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Thread: Someone has to say it

  1. #1
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    Someone has to say it

    Mid Term Elections.

    Yeah, I know it'll turn into a firestorm when we discuss Nationals, but for now I wish to point out something local to me.
    Just this little corner of Virginia, where early in-person voting started today.

    I'll save you the trouble of looking at the numbers of candidate affiliation
    4 are Republican
    4 are Democrat
    97 are Independent

    What would be the odds of that? What does it say about the local "political persuasion"?
    I look at numbers. I see statistics, averages, trends, try to separate the wheat from the chaff and calculate odds.
    At first glance, it seems the predominant percent of this local, very rural, population is not interested in either Democrats or Republicans.
    The majority of Candidates are unwilling to align with either party in fear of fallout depending on the results of the 2024 election.
    Or... I could keep going, but it's no more than speculation at this point. We will know in, what? 45 days? Or six months, depending.

    (searches Ebay for proximity suit)
    CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals

  2. #2
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    With all of the mainstream media and political persecution of Trump supporters, many are NOT affiliating. There was actually a term they call it now I just dont recall it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    With all of the mainstream media and political persecution of Trump supporters, many are NOT affiliating. There was actually a term they call it now I just dont recall it.
    Maybe if the supporters stop breaking the law, then they won't get prosecuted. I am not really seeing everyone get indicted nor am I seeing charges being dropped at any rate, from people who follow the laws in the country. So it is not a arrest them now, sort them out later policy, no matter what bogus news source ever you choose to follow.

    But overall, it is because of partisan politics. No one in any party can do much without the need to go down party lines, and if you do go against them, you are vilified for it. Likewise there is no real attempt by one side, IMO, that even attempts to go against the party, regardless of if it actually against their own beliefs, for fear of party reprisals.

    To me, this is actually good. We have become a de facto 2 party system in this country because those 2 parties became powerful entities, pushing and diminishing any other party out of the way. With that, you would have to weigh personal politics with whatever lesser of 2 evils party matches with you to get noticed or have resources necessary in today's political world.

    So people are going, literally back down to the roots and running as an individual, with no ties to any one party. You can't label them as there is no label to apply and that is good. Now you have to listen to that person and not just vote for party only. Heaven forbid that we should listen to what the candidate is saying and make judgements based upon their actions and words instead of what letter Is behind there name.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Maybe if the supporters stop breaking the law, then they won't get prosecuted. I am not really seeing everyone get indicted nor am I seeing charges being dropped at any rate, from people who follow the laws in the country. So it is not a arrest them now, sort them out later policy, no matter what bogus news source ever you choose to follow.

    But overall, it is because of partisan politics. No one in any party can do much without the need to go down party lines, and if you do go against them, you are vilified for it. Likewise there is no real attempt by one side, IMO, that even attempts to go against the party, regardless of if it actually against their own beliefs, for fear of party reprisals.

    To me, this is actually good. We have become a de facto 2 party system in this country because those 2 parties became powerful entities, pushing and diminishing any other party out of the way. With that, you would have to weigh personal politics with whatever lesser of 2 evils party matches with you to get noticed or have resources necessary in today's political world.

    So people are going, literally back down to the roots and running as an individual, with no ties to any one party. You can't label them as there is no label to apply and that is good. Now you have to listen to that person and not just vote for party only. Heaven forbid that we should listen to what the candidate is saying and make judgements based upon their actions and words instead of what letter Is behind there name.
    Wow you idiocy has reached epic new heights. Bravo

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Wow you idiocy has reached epic new heights. Bravo
    As opposed to what? The facts that when you have people do criminal acts that the justice system should look elsewhere because of a letter behind their name or that there are people who don't care for the partisan aspects of the job, that actually want to help with the government, to improve lives? Cause your views seem only to, well be hypocritical of what your political party says and what they do.

  6. #6
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    same thing is going on with Dems in certain areas, they are hiding their affiliation to avoid conflict. i am not one of them and am no longer registered as a Dem.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    wow you idiocy has reached epic new heights. Bravo

  8. #8
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    How about we stir it up with a hypothetical.
    Let's postulate that the 97 Independents vs 4 Democrats vs 4 Republicans is a trend that extends beyond my little area and continues to grow.
    Extrapolate that through a few election cycles and you could see the Democrats implode worse than Enron, while the Republicans fade away like Hare Krishna and saffron robes. What does that leave us? A House and Senate comprised of independents, each with their own agenda?
    Is a two-party system worse than a 100-party system?

    Pure conjecture. The odds of that are low compared to other Global issues that may be more immediate.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    How about we stir it up with a hypothetical.
    Let's postulate that the 97 Independents vs 4 Democrats vs 4 Republicans is a trend that extends beyond my little area and continues to grow.
    Extrapolate that through a few election cycles and you could see the Democrats implode worse than Enron, while the Republicans fade away like Hare Krishna and saffron robes. What does that leave us? A House and Senate comprised of independents, each with their own agenda?
    Is a two-party system worse than a 100-party system?

    Pure conjecture. The odds of that are low compared to other Global issues that may be more immediate.
    The cream will always rise to the top. So if there are legitimate political parties that do separate themselves from the established 2, then it is all for the better. Look at the elections of the first 100 years of this country; there were plenty of 3 party elections, and though some like JQ Adam's and Jackson in 1822(?, going off the top of my head) were messy, the constitution did provide a solution to the situation, much to the chagrin of the participants(, lol, sounds like 2020).

    But the only thing that the Democrats and Republicans can and do agree upon is that keeping only 2 major parties ensures their viability. Look at your own lives, where do you make a decision that is only from 2 choices? And who is to say that you can only have 2 choices in anything?

    It has long been postulated that a 3rd party only takes away from either or both parties in number of votes but that tells me that the 2 parties don't really represent the majority of the people. Candidates under the independent label is not new. You could say it is skirting the notion of the 2 party system, but where does it say in the constitution that you can only have 2 parties or even be affiliated with a political party? Independent candidates only hurt the various political parties and confuse those people who only judge people by the letter behind their name without actually hearing their message. That is where partisan politics fails. They have become way to big, to a point where they wish to be jack-of-all-trades but rarely even stick to 1 policy or a set of codified policies.

    Now the biggest difficulty of being an independent is, of course the large coffers that the parties can draw on for national or at least statewide races. A local comptroller or freeholder, won't need that help, but a US senator or a preside trial run, does. If you haven't paid attention, it costs money, lots of money. Not even the looser who won in 2016 but lost in 2020 uses their own money. Yes he did say he did but what fool wouldn't use someone else's money to run? Which he did do. Look at his contributions lists. He'll, look at his own Super PAC. Any conman loves it when people freely(and sometimes not so freely) gives you money. So an independent candidate will not have much help nationally beyond their own fund raising.

    But, from your own extrapolation, who is to say that a 100 individuals isn't what we have now? Why should party affliations be more important than personal goals? A congress person is there to be a representative of their state, not for a single party. They work with the other reps to not only get like laws made into laws and push like agendas on how they and how the people who elected them and forwarded. By the partisanship now, the congress could be an interchangeable set of flags and no one would really notice, and to a point, you only 3ver notice the bad ones on either side of the divide, regardless of party.

    So I see your query as not a dark abyss leading to ruin but entering a new dawn, one that is more akin to those that stood in the first congress than what we are dealing with today. A democracy or a representative democracy is still made up of the people, no where does it say that you have to have a party affiliation to participate.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    How about we stir it up with a hypothetical.
    Let's postulate that the 97 Independents vs 4 Democrats vs 4 Republicans is a trend that extends beyond my little area and continues to grow.
    Extrapolate that through a few election cycles and you could see the Democrats implode worse than Enron, while the Republicans fade away like Hare Krishna and saffron robes. What does that leave us? A House and Senate comprised of independents, each with their own agenda?
    Is a two-party system worse than a 100-party system?

    Pure conjecture. The odds of that are low compared to other Global issues that may be more immediate.
    Just because someone claims to be something , doesn't really mean it's true , Seems politicians are the biggest liars there are

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    The cream will always rise to the top.
    Really? If you think the top of our administration is the cream of society, then I think you're milking a bull.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Really? If you think the top of our administration is the cream of society, then I think you're milking a bull.
    Think about this. In a primary, or even better yet, the presidency, what is the determining factor? Is it policy, experience, or even vision for the job, or is it literally the amount of money that they can pour into their campaign to win their race for their party? How does having money mean you are better than everyone else? It is moreso the ability to outspend or outraise an opponent than it is to be better apt for the job.

    Now for this admin, no. No matter what I say, your opinion does not look kindly upon them, just as I will say that the last admin should all be put into jail. I prefer to discuss this abstractly, as this is much better than the normal shouting matches of "my party is better".

    But there is a crucible of sorts that does happen to where a person is placed in a position to be noticed, and they have the opportunity to raise up like cream to do the best they can. You can say there is or are always hindrances of opposition to that job but they are in position to do it, for better or for worse, because you and I didn't even rate a chance at that position.

  13. #13
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    Jeet yet ?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Think about this. In a primary, or even better yet, the presidency, what is the determining factor? Is it policy, experience, or even vision for the job, or is it literally the amount of money that they can pour into their campaign to win their race for their party? How does having money mean you are better than everyone else? It is moreso the ability to outspend or outraise an opponent than it is to be better apt for the job.

    Now for this admin, no. No matter what I say, your opinion does not look kindly upon them, just as I will say that the last admin should all be put into jail. I prefer to discuss this abstractly, as this is much better than the normal shouting matches of "my party is better".

    But there is a crucible of sorts that does happen to where a person is placed in a position to be noticed, and they have the opportunity to raise up like cream to do the best they can. You can say there is or are always hindrances of opposition to that job but they are in position to do it, for better or for worse, because you and I didn't even rate a chance at that position.
    So much hypocrisy I don't even know where to start...

    ......You know you want one!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Think about this. In a primary, or even better yet, the presidency, what is the determining factor?
    I take it you don't know the Peter Principle.
    But I'm told 81 million people voted for this:

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    So much hypocrisy I don't even know where to start...

    Well, you could try with the 1st sentence and work your way there, cause I really want to see where I was being a hypocrite.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrate jim

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    I take it you don't know the Peter Principle.
    But I'm told 81 million people voted for this:
    This guy who makes bad fake vids? Why not find the CNN or even better yet, find me the foxnews broadcast of the speech and i will believe it.

    But what gets me is, the right needs to make up fake stuff and to doctor things in order rto make Biden look bad. If he was as horrible as you make him out to be, then why the need to doctor vids and speeches. Shouldn't his own ineptitude stand on its own? I mean, you never had to edit trump for saying something stupid, inane, stupid, inflammatory and down right wrong. But too bad Biden didn't have trump's sharpie, he could have diverted the hurricane away for Florida.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    I take it you don't know the Peter Principle.
    But I'm told 81 million people voted for this:
    Joe Bob the diaper king does it again !

  20. #20
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    I was trying to keep it abstract. (and got a laugh, which you never do)
    But if you force me to it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    But what gets me is, the right needs to make up fake stuff and to doctor things in order rto make Biden look bad.
    Sure. Hillary denied the 2016 election to the point of using Clinton Foundation donations to pay for a fictitious document, used by Schiff to obtain bogus FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent. These are the same people saying they were going to impeach Trump even before He was elected.
    In the six years since, the left-wing has impeached Him twice and both times acquitted. Expending all their energy on "Orange Man Bad" while ignoring the real problems. And that persecution is still going on today, almost two years after He left the oval office.
    And you, yourself, continue to perpetuate that persecution. Every political discussion here turns into some Zoroastrian dichotomy right around the time your TDS kicks in.
    Get over it. Trump is not sitting in the oval office. Deal with reality for a change.

    Shouldn't his own ineptitude stand on its own?
    Oh, it does. Unless it's walking up stairs or riding a bike.
    (I can end on a joke, can you?)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post

    I was trying to keep it abstract. (and got a laugh, which you never do)
    But if you force me to it...
    Oh I was enjoying this, till now. Talk in the abstract was fine for this. But funnily enough, other people like vintage agreed with me, in that it isn't as bad a problem as you make it out to me. Unless I am wrong, but that is how I read it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Sure. Hillary denied the 2016 election to the point of using Clinton Foundation donations to pay for a fictitious document, used by Schiff to obtain bogus FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent.
    And Gore denied Bush in 2000, I am sure Dole denied Clinton in 96, and I am pretty sure the GOP denied Obama in 2008 and 2012. But yet, even if the FISA warrant was bogus, it wouldn't have stood up to scrutiny on the appeal. Besides the point, that the FBI had other evidence of campaign tampering, which would have lead to the warrant anyway. But that all in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    These are the same people saying they were going to impeach Trump even before He was elected.
    Again, every party says that about a most hated opponent, it was just this time that there was enough evidence to bring up charges, twice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    In the six years since, the left-wing has impeached Him twice and both times acquitted.
    Acquittal doesn't mean innocence. As some have pointed out about Clinton's impeachment. But the 2nd was bipartisan and while many on the right had said privately and off the record, or was it in taped phone conversations, that if they had any backbone, they would have but party politics and all. Forget that he was actually guilty and all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Expending all their energy on "Orange Man Bad" while ignoring the real problems.
    Let's see, supporting of an invasion to a sovereign democratic nation? Check
    Lower gas prices? Check
    Stabilizing NATO? Check
    Passing an infrastructure bill to provide clean drinking water, rebuilding the roads and bridges, etc and so forth? Check
    Providing additional Healthcare for veterans with the Pact act? Check
    Establishing new circut and semiconductor manufacturing? Check
    Lowering unemployment rate to a 50 year low? Check
    Prosecution of persons who used seditious acts? Ongoing
    Shall I go on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    And that PROSECUTION is still going on today, almost two years after He left the oval office.
    I fixed it for you. The thing is, when a person breaks the law, it doesn't matter who he is, what he does or how much money he has(or at least the idea of it, the prosecuting, though his money is also made up). So if the man is innocent, and to date he has not been found guilty of any crimes yet, he still broke the law. He did take government property. He did obstruct with the government's ability to recover those documents. Something that any normal person would already be in jail for and something that the ex-president actually raised the law on.

    So while you might think that this is a presecution of, the law is moving on this and all of his team of lawyers are getting mopped the floor with. This might be the Petar he is hoisted on, but the other ongoing criminal and civil lawsuits that the ex-president is involved with tells this layman that he isn't innocent, just that nothing has stuck yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    And you, yourself, continue to perpetuate that persecution. Every political discussion here turns into some Zoroastrian dichotomy right around the time your TDS kicks in.
    How do I perpetuate this? I am posting every day all of the misgivings of him in court? I am ranting about how he was the worst preside t in history? No, I use him as an example of your own biases. You can not say anything nice about Biden, as much as I can not say anything nice about the Jabba Don trump. That is a fact. I was enjoying the abstract nature and only after other people, decided that my examples were too much to take are we here. If I had this syndrome, then wouldn't I then try to turn every example against him?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Get over it. Trump is not sitting in the oval office. Deal with reality for a change.
    Get over what? I know he isn't in office, but tell that to many here that think the BS lies that the ex-president perpetuates, constantly has effected. Reality is plain as the nose on my face. I am not loving in the past. As much as I thought any of his impeachments would have at least barred him from office, it didn't happen. Oh well, I will certainly blame a multitude of spineless party members for folding under by some mean tweets. Yet the orange man is facing so many other charges, like obstruction, and election tampering(Georgia), and the civil litigation in NY to name a few. As much as I can hope that one day that slob will finally be caught red handed and pay some consequences, I play no part in that. I don't put heroes on pedestals, as they are only human.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Oh, it does. Unless it's walking up stairs or riding a bike.
    (I can end on a joke, can you?)
    I know. Only if the law of gravity would be appealed. Wow, it's not like Trump never needed a hand walking down a ramp. Here an 80y/o was biking and fell down. News flash. Old man fell down and didn't have a Medoc alert bracelet. We are so glad he didn't break a hip...

  22. #22
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    Public Service Announcement ~
    The phrase "Let's Go Brandon" is one year old today.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Public Service Announcement ~
    The phrase "Let's Go Brandon" is one year old today.
    Last edited by going_home; 10-03-2022 at 08:23 PM.

  24. #24
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    By the way, gas went from just under $4 per gallon to well over $6 per gallon here in Commiefornia within the last 2 weeks.....

    Build back better is really KICKIN' A$$

  25. #25
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    Lets go Brandon!
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    By the way, gas went from just under $4 per gallon to well over $6 per gallon here in Commiefornia within the last 2 weeks.....

    Build back better is really KICKIN' A$$
    You do realize that is is still a supply and demand situation? Of course not. It is so much better to <female dog> and complain than to realize how the world works. Yes come on keep on keeping on with this.

  27. #27
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    Uncle Sam is a commie,
    Russi's red, white and blue.
    So the President's lost a screw or two,
    Ain't a thing We can do.

    Time to settle back, enjoy it.
    Problems ain't nothing new.
    So the World's looking more and more askew,
    What's it matter to you?

    lyrics by Randy Neumann
    Seemed comically appropriate.
    With all the stuff going on, I'm still going to play paintball this weekend.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    You do realize that is is still a supply and demand situation? Of course not. It is so much better to <female dog> and complain than to realize how the world works. Yes come on keep on keeping on with this.
    What I realize is that life has gotten progressively worse under this administration. You can deny all you want and fall back on whatever laws you THINK the "orange man bad" has broken. You can spin it however you want. You are just a fool following a fool. Go ahead and tell me that I am the one drinking the KOOL-AID. You are the KOOL-AID drinker here...what is the flavor of the week....grape, is it?

    You say you are a free thinker yet you parrot all the same points of MSM. You hold yourself at a high regard. I would venture to guess that 98% of the people you have engaged on these political threads feel that are as dumb as a rock and would argue the color of the sky just to take an alternate view.

    In my opinion you are a village idiot. Every village needs one, you are AO's.


  29. #29
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    Those who torment us for their own good will torment us without end,
    For they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
    C.S. Lewis

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    What I realize is that life has gotten progressively worse under this administration.
    How so? Saying it is worse without giving examples is a poor opinion, one of which is hating the admin only because it isn't your part of your political party is well poor. It is even more contrary without reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You can deny all you want and fall back on whatever laws you THINK the "orange man bad" has broken.
    See, this is where I just don't understand you personally and politically. He has a history of defrauding people(the trump charity, trump university, to name but 2). He has a history of not being caught at the things he has done to people(countless sexual assualts on women). And he has a history of breaking the laws. Now yes, if you don't get caught you can't say he is a "criminal"(I use the word criminal only in this context), but it is the same as a person who is guilty of committing a murder but never going to jail for it.

    But my views of him are not singular, as he has pending lawsuits against him and not just for one thing. While you could say that it is because he is a polarizing figure but also, when you see the shear amount of destruction wrought by him and everything that he has said, well where there is smoke there is a fire. So do not confuse the fact that just because he has never been caught and paid the price he is innocent. And, by some of your own talk, (not necessarily you personally, but of others that share you political views), that you try to make out others to be the worse criminal, yet when people talk about your candidate or your party, how you seem to turn a blind eye to the facts.

    For example, trump is not a republican. He shares nothing with what the party stood for. He literally saw an opening to be able to control a party and saw it. He was friends at one point with the Clinton's and was a donor to them in the 90s. He wasn't about conservative spending, as he doubled the deficit. He has no family values, as a 3x divorced person, who also paid women for sexual congress. He us not pious nor religious. Evidence by the 2019 pic of how he held the Bible at that photo op in DC that was cleared by tear gas.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You can spin it however you want.
    Spin nothing. I call a spade a spade. Just because I don't deify the man, doesn't make it spin. And there are plenty of 1st hand accounts, and even actually recordings that show him for who he really is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You are just a fool following a fool.
    Why? While Biden has never been my 1st choice, he has done well with what he has had to rebuild. Got people working again. He wants to provide for those citizens that need a hand. He wants to position the US as a world leader. How is that the act of a fool. It's not like he is trying to schmooze with dictators or his he literally made a deal with China to secure trademarks for himself when he should have been acting for the good of the country, or how he tore up a trade deal only because his predecessor done it, to not only get a worse deal but ruin any chance of staying on tip. Otlr maybe how he used the art of the deal to help accelerate Iran's nuke program by decades by removing the sanctions that was throttling them. Yes I follow the fool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    Go ahead and tell me that I am the one drinking the KOOL-AID.
    You are. You literally told someone to "take that back" when someone criticized trump over an opinion. If you cannot objectively talk criticism of your choice, then you see him do nothing wrong and everyone else is bad. Biden is old, and I really think that he is too old for the job.he has a crackhead for a son that he loves, unconditionally. He misspeaks constantly, staff has to walk back statements. He mishandled the exit out of Afghanistan. Those are truths, but you can't say anything about your guy. That is the difference. When you drink the kool-aid, you see nothing bad ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You are the KOOL-AID drinker here...what is the flavor of the week....grape, is it?
    If I were, then wouldn't I be parroting exactly what you are saying? Wouldn't I be with the majority of people who are commenting on this, i.e. drinking the kool-aid. No, I am standing up for what I believe in and the party that mostly Apts my political views. So you can't be in the minority and be part of the majority. It is quite contrary to each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You say you are a free thinker yet you parrot all the same points of MSM.
    Wow, this tired old line.
    1) you don't watch TV, you certainly don't watch msnbc, so how would you know I am a parrot?
    2) it is not wrong to parrot, as it were a news source(you can certainly argue where the right gets their news from, whether it is opinion or a reliable news source), as if you get that information, and then have it shape your opinion. That is the news' job, present information. Since I am neither the source nor the person gathering the information, I would only parrot what I get.
    3) if you have ever noticed, I do not site articles provide many links nor do direct quotes much. Ever wonder why? It is because I read anything, think about what it says and in this case, relay that here as what I interpreted. While I try to separate opinion from fact, I do not parrot much.
    4) not once, do many people ever directly challenge what I write or have written. So, you can say what you will, but how can you say that I only ever copy and not actually have an opinion about it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    You hold yourself at a high regard. I would venture to guess that 98% of the people you have engaged on these political threads feel that are as dumb as a rock and would argue the color of the sky just to take an alternate view.
    Well, since the main feature of these inane, moronic and highly against the rules threads that always seem to bypass the mods who are neither unbiased and will engage in them, themselves are about 5 or 6 people who like to go around the same dance. And surprisingly, when we met face to face, I was neither talked down to nor put in my place for my political views. So, either you have a spine more than than those people or they are just keyboard warriors. And Tuna's moonshine still warms you up in the morning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    In my opinion you are a village idiot. Every village needs one, you are AO's.
    That is not very nice. But the funny thing is, in ye olden times when a king had a fool, that fool used to be able to tell the king the truth, as the king would often, either by fear or cowering, have his councilors always tell him what he wants to hear, not the truth. So the king would turn to the fool for advice and often times heed more to the fool than the advisors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    I used to get upset at this, not anymore. This really has no teeth, and to a point, never did. I see it like how Biden went down to Florida to see the destruction and to make sure that the necessary aid would be given to the people who need it. And I saw how the GOP all kept quiet and held their ever so sharp tongues while Biden made sure of the relief efforts happened. A lesser man would have admonished him in front of cameras(you can't really say that it didn't happen behind closed doors, unless a witness comes forth), Biden didn't. He saw the opportunity and rose above it.

    Besides, the simple fact that Biden himself uses, moons it and the WH Twitter managers seem to have created the DarkBrandon memes, makes it even more hilarious.

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