replaces your 3-way) is used on electro cockers(like the eblade)?)

    Might have to flip the ram around to the back tho.

  13. #13
    The valves to black draguns are one-way, try that?

    Put a cocker trigger on it :P
    Good traders: a_bloomer10, nub, mark_426
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  14. #14
    Black Dragun's take Spyder valves.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Dirty Dirty South
    check out this site... may help u some... i hope that helps sum

  16. #16
    black dragun valves are one way? then how does it recock? i dont think i believe this.
    [email protected]

    "wow they musta had some mad gats popin ya up fresh boy" -Nick O Time

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    naples, florida USA
    try polecat paintball. they do alot of spyder work. im not sure of the site though. search it on google.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Mobile, Alabama
    Originally posted by zgrip4me
    check out this site... may help u some... i hope that helps sum
    That's the site I was talking about

  19. #19
    LittlePaintballBoy Guest
    drill a bunch of holes in it and see if it works. that would be some cool millng.

  20. #20
    Last I heard they are one way but like I said I HEARD not confirmed...

  21. #21
    I think I'm going to turn it into a Tennis Ball launcher. Just need a way to get a LARGE dump chamber.

    Anypne know what the max input a cocker LPR can take? it will be feeding into a 3-way and ram, so I don't want it to blow those.

  22. #22

    i dont know if this will help

    most cocker lpr are set to output around 80 to 100 psi and most inuts are from 150 to 300 into the gun

  23. #23
    Well stock cockers rin like 450-500psi right? that should be more than enough for what I want to do.

    Anyone have an idea on how to hav an abnormally large dump chamber? I have a gutted X-Chamber(holds more than a gas-through, and a LPC, but that won't be enough.

    I originally wanted to run unregged CO2, but that would blow the poor 3-way, lol. SO I could run a female stab on the bottom, then have 2 lines coming off, 1 for the LPR, and one going to the dump chamber(wheatever I decide to use for it).

  24. #24
    how about you use it for what it was ntended. a door jam.

    i like what your coming up w/ i hope you get it done sounds cool. keep us informed.

  25. #25
    stock cockers usually come from wgp running around 220 psi i thought not 450-500

  26. #26
    I saw this on it used to be a spyder.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    saw this on the net somewhere thought it kinda fit here

  28. #28
    that is the Gheyest thing I have ever seen.

  29. #29
    wtf is it?

  30. #30
    personman Guest
    Its not real its just some joke.. It cant be real, it has no trigger hmm the backblock is on upside down

    Seriousally guys

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