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Thread: ANSGear fraud.

  1. #1

    ANSGear fraud.

    I was given a trackin # with my order and it turns out it was fake.
    I got all the paper work from USPS in PDF.

    If anyone know how to post PDF files on here that would be great because it's quite funny really.

    Thank god i used Paypal.
    Last edited by fflamingmoe; 06-06-2010 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fflamingmoe
    I was given a trackin # with my order and it turns out it was fake.
    I got all the paper work from USPS in PDF.

    If anyone know how to post PDF files on here that would be great bcause it's quite funny really.

    Thank god i used Paypal.
    Fake number or did they mistype it? Did you contact ANS?

    That would be pretty ballsy if they flat out gave you a fake number to rip you off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Waterless Ga
    I had problems with them, so did Frizzle Fry and only god knows how many others. I used paypal but it still took forever.

    I bought something of of them on ebay (barbspaintball). Everything went wrong, I got all their info from paypal and ebay. All the contact info was the same for barbs and ans but they said they didn't now what I was takling about. I got my money back but it about 3 month.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Waterless Ga

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ansgear has always worked great for me. I guess they have had some issues recently, but everytime I order from them it goes smoothly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Schenectady NY
    I have never had any issues. Order quite a bit as well.

  7. #7
    might not be the end of the world....I ordered some corvette parts last week....I was sent a UPS number.....I tracked it and it said it was going to the wrong state......tracked it the next day and all was good. It was a UPS error

  8. #8
    I made my order with International shipping.
    When i called Payple they told me that they should have received International shipping from Ansgear but they didn't.

    And not only that but USPS as a request sent me a fake signature
    telling me that i received my order.

    I'm a Canadian so i take things pretty well.
    It took 1 week to get shipped to CA to CA.
    I live in North Bay,Ontario
    Thing is i get USPS shipping almost every day from the U.S
    and this is the first.
    Last edited by fflamingmoe; 06-06-2010 at 02:34 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I wish my grass was Emo so it would cut itself
    I was a bit leery of using them, but took a chance for a $50 Tadao board for my Mini. It turned out fine for me. A little slow on shipping, and the board is the old 14BPS flash. I suppose I could send it in to be reflashed but haven't contacted Tadao yet...overall totally worth taking a chance on for a price like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gardners, PA
    I've ordered from them a half dozen times or more and I've always gotten my stuff in a few days. However, at least half the times I've ordered, the items i wanted ended up not being in stock evan though the site says they are. But, I've always gotten a refund quickly when that happened.

  11. #11
    USPS told me that i got the shipment already with a signature that isn't mine.
    And you don't take a chance on $350 bucks.
    Thing is i can wait 2 months to get my gear.
    But when i see that it's not my tracking number and not my signature there is a problem.
    Mybe they got me mixed up with someone you never know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    very strange. I had put an order into ans about 3 weeks ago for a few ASA's, couple barrels and a tshirt. within 12 hours I got an email saying they were out of stock on the tshirt, and asked if i wanted to wait for it or just cancel the shirt. I cancelled the shirt and it was shipped the next morning. I got it 4 business days later to Toronto, ON. I was quite impressed with their customer service and speed of contacting me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fflamingmoe
    And not only that but USPS as a request sent me a fake signature
    telling me that i received my order.
    So, someone signed for your stuff that was shipped to your address?

    Now, I would be pissed... but apparently that's because I'm American

  14. #14
    Well what happend was,someone signed for it in CA,
    The only thing i see is that ANSgear forgot something and they had to sign to ship it back out.

    But the USPS postal said i had signed for it already and i did not.
    I called USPS and paypal,and paypal told me they should have got a International shipping tag and they didn't.

    It's been stuck in California for a week saying it reached it's destination and was signed by me.

    I get alot of shipments day to day from USPS and the last shipment from them was over a 100 pounds lol.
    You should have seen the guy carry it up 2 flights of stairs.
    I'm just going to get ahold of them tomorrow and see what's up.
    Last edited by fflamingmoe; 06-06-2010 at 10:39 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    a toda madre o un desmadr


    I've never had an issue with ans, they have good deals

    But they're local and they probably assume I know where they're located and ill come down there personally, LOL

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mag79
    I had problems with them, so did Frizzle Fry and only god knows how many others. I used paypal but it still took forever.
    What a nightmare that was... The best part was calling CP, sending pictures, and having a guy call me back immediately and scream "What the *****" on the phone as he opened the attached pictures.

    I wouldn't touch ANS with a 10 foot pole, which is a shame because I still use their old LVL7 bolts.

  17. #17
    That's a shame too.
    I don't want to make too big of a deal about it though but i seen some not too good things over at PBN, with the same tracking scam as they pulled on me.
    I'm no member over at PBN but there is still some good people over there to help.
    And i think it's mostly because they don't have the things in stock like they say they do.
    It would be cool if you could go down there Rudz and ask how Christopher Davey's order is doing joke

    Like all Canadians this one is for you ANSgear.
    They're sending out again
    It should be here in 10 days with no trackin#
    I'll keep you guy's posted.

    called USPS today and guess what?
    NO record of them shipping it back out to me.
    The USPS post told me that i should have the new Tracking # that i had request from ANSgear.
    It just gets better and better.
    It looks like i'll be getting the blender out just to make sure i can eat my hat haha.
    I recieved a Delivery Notice in the mail taday and looks like it's 99.99%ANSgear.
    I can't pick it up till tomorrow and i'll keep you guys posted with pictures soon.
    Order Received from ANSGear at 12.30 Pm
    Thanks goes out to them.
    Order from TheMagSmith was also Received today at 11:15 Pm
    and a big thanks goes out to them as well.
    I gues i'll start the blender.
    Last edited by fflamingmoe; 06-15-2010 at 03:19 PM.

  18. #18
    I just put in a complaint to the BBB for deveptive ad practices

    Company Information: ANS Xtreme780 Chambers Lane, Ste. 210Simi Valley, CA 93065Website: http://www.ansgear.comPhone: (805) 522-8700 Complaint Text The Company modifies paintball markers (guns) with their own body kits and markets the product as an "ANS" branded product in the "ANS" brand section of its website. Essentially a body kit, with another company's gun internals. Meaning the gun tech at ANS had to modify and take apart another company's product, doctoring it, in order to make it the ANS branded product. The product that I purchased had a failure that should have been covered under warranty however and when I called ANS about the product, they said in an email that it is not their product and that I would have to go to the other manufacturer even though the marker is clearly labelled and "ANS Razor Ion marker". The other manufacturer in question is called Smart Parts and the ANS Razor Ion was not placed in the Smart Parts section of products but ANS'. Additionally they have me the run around regarding warranty for the marker. They said in an email which I kept that ANS warranty's "their" products for a year. Then when I showed them proof of purchase, they backtracked and said that the ANS Razor marker was not their product. This is clearly deceptive advertisement. Resolution Sought: Revise and state in each ad it warranty practices for equipment they market as ANS branded equipment. Date Problem Started: 5/21/2010Date of Transaction: 1/21/2010Amount in Dispute: $0.00Invoice Number: 74876Complaint Type: Ad PracticesProduct or Service: Company is a third party distributor of paintball equipment. If you have any questions regarding your complaint, please contact the Complaint Dept. at (805) 963-8657 or email [email protected]. Complaint Department BBB of the Tri-Counties

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by chuey
    I just put in a complaint to the BBB for deveptive ad practices

    Company Information: ANS Xtreme780 Chambers Lane, Ste. 210Simi Valley, CA 93065Website: http://www.ansgear.comPhone: (805) 522-8700 Complaint Text The Company modifies paintball markers (guns) with their own body kits and markets the product as an "ANS" branded product in the "ANS" brand section of its website. Essentially a body kit, with another company's gun internals. Meaning the gun tech at ANS had to modify and take apart another company's product, doctoring it, in order to make it the ANS branded product. The product that I purchased had a failure that should have been covered under warranty however and when I called ANS about the product, they said in an email that it is not their product and that I would have to go to the other manufacturer even though the marker is clearly labelled and "ANS Razor Ion marker". The other manufacturer in question is called Smart Parts and the ANS Razor Ion was not placed in the Smart Parts section of products but ANS'. Additionally they have me the run around regarding warranty for the marker. They said in an email which I kept that ANS warranty's "their" products for a year. Then when I showed them proof of purchase, they backtracked and said that the ANS Razor marker was not their product. This is clearly deceptive advertisement. Resolution Sought: Revise and state in each ad it warranty practices for equipment they market as ANS branded equipment. Date Problem Started: 5/21/2010Date of Transaction: 1/21/2010Amount in Dispute: $0.00Invoice Number: 74876Complaint Type: Ad PracticesProduct or Service: Company is a third party distributor of paintball equipment. If you have any questions regarding your complaint, please contact the Complaint Dept. at (805) 963-8657 or email [email protected]. Complaint Department BBB of the Tri-Counties

    As long as "ANS" has been around,... this one you linked for "ANS Xtreme" has only been registered for 1 year with the BBB.

    Another thing you could do,.. is report them for using "ANS Xtreme" where it is a registered name with the company "ANS".

    Looks pretty shady.......
    Jai "P8ntbal4me" Menard

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    As long as "ANS" has been around,... this one you linked for "ANS Xtreme" has only been registered for 1 year with the BBB.

    Another thing you could do,.. is report them for using "ANS Xtreme" where it is a registered name with the company "ANS".

    Looks pretty shady.......
    ANS Gear a.k.a. ANS Xtreme a.k.a. ANS Paintball a.k.a. ANS Tech a.k.a. ANS PB a.k.a. ANSupply

    Other "Ebay Shell" names I've encountered:'


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Frizzle Fry
    ANS Gear a.k.a. ANS Xtreme a.k.a. ANS Paintball a.k.a. ANS Tech a.k.a. ANS PB a.k.a. ANSupply

    Other "Ebay Shell" names I've encountered:'


    Well see Ive "heard" that Barbs is a bad dealer,.. and this wasnt recent news,.. it was well over 3 years ago Ive heard this story.

    Maybe they changed staff and got a bad string of QC problems

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I would rate them FAIR.

    Personally I would avoid them as there are many other GREAT e-stores out there.

    Sometimes they have crazy deals, and that is the only time I use them now. Some deals are just so great that it is worth the little bit of hassle and poor customer service.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    Well see Ive "heard" that Barbs is a bad dealer,.. and this wasnt recent news,.. it was well over 3 years ago Ive heard this story.

    Maybe they changed staff and got a bad string of QC problems

    ...They're ANS Gear. Your money goes straight to ANS. They sell CP knockoffs and DYE knockoffs as genuine.

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