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Thread: Where Chris Nearchos?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Northern VA
    Here is an interesting PM a while back. It describes my issues with him and the warp breach he worked on. He tried to get a mold of the breach but the mold stuck to the part..... Take it for what its worth...

    04-21-2009 Re: Breach Updates?
    08:46 PM Chris Nearchos

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Nearchos
    sorry for not getting back sooner. just been extreamly busy with everything.

    but to give you a heads up, everything i had (idea wise) from that breech will be coming to life very very soon. I have my new CNC on the way and will start cranking everything out.

    but i am glad you were able to fight all the odds thrown against you with the mag. I do truly apologize for all the crud i caused you.


    Quote Originally Posted by pbpixels
    Just saw this PM, I just got the part reanodized and everything looked great!! There was no sign of what the breach actually use to look like...

    Hope your business is going well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Nearchos

    Sir, I just want to express how sorry i am for all the problems i have caused you with the breech. I do hope that when you go to have it annoed that it will look like nothing ever happened. Which i think it will now with that acid bath i was able to give it.

    I know that what i sent wont even come close to making up for the situation. But it was a start i believe. hopefully will be great replacement parts for you. Again, if you wish to leave negative feedback or anything, by all means go ahead. you deffintly deserve to have the ability. but if you wish not to, then okay.

    as an update for the project, i should have the project parts coming in this coming week and see how they fit and all. hopefully they fit exactly as they should and Xmags will be having a new lift in the world.

    With all that said, i do hope this wont distrust you from dealing with me in the future and hopefully we can continue to keep a great mag owner friendship.


    Quote Originally Posted by pbpixels

    Got the package over the weekend! Everything looks good...kinda..

    Thanks for the ACE Board, that looks great btw..

    Also thanks for the extra emag board!!! you never know when I may need one of thos!!

    I was able to polish up the warpbreach and it turned out looking pretty good!!

    Glad everything worked out in the end.


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Nearchos
    Quote Originally Posted by pbpixels

    Any news on the breach? LMK. Thanks!
    Actually, Yes! good news to be exact. I honestly did not want to send the breech back to you in the condition it was in. So i tried one last time to correct the situation. And it worked. I was able to get my local Machinest to fix the problem. What he did was a very light acid bath for a bit of time. This way it cleaned the surface very slowly while being able to keep a very close eye on it so that no damage was done from the acid. And it worked! Most of it has been cleaned off and the rest (just to stay on the safe side) should be taken care of with the acid bath in the prep stage of anno'ing. So the breech has been pretty much saved and looking a whole hell of a lot better now!
    I just got it back from the machinest on saturday (took a bit longer to get back because of the holidays). But i just had it shipped out today. Shipped via USPS priority mail (2-3 days).

    Traking #: 9125 7850 9140 1868 7098 97

    has $400 insurance
    has signed DC

    in your parcel you will find:

    - your breech
    - your new ACE board
    - another special item

    I will pp you the $100 i owe you. So shoot me your PP address and i will get that to you as soon as i can.

    but with that said, another good piece of the news. I was able to make a good mold copy of it with some special liquid plastic i got in (before sending it to the machinest). So as soon as i get the New Emag boards finished up, I will have the Xmag breech idea done up and out for production.
    Which will be great for the Xmag owners that want to use break beam eye setup with the new board.

    Finally, I want to truly appologize for all the problems and hassel i have caused you. I dont know why this project (just to make a copy) was so troublesome from the start. But it is finsihed and time to reap the benifit of the whole point. I will deffintly make sure that it is know that if it wasnt for you....the whole thing wouldnt have happened.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    edited info out
    Last edited by Dend78; 01-19-2010 at 09:42 AM.
    2k2 Angel LCD
    turbo trigger
    CP volumizer

    2k Angel CnC LCD
    Vert Frame
    Freak Barrel

    B2k x-milled
    micro rock
    Dye sticky 3's
    vertical max-flo
    Edge barrel with blue J&J tip

    Egg 2 y board
    Empire Reloader
    Dye Throttle 91/4500
    Crossfire 114ci/3000
    Angel Air Reg

  3. #33



    I sent you a PM just now with some of my info

    This thing with me is this. Chris was great and he kept me updated and responded very fast any time I e mailed him then about Late June or Early July it was like he fell into a black hole.

    Last msg I had he said he had some stuff come up but he was gonna get complete my order in a week or so and I would have the guns back in short order. That was about five months ago.

    Since then I have tryed to get in touch with him by every means I had and I have gotten ZERO response.

    I was worried that he had been hurt or killed or something untill I found this thread today.

    If anyone knows him and can talk to him he has a few days to get me my stuff before it becomes a legal matter.


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    There is no Spoon
    Hey guys, I did a bit of looking on the internet and found a listing for Chris and it appears that I also have a place of employment for him. It states he is the Owner of Greencastle (Greencustle) Laminate.

    If you need the contact info PM me and I will give it to you. Maby this will get you in touch with him.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks
    Hey guys, I did a bit of looking on the internet and found a listing for Chris and it appears that I also have a place of employment for him. It states he is the Owner of Greencastle (Greencustle) Laminate.

    If you need the contact info PM me and I will give it to you. Maby this will get you in touch with him.

    nice your Google-fu must be stronger than my own very good grass hopper PM inbound!

  6. #36

    Just FYI

    When I googled you need to realize that Chris is the II and I did find a 43 year old listed at the same address. I assumed that since Chris was an Aerospace student that would have been his father.

    I suspect the biz is his fathers


  7. #37

    Golden Gun

    I decided to document what he has if anyone sees this for sale let me know. Only good thing is I did not ship breach or barrel so it is an incomplete gun


  8. #38

    The Second Hostage

    Chris also has this


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mapleton, UT


    Wow he has both of those beautiful xmags?
    I can only imagine what you must be going through, what your poor mags must be going through as they molested by a strangers hands.

    Let's get a lynch mob together and go after this creep before something horrible happens to your babies.

  10. #40

    Breech of Contract

    I am just thankfull I did not send the breach with either one.


  11. #41
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    edited out
    Last edited by Dend78; 01-19-2010 at 09:43 AM.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    There is no Spoon
    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp Thing
    When I googled you need to realize that Chris is the II and I did find a 43 year old listed at the same address. I assumed that since Chris was an Aerospace student that would have been his father.

    I suspect the biz is his fathers

    Yes, but I would bet the father knows how to get in touch.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks
    Yes, but I would bet the father knows how to get in touch.
    my thoughts as well I may give him a buzz and see if he can help us out in any way possible

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mag shooter since '96
    The sad irony in all this is that Chris lead the pack in attempting to get stuff back from devils den...

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp Thing
    Chris also has this

    How long ago did you send that to him? Saw this for sale on the nation 10 months ago. Not sure if it was you that bought it though:Xmag

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Smoothice
    The sad irony in all this is that Chris lead the pack in attempting to get stuff back from devils den...

    this is what im saying its totally off the wall, he was very into what he was doing, i dont know if the legal actions he spoke of has really put him behind the 8-ball or what hes told me nothing more, and I hate to dig and pry at the guy but I dont know what else to do.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    this is what im saying its totally off the wall, he was very into what he was doing, i dont know if the legal actions he spoke of has really put him behind the 8-ball or what hes told me nothing more, and I hate to dig and pry at the guy but I dont know what else to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stayhuge
    How long ago did you send that to him? Saw this for sale on the nation 10 months ago. Not sure if it was you that bought it though:Xmag
    I do believe Swamp was the buyer there, it was up here as well

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mag shooter since '96

    maybe some info from this thread can help you guys track him down.

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    well here is some more news to add to the fire, the number is disconnected

    and the business is also at his home which from what i see on Google Earth is quite a ways out there

  20. #50

    Kig Tut X

    Yes I was the Buyer of that mag when was up for sale. Once I got it it had a battery pack that had been converted to run off a nine volt style connector I could not charge so after talking it over with Chris I sent to him to get it to work off of one of his battery packs. Chris said he had gotten it to work and if I remember right was gonna sent it to me seperate from the gold as he needed one small part and did not want to delay my receipt of the X. At the time he was replying to all my PM and E Mail so I was like nah just keep it and ship it back in one package.


  21. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sorry to see this AO brothers.

    You guys find/look for him in facebook, ect....?

    Said he had some legal troubles?? Think he is in Jail?

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    There is no Spoon
    Here is a different listing and address for the company, same phone:

    Ah...maby this info will help:

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I think those NJ Mafia guys need to go see what's up

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mapleton, UT
    Definitely do a public records search see if he is involved in any legal issues you'd also be able to find out if he is in jail.

    I really do hope that he is a straight shooter who's just had some rough times but even so just to be safe everyone should post what He has so and then post on every paintball forum regarding this lest he attempts to unload his merchandise.

  25. #55
    Join Date
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    edited out
    Last edited by Dend78; 01-19-2010 at 09:45 AM.

  26. #56

    Last Contact

    Just to document

    This is the last I heard from Chris from Aug 24 2009

    I am at a stand still due to a big move atm. I also have another problem involving my time atm. But i will have everything but your gold X out to you by the end of this week. Sorry for the delay, but i have just been pounded by life situations lately. But dont worry, iam not running off with your guns or anything.


    This is the last time he replied to me via PM or E mail. I have had no response since then and my Tut Mag and hopper where not delivered as he stated in this mag. At Xmass it will be four months without any info with two $1000 plus mags and a hopper MIA.


  27. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    strange that was the last time i heard from him as well Aug 25th

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mapleton, UT
    hire a headhunter. If it comes to it's worst you all suould pool together and get a PI. You really should have someone do some research. If he is in any trouble with the gov. Or another legal entanglement They might have seized his assets. In which case he may be scared to contact you guys.

  29. #59

    Stranger and Stranger

    I sent a Certified Letter to him on November 17. It was at the post office untill 12/4/2009 and just got back to me as return to sender after two weeks of being unclaimed.

    My police report will be final in the next 24-48hours here in Arkansas. I plan on getting the PA State Troupers on the case then. If they can not help a PI may be a good idea.


  30. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West By God Virginia
    Swamp , I feel for you , I don't know how far it is from Arkansas to greencastle , but sounds like it may be time for a road trip , don't some of them ums boys live in east pa ??

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